August 31st 2015 - Bank holiday weather
Saw this pin and had to laugh as usually it is very true of bank holiday weather! HOWEVER, it is NOT the case for today up in the lake district. The sun is shining, its very hot and lovely! A really nice day.
And here is a pic to prove it:
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Monday, 31 August 2015
Sunday, 30 August 2015
August 30th 2015 - Done too much
August 30th 2015 - Done too much
Today's pin is great and just about sums up today:
This is lined to my knee and chronic pain (again!)
Yesterday we went to Thomas Land as lil man's birthday treat. We had hired a mobility scooter for me to use which was great. However, lil man wanted me to go on a couple of rides with him and this meant that I had to get off scooter and join a que (I stayed on scooter as far as I could). However, standing and the short walking and the jolting of the ride has left me in absolute agony. I didn't sleep much last night due to the pain either.
I have managed to get up and put my pj bottoms on with a normal top. I have been to the toilet and I have served tea up (not cooked it) and this is a BIG achievement for the amount of pain I am in. I am glad I did yesterday though as lil man loved it. I am going to be in pain for a few days to come.
Today's pin is great and just about sums up today:
This is lined to my knee and chronic pain (again!)
Yesterday we went to Thomas Land as lil man's birthday treat. We had hired a mobility scooter for me to use which was great. However, lil man wanted me to go on a couple of rides with him and this meant that I had to get off scooter and join a que (I stayed on scooter as far as I could). However, standing and the short walking and the jolting of the ride has left me in absolute agony. I didn't sleep much last night due to the pain either.
I have managed to get up and put my pj bottoms on with a normal top. I have been to the toilet and I have served tea up (not cooked it) and this is a BIG achievement for the amount of pain I am in. I am glad I did yesterday though as lil man loved it. I am going to be in pain for a few days to come.
August 29th 2015 - Drayton Manor/Thomas Land
August 29th 2015 - Drayton Manor/Thomas Land
What a long day! It was lovely but very long.
We were up, dressed, fed, car packed and out of the door by 08:30am. What should have been 1hr 35mins drive took over 2hrs. This was partly due to having to slow down through Leicester town centre and partly due to us having to do an emergency toilet stop at the side of the road and then a delay to get into the car park at Drayton Manor (we we're queing for 20minutes!) By the time we had got parked, got my wheels out and sorted the suncream/hats and picnic bits it was almost 11am, we got our tickets and went in.
We met up with my friends husband and children just inside, they had gotten there before us. Sadly my friend was unable to be with us as she had collapsed a few days before and was still in hospital, but rather than let her children down her husband said he would bring them and meet us. None of us had ever met before (even my friend), we have only communicated via internet and phone for the past 5 or 6yrs.
My 3 boys and my friends 2 boys and 1 girl all got on really well together. My boys are a bit older than my friends children and I asked my eldest 2 to look after her youngest 2 on the rides. As it was a hot bank holiday weekend the place was packed and the ques were long. It took 45mins to get on 1 ride! So whilst they were on that ride I joined the que (on my wheels) for the next ride, once they came off it they came and joined me in the que! This meant that they didn't have as long to wait for the next ride. We did this a few times. We also split up and the older kids went to que for 1 ride with adult and the younger ones stayed on smaller rides.
We all had a great day, the kids went on many rides and cost us all a fortune! It was a shame I didn't get to meet my friend, but hopefully we will meet at somepoint in the future. Her children are lovely and her daughter kept holding my hand. The boys all played nicely together and her husband has a similar sense of humor to me.
We left Drayton Manor at 5:30pm and set off home, we needed to avoid the M6 toll road as we refuse to pay and said we would stop at mcdonalds when we found 1. Obviously this did delay our trip home. We finally got home very tired at 10:15pm.
What a long day! It was lovely but very long.
We were up, dressed, fed, car packed and out of the door by 08:30am. What should have been 1hr 35mins drive took over 2hrs. This was partly due to having to slow down through Leicester town centre and partly due to us having to do an emergency toilet stop at the side of the road and then a delay to get into the car park at Drayton Manor (we we're queing for 20minutes!) By the time we had got parked, got my wheels out and sorted the suncream/hats and picnic bits it was almost 11am, we got our tickets and went in.
We met up with my friends husband and children just inside, they had gotten there before us. Sadly my friend was unable to be with us as she had collapsed a few days before and was still in hospital, but rather than let her children down her husband said he would bring them and meet us. None of us had ever met before (even my friend), we have only communicated via internet and phone for the past 5 or 6yrs.
My 3 boys and my friends 2 boys and 1 girl all got on really well together. My boys are a bit older than my friends children and I asked my eldest 2 to look after her youngest 2 on the rides. As it was a hot bank holiday weekend the place was packed and the ques were long. It took 45mins to get on 1 ride! So whilst they were on that ride I joined the que (on my wheels) for the next ride, once they came off it they came and joined me in the que! This meant that they didn't have as long to wait for the next ride. We did this a few times. We also split up and the older kids went to que for 1 ride with adult and the younger ones stayed on smaller rides.
We all had a great day, the kids went on many rides and cost us all a fortune! It was a shame I didn't get to meet my friend, but hopefully we will meet at somepoint in the future. Her children are lovely and her daughter kept holding my hand. The boys all played nicely together and her husband has a similar sense of humor to me.
We left Drayton Manor at 5:30pm and set off home, we needed to avoid the M6 toll road as we refuse to pay and said we would stop at mcdonalds when we found 1. Obviously this did delay our trip home. We finally got home very tired at 10:15pm.
August 28th 2015 - Happy Birthday
August 28th 2015 - Happy Birthday
Happy 6th Birthday to my lil "dinky dot", I can't believe you are 6yrs old today, where has the time gone???
Me, my hubby and friend we were staying with put up Thomas Tank banners ready for him to wake up to. We didn't do too many because it wasn't my house. But lil man was happy.
He had already had some of his birthday presents before his birthday - like his scooter so that he had the 6weeks holidays to play on it and he had his presents from 1 of his godmothers before we went away so he could thank her. We left his cards on the table but not his presents as we didnt want the dogs to rip them open!
He was really pleased when he opened his presents - a thomas tank wallet (to put his birthday money into he said) and a thomas watch, a thoms tank dvd he has been asking about for ages, a set of speedstcks and lastly and most importantly a thomas tank mega bloks set that has Butch the recovery lorry in, he has wanted it for ages but it was discontinued 18months ago, I found it on ebay though! He had £5 and a pack of malteasers from his great nan, a jigsaw from his other godmother, £10 from my sister and £5 from his best friend/girlfriend, and his other godparents sent him £20 as well.
He is 1 very lucky little boy. We spent the day playing, and sorting out food etc as we were having a small party in the evening. All of the food had thomas trains and labels, we played thomas games etc.
we had: sir tophams sausage rolls
Diesel'sfuel stop for the drinks
Percy's pizza slices
rosie's rocks of grapes and raisins
Farmer mccolls fruit & veg car - carrot & cucumber
Thomas's treat car - barney bear cakes, iced gems and party rings
Toby's twiglet lumber
Charlie's crisp car
Charlie's chicken bits
Thomas the tank birthday cake from asda
We placed sweets in gre and black balloons and said that they were fallen rocks and they had to burst them in order to move them from the track, once burst they had teh sweets but had to clear up the bits of balloon as "they were still on the tracks"! (saved me cleaning up).

Here they are trying to burst them
We played "pass the train" instead of pass the parcel. The train was an empty box with no lid and I covered it with a train front, back and both sides, inside it we put sweets. When the music started they passed the train around and when it stopped whoever had it took out a sweet. We made sure that everyone had 2 sweets (there were only 5 there but should have been more). Then on the last go whoever had the train won it and the rest of the sweets. This happened to land on birthday boy and he said would share them with everyone.
We also did musical bumps and musical statues. The last game we did was "pin the light on thomas" (bought off ebay). This is played in the same way as pin the tail on donkey etc. We "cheated" for the 2 12year olds and turned the image upside down but 1 of them still won!
We had planned to play coal toss (bean bags into a bucket) but we didnt in the end as the kids we're happy to just dance to the music and disco lights.
Happy 6th Birthday to my lil "dinky dot", I can't believe you are 6yrs old today, where has the time gone???
Me, my hubby and friend we were staying with put up Thomas Tank banners ready for him to wake up to. We didn't do too many because it wasn't my house. But lil man was happy.
He had already had some of his birthday presents before his birthday - like his scooter so that he had the 6weeks holidays to play on it and he had his presents from 1 of his godmothers before we went away so he could thank her. We left his cards on the table but not his presents as we didnt want the dogs to rip them open!
He was really pleased when he opened his presents - a thomas tank wallet (to put his birthday money into he said) and a thomas watch, a thoms tank dvd he has been asking about for ages, a set of speedstcks and lastly and most importantly a thomas tank mega bloks set that has Butch the recovery lorry in, he has wanted it for ages but it was discontinued 18months ago, I found it on ebay though! He had £5 and a pack of malteasers from his great nan, a jigsaw from his other godmother, £10 from my sister and £5 from his best friend/girlfriend, and his other godparents sent him £20 as well.
He is 1 very lucky little boy. We spent the day playing, and sorting out food etc as we were having a small party in the evening. All of the food had thomas trains and labels, we played thomas games etc.
we had: sir tophams sausage rolls
Diesel'sfuel stop for the drinks
Percy's pizza slices
rosie's rocks of grapes and raisins
Farmer mccolls fruit & veg car - carrot & cucumber
Thomas's treat car - barney bear cakes, iced gems and party rings
Toby's twiglet lumber
Charlie's crisp car
Charlie's chicken bits
We placed sweets in gre and black balloons and said that they were fallen rocks and they had to burst them in order to move them from the track, once burst they had teh sweets but had to clear up the bits of balloon as "they were still on the tracks"! (saved me cleaning up).
Here they are trying to burst them
We played "pass the train" instead of pass the parcel. The train was an empty box with no lid and I covered it with a train front, back and both sides, inside it we put sweets. When the music started they passed the train around and when it stopped whoever had it took out a sweet. We made sure that everyone had 2 sweets (there were only 5 there but should have been more). Then on the last go whoever had the train won it and the rest of the sweets. This happened to land on birthday boy and he said would share them with everyone.
We also did musical bumps and musical statues. The last game we did was "pin the light on thomas" (bought off ebay). This is played in the same way as pin the tail on donkey etc. We "cheated" for the 2 12year olds and turned the image upside down but 1 of them still won!
We had planned to play coal toss (bean bags into a bucket) but we didnt in the end as the kids we're happy to just dance to the music and disco lights.
August 27th 2015 - Places to go and people to see
August 27th 2015 - Places to go and people to see
Today has been a busy day. The title should be people and places but it didn't sound right! We are staying at one of our friends houses. We had told her that we had few things to do etc and would be back just after lunch. However, plans changed and she didn't get my message.
We started off by going to see my mum's best friend and the godmother to all 3 boys as planned. Blake decided that he liked her pot of stones in the garden - not just stones but crystal types, clear fish etc, asked where they were from, his godmother didn't know and told him to take them. So he filled a bag and said they would look nice in his fairy garden.
From here we went for Dinner with my Nan at a local pub. The food was nice and the service was mostly good, but it took over 20minutes to pay for it because the people in front of us were argueing over the cost of their bill and there were 3 members of staff trying to sort it out. This is where our plans changed as we were meant to be heading back, but my sister rang me and asked if we would go and meet her.
We went to meet my sister as not seen her since january and she asked if we wanted to go to Fineshade Woods in Northamptonshire, sounds far but it's only about 20minutes drive from Peterborough. It wasn't anywhere we had heard of, which is a shame as it was really nice and certainly somewhere we would have gone when we lived that way.
We took out my Wheels so that I didn't have to walk and my sister said that I had a "granny mobile" - I don't care! lol! We went round the woods to a tree house where the boys played for a while, lil man got stuck and had to be rescued from the top of it. we then headed back to the smaller play area for a little while.
My friend we are staying with rang to check we were ok as she had expected us back a few hours before and she said she hadn't got my message. She was glad we were ok but she was going out but told us how to get in house etc. We were on our way to car when she rang anyway but we needed to go supermarket for party food for tomorrow so said would be an hour or so. It took us ages to pay in Morrisons as they had very few tills open and long ques!
Today has been a busy day. The title should be people and places but it didn't sound right! We are staying at one of our friends houses. We had told her that we had few things to do etc and would be back just after lunch. However, plans changed and she didn't get my message.
We started off by going to see my mum's best friend and the godmother to all 3 boys as planned. Blake decided that he liked her pot of stones in the garden - not just stones but crystal types, clear fish etc, asked where they were from, his godmother didn't know and told him to take them. So he filled a bag and said they would look nice in his fairy garden.
From here we went for Dinner with my Nan at a local pub. The food was nice and the service was mostly good, but it took over 20minutes to pay for it because the people in front of us were argueing over the cost of their bill and there were 3 members of staff trying to sort it out. This is where our plans changed as we were meant to be heading back, but my sister rang me and asked if we would go and meet her.
We went to meet my sister as not seen her since january and she asked if we wanted to go to Fineshade Woods in Northamptonshire, sounds far but it's only about 20minutes drive from Peterborough. It wasn't anywhere we had heard of, which is a shame as it was really nice and certainly somewhere we would have gone when we lived that way.
We took out my Wheels so that I didn't have to walk and my sister said that I had a "granny mobile" - I don't care! lol! We went round the woods to a tree house where the boys played for a while, lil man got stuck and had to be rescued from the top of it. we then headed back to the smaller play area for a little while.
My friend we are staying with rang to check we were ok as she had expected us back a few hours before and she said she hadn't got my message. She was glad we were ok but she was going out but told us how to get in house etc. We were on our way to car when she rang anyway but we needed to go supermarket for party food for tomorrow so said would be an hour or so. It took us ages to pay in Morrisons as they had very few tills open and long ques!
August 26th 2015 - Wheels!
August 26th 2015 - Wheels!
Today we went to collect my wheels from the mobility scooter hire place on route down south. We found a company in Keswick, just under an hour from us and on route, they hired it to us for a week at a very good price.
I don't want to be on a mobility scooter at my age BUT if its the only way I can go out to places and have trips as a family then I will do, as I am still unable to walk very far.
The scooter was a small grey 4 wheel version (similar to pin but different make). The man explained all buttons and how to take to bits/put back together and off we went back to the car. We had to empty out all the bags and things in the middle of the car park, take the scooter to bits and put in first and then pack everything around it. We had to remove the parcel shelf as the boot was slightly too full for it, but we got everything in!!!
This was to be my transport along with my crutches for Thomas land at Drayton Manor at the weekend. My boys are not bothered about me being on it and have said the same if its the only way we can go out then it is.
Today we went to collect my wheels from the mobility scooter hire place on route down south. We found a company in Keswick, just under an hour from us and on route, they hired it to us for a week at a very good price.
I don't want to be on a mobility scooter at my age BUT if its the only way I can go out to places and have trips as a family then I will do, as I am still unable to walk very far.
The scooter was a small grey 4 wheel version (similar to pin but different make). The man explained all buttons and how to take to bits/put back together and off we went back to the car. We had to empty out all the bags and things in the middle of the car park, take the scooter to bits and put in first and then pack everything around it. We had to remove the parcel shelf as the boot was slightly too full for it, but we got everything in!!!
This was to be my transport along with my crutches for Thomas land at Drayton Manor at the weekend. My boys are not bothered about me being on it and have said the same if its the only way we can go out then it is.
August 25th 2015 - packing
August 25th 2015 - packing
Not to move but too go away for a few days. Normally this isn't a problem as we take the big hold all with most things in and then 1 or 2 of the boys backpacks with the overflow stuff, plus anything else that we want to take.
Today was different though, we needed 5 peoples clothes for 4 days in as small a bag as we could because we had birthday presents, disco lights, food, sleeping bags and a mobility scooter to get in the boot of the car!
I managed to get most of the clothes in a small hold all and 1 back pack. We had a wheeled suitcase with birthday presents and disco lights in. The boot looked really full and we still had to collect the mobility scooter.
Not to move but too go away for a few days. Normally this isn't a problem as we take the big hold all with most things in and then 1 or 2 of the boys backpacks with the overflow stuff, plus anything else that we want to take.
Today was different though, we needed 5 peoples clothes for 4 days in as small a bag as we could because we had birthday presents, disco lights, food, sleeping bags and a mobility scooter to get in the boot of the car!
I managed to get most of the clothes in a small hold all and 1 back pack. We had a wheeled suitcase with birthday presents and disco lights in. The boot looked really full and we still had to collect the mobility scooter.
Monday, 24 August 2015
August 24th 2015 - Summer fun
August 24th 2015 - Summer fun
I know summer isn't over yet but I have a busy few days and then need to be getting everything ready to go back to school. So I am doing our Summer fun list now.
So far this summer we have:
*had a friend and her children come to stay
*been to a farm
*been on a trail through the woods
*been and met a Viking
*made a garden gnome and wrote about what it did
*played in the paddling pool
*been to soft play
*been to the beach and played in the sea
*been rock pooling
*been to the woods
*painted with car wheels
*painted with animal feet
*been to SJA day camp
*had some bbq's
*toasted marshmallows on open fire
*had an outdoor fire at night
*grown our own veg - peas, carrots, potatoes and sweetcorn
*been swimming (eldest son)
*played on bikes and scooters
* played various ball games
*played with the olympics bits - sacks, egg & spoon, 3 leg race, bean bags
*played on wii
*played board games
*read books
*made a solar powered rainbow
*watched dvds with snacks
*made cakes
*played with lego
*played with trains
*visited an exhibition about minecraft
*made things from recycled bits of card and paper etc
*collected shells
*built a fairy garden
*got a new kitten
*been shopping
*played with cars
*played with animals and boats in water
*guessed what would sink and float in paddling pool
*made cardboard box cars and sat in them
*played tennis with hands and balloons
*painted our own t-shirts
*played football
*made posters from pictures in argos book
*had a pj day
*played with bubbles
*made friendship bracelets
*ridden a donkey (youngest)
*gone to a friends to play (older 2)
*made a crazy golf type course using plant pots and tubs etc
*looked for shapes in the clouds
*made paint blob butterflies
*made a rock pet
*sorted all the odd socks into pairs
*been for a walk
*had ice creams
*had water fights
*had normal fights with brothers
*watched tv
*walked round a maze
*been to a birthday party (middle son)
*played with animals and dinosaurs
*helped with jobs at home
*we have been to the park
AND most of all we have had fun!
With 2weeks until the kids go back to school we still have more planned - we are going to see our family, we are going to Thomas land for the day, we are going to the room on the broom woodland trail, we hope to go to the museum and anything else we can fit in.
It may seem that we have done loads and you haven't but most of these have happened at home and not cost us any money to do. The craft bits have happened via stuff that is saved in the craft cupboard, the beach and rock pools are both less than 2miles from home so not cost much for fuel,
I know summer isn't over yet but I have a busy few days and then need to be getting everything ready to go back to school. So I am doing our Summer fun list now.
So far this summer we have:
*had a friend and her children come to stay
*been to a farm
*been on a trail through the woods
*been and met a Viking
*made a garden gnome and wrote about what it did
*played in the paddling pool
*been to soft play
*been to the beach and played in the sea
*been rock pooling
*been to the woods
*painted with car wheels
*painted with animal feet
*been to SJA day camp
*had some bbq's
*toasted marshmallows on open fire
*had an outdoor fire at night
*grown our own veg - peas, carrots, potatoes and sweetcorn
*been swimming (eldest son)
*played on bikes and scooters
* played various ball games
*played with the olympics bits - sacks, egg & spoon, 3 leg race, bean bags
*played on wii
*played board games
*read books
*made a solar powered rainbow
*watched dvds with snacks
*made cakes
*played with lego
*played with trains
*visited an exhibition about minecraft
*made things from recycled bits of card and paper etc
*collected shells
*built a fairy garden
*got a new kitten
*been shopping
*played with cars
*played with animals and boats in water
*guessed what would sink and float in paddling pool
*made cardboard box cars and sat in them
*played tennis with hands and balloons
*painted our own t-shirts
*played football
*made posters from pictures in argos book
*had a pj day
*played with bubbles
*made friendship bracelets
*ridden a donkey (youngest)
*gone to a friends to play (older 2)
*made a crazy golf type course using plant pots and tubs etc
*looked for shapes in the clouds
*made paint blob butterflies
*made a rock pet
*sorted all the odd socks into pairs
*been for a walk
*had ice creams
*had water fights
*had normal fights with brothers
*watched tv
*walked round a maze
*been to a birthday party (middle son)
*played with animals and dinosaurs
*helped with jobs at home
*we have been to the park
AND most of all we have had fun!
With 2weeks until the kids go back to school we still have more planned - we are going to see our family, we are going to Thomas land for the day, we are going to the room on the broom woodland trail, we hope to go to the museum and anything else we can fit in.
It may seem that we have done loads and you haven't but most of these have happened at home and not cost us any money to do. The craft bits have happened via stuff that is saved in the craft cupboard, the beach and rock pools are both less than 2miles from home so not cost much for fuel,
Sunday, 23 August 2015
August 23rd 2015 - Tubes
August 23rd 2015 - Tubes
A few years ago I picked up these plastic tubes in a charity shop for few pence. They each have a wide and narrow end so can be connected together. Some are straight, some are curved, some are cross and some are "T" shaped. This is so that you can make various things.
I gave them to the boys to play with and lil man absolutely loved them, he makes loads of things but moans that he needs more. Well I hunted high and low with no luck, I posted on facebook asking my friends and a few said they thought they were called ...... or ........ etc. I searched the net under the names given and still hit a blank.
After months of searching I found some from a company based in Croatia who would ship to the UK, so I ordered them. Only to be very disapointed when they arrived - yes they were the same thing as my tubes, all different shapes etc BUT (and a big but) they were about 10x bigger than the ones I had. So I was still no nearer getting lil man some more. But I did find a lot of "things to make with them" in images on google.
Then a few weeks back I happened to be on the works website and guess what I found - Yep Smart Buliders Puzzle set. Identical to what I have. So I ordered 2 boxes. When they arrived they were the same size and colours as to what we had, so they got put up for lil mans birthday. Well his birthday isn't until friday but as we are seeing his godmother thursday (who they are from) we have let him have them today. He is sooooo Happy that he has more tubes to build with.
A few years ago I picked up these plastic tubes in a charity shop for few pence. They each have a wide and narrow end so can be connected together. Some are straight, some are curved, some are cross and some are "T" shaped. This is so that you can make various things.
I gave them to the boys to play with and lil man absolutely loved them, he makes loads of things but moans that he needs more. Well I hunted high and low with no luck, I posted on facebook asking my friends and a few said they thought they were called ...... or ........ etc. I searched the net under the names given and still hit a blank.
After months of searching I found some from a company based in Croatia who would ship to the UK, so I ordered them. Only to be very disapointed when they arrived - yes they were the same thing as my tubes, all different shapes etc BUT (and a big but) they were about 10x bigger than the ones I had. So I was still no nearer getting lil man some more. But I did find a lot of "things to make with them" in images on google.
Then a few weeks back I happened to be on the works website and guess what I found - Yep Smart Buliders Puzzle set. Identical to what I have. So I ordered 2 boxes. When they arrived they were the same size and colours as to what we had, so they got put up for lil mans birthday. Well his birthday isn't until friday but as we are seeing his godmother thursday (who they are from) we have let him have them today. He is sooooo Happy that he has more tubes to build with.
Saturday, 22 August 2015
August 22nd 2015 - toilet roll owl
August 22nd 2015 - toilet roll owl
Lil man had seen this toilet roll owl on pinterest and asked if we could make 1. I agreed. Well his owl is different to the pic as he had been and collected scraps of brown and white material and googly eyes and that is what we used.
The brown material offcuts were shaped like triangles of sort but he said they were going to be the wings. So They were double sided taped to the toilet roll tube. The white pieces were originally a cover of a new pillow and were going to be used as marshmallows for day camp but I had cut too many. So the big squares were cut into 4 to use as feathers, these were double sided taped to the toilet roll overlaping each other.
He then stick his googly eyes and a triangle of orange to the front and a few small bits of brown as the tufts out of the top of the owls head. It looks really good and he said its for Nanny!
Lil man had seen this toilet roll owl on pinterest and asked if we could make 1. I agreed. Well his owl is different to the pic as he had been and collected scraps of brown and white material and googly eyes and that is what we used.
The brown material offcuts were shaped like triangles of sort but he said they were going to be the wings. So They were double sided taped to the toilet roll tube. The white pieces were originally a cover of a new pillow and were going to be used as marshmallows for day camp but I had cut too many. So the big squares were cut into 4 to use as feathers, these were double sided taped to the toilet roll overlaping each other.
He then stick his googly eyes and a triangle of orange to the front and a few small bits of brown as the tufts out of the top of the owls head. It looks really good and he said its for Nanny!
Friday, 21 August 2015
August 21st 2015 - Frozen party
August 21st 2015 - Frozen party
The local food bank had a frozen party today, complete with Olaf and Elsa. Lil man wanted to go (so we went) and he was dressed as Sven the reindeer.
He joined in the singing and dancing and playing games even though he was only boy joining in, there were 2 others there but they sat with parents. He said he really enjoyed it.
The local food bank had a frozen party today, complete with Olaf and Elsa. Lil man wanted to go (so we went) and he was dressed as Sven the reindeer.
He joined in the singing and dancing and playing games even though he was only boy joining in, there were 2 others there but they sat with parents. He said he really enjoyed it.
Thursday, 20 August 2015
August 20th 2015 - loom bands
August 20th 2015 - Loom bands
Lil man has had loom bands since christmas (because his brothers had them) but he hasn't really been interested in using them. Yesterday evening he asked me if I would help him make a loom bracelet and as it was near his bed time I said I would help today.
Well first thing we nipped to the library to change his books as part ofhis summer reading challenge - he has read 18 books so far this holiday and now has another 6 to read bless him. He wants these read before next tuesday so he can change them for more before end of summer.
When we got back we set about making a loom band. Once I showed him how to do it he went off on his own and only came back if he made a mistake, which was only once or twice and then he needed help to finish it.
Here is his bracelet:
Lil man has had loom bands since christmas (because his brothers had them) but he hasn't really been interested in using them. Yesterday evening he asked me if I would help him make a loom bracelet and as it was near his bed time I said I would help today.
Well first thing we nipped to the library to change his books as part ofhis summer reading challenge - he has read 18 books so far this holiday and now has another 6 to read bless him. He wants these read before next tuesday so he can change them for more before end of summer.
When we got back we set about making a loom band. Once I showed him how to do it he went off on his own and only came back if he made a mistake, which was only once or twice and then he needed help to finish it.
Here is his bracelet:
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
August 19th 2015 - Wanted.....
August 19th 2015 - Wanted.....
I may only be 33 and I didn't expect to be in as bad a state as I am BUT I don't plan to sit and mope or let it keep me feeling depressed any longer. It's not just me that is suffering because I can't go places but my family as well, so if a mobility scooter means we can do things then good!
- New knees that don't tremble and ache
- A good nights sleep that eases my fatigue
- Medication that helps me and doesn't make me crazy
- Joints that move freely, without pain or stiffness
- Headaches that disappear with a does of paracetamol
- Muscles that relax and don't remain hard or twitching
- Tolerance to temperature change
- The ability to over do it and not suffer for days or weeks
I may only be 33 and I didn't expect to be in as bad a state as I am BUT I don't plan to sit and mope or let it keep me feeling depressed any longer. It's not just me that is suffering because I can't go places but my family as well, so if a mobility scooter means we can do things then good!
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
August 18th 2015 - Chronic pain
August 18th 2015 - Chronic pain
Let's start right at the beginning - What is Chronic pain?
Chronic pain is often defined as any pain lasting more than 12 weeks. Whereas acute pain is a normal sensation that alerts us to possible injury, chronic pain is very different. Chronic pain persists—often for months or years. It is a persistant unpleasant discomfort that is often resilient to medications.
I have had knee pain since I was 4years old. At that point in time my parents were told it was growing pains and I would eventually outgrow the symptoms. I remember my Mum sitting and massaging creams and things into my knees from this age in an attempt to ease the pain an help me sleep, I would often wake during the night crying with pain in my knees. It never got better!
When I was about 12 the doctors agreed that it probably wasn't growing pains and sent me for xrays and scans and various tests. The results of this came back that I was suffering from Osgood -schlatters disease. This resulted in me not doing much in the way of PE at school, I had to give up dance and gymnastics that I had done for many years and I spent most of my teenage years on crutches as I couldn't walk and weight bare for long periods of time and my knees would give way without warning.
This continued well after I left school and started work, I had to stop working in the nursing home as it was putting too much strain on my knees and got an office job of which I was sacked due to time off with knee problems and not being able to go in. When I was pregnant I had even more problems due to the extra weight I was carrying and again had to use crutches.
Things seemed that they had settled down in my late 20's, I still had problems and pain but was only occasionally, and more so when I had over done things. My doctor said I had mild chronic pain syndrome and the only way to ease it was pain meds and rest when I had a flare up.
In January 2013 I was dancing on the wii with the kids when I twisted my knee - I collapsed straight away and the pain going through my knee was something like I had never felt before. I spent the net few days resting, using ice packs and taking pain killers. It seemed to be easing up a little and I was able to walk abit more. The week after I twisted it I had gone outside to the rubbish bin and I slipped on the ice on the path and was unable to walk and weight bare and ended up in a&e. After 2 xrays being given crutches and a thigh to ankle knee brace I left a&e.
I saw a consultant 2 weeks later and was no better, I was given more stronger pain killers and told to rest as much as I could. This went on for 4months and I was put on morphine patches and they decided to send me to a physiotherapist - this took a further 6weeks for an appointment and by this time it was a few days before I was due to move house so the physio didn't do anything. Once I was registered with a doctor in my new area the sent me to the chronic pain clinic who confirmed that I was now suffering chronic pain. I was referred to a surgeon and 6weeks after seeing him he operated on my knee in April 2014. Apart from the fact I can now walk short distances without crutches I am still in as much pain every day as I was.
Some days are struggle to even get out of bed as I am in that much pain, others I can do some things. I am not lazy I am just in constant pain, I am always tired as I am unable to sleep much at night due to the pain I am in, the constant pain has affected my mood and I am clinically depressed and I have seen a counselor about it, I have a short memory due to being so tired, I amnot able to do all the things I used to do and its not just me that is suffering but my family too. I found this 2nd pin and it is very acurate and I would like to share with my friends and family.
I have been referred back to the surgeon who has requested another MRI scan on my knee, thinks steroid injections into knee may help and has sent me bac to the chronic pain clinic. It is just a waiting game. I never thought I would be disabled at the age of 33 and not able to do much, I have had enough of constant pain and not being able to walk places with my kids etc. I have hired a mobility scooter for our holiday and I plan to buy one so we can start going out places again.
Let's start right at the beginning - What is Chronic pain?
Chronic pain is often defined as any pain lasting more than 12 weeks. Whereas acute pain is a normal sensation that alerts us to possible injury, chronic pain is very different. Chronic pain persists—often for months or years. It is a persistant unpleasant discomfort that is often resilient to medications.
I have had knee pain since I was 4years old. At that point in time my parents were told it was growing pains and I would eventually outgrow the symptoms. I remember my Mum sitting and massaging creams and things into my knees from this age in an attempt to ease the pain an help me sleep, I would often wake during the night crying with pain in my knees. It never got better!
When I was about 12 the doctors agreed that it probably wasn't growing pains and sent me for xrays and scans and various tests. The results of this came back that I was suffering from Osgood -schlatters disease. This resulted in me not doing much in the way of PE at school, I had to give up dance and gymnastics that I had done for many years and I spent most of my teenage years on crutches as I couldn't walk and weight bare for long periods of time and my knees would give way without warning.
This continued well after I left school and started work, I had to stop working in the nursing home as it was putting too much strain on my knees and got an office job of which I was sacked due to time off with knee problems and not being able to go in. When I was pregnant I had even more problems due to the extra weight I was carrying and again had to use crutches.
Things seemed that they had settled down in my late 20's, I still had problems and pain but was only occasionally, and more so when I had over done things. My doctor said I had mild chronic pain syndrome and the only way to ease it was pain meds and rest when I had a flare up.
In January 2013 I was dancing on the wii with the kids when I twisted my knee - I collapsed straight away and the pain going through my knee was something like I had never felt before. I spent the net few days resting, using ice packs and taking pain killers. It seemed to be easing up a little and I was able to walk abit more. The week after I twisted it I had gone outside to the rubbish bin and I slipped on the ice on the path and was unable to walk and weight bare and ended up in a&e. After 2 xrays being given crutches and a thigh to ankle knee brace I left a&e.
I saw a consultant 2 weeks later and was no better, I was given more stronger pain killers and told to rest as much as I could. This went on for 4months and I was put on morphine patches and they decided to send me to a physiotherapist - this took a further 6weeks for an appointment and by this time it was a few days before I was due to move house so the physio didn't do anything. Once I was registered with a doctor in my new area the sent me to the chronic pain clinic who confirmed that I was now suffering chronic pain. I was referred to a surgeon and 6weeks after seeing him he operated on my knee in April 2014. Apart from the fact I can now walk short distances without crutches I am still in as much pain every day as I was.
Some days are struggle to even get out of bed as I am in that much pain, others I can do some things. I am not lazy I am just in constant pain, I am always tired as I am unable to sleep much at night due to the pain I am in, the constant pain has affected my mood and I am clinically depressed and I have seen a counselor about it, I have a short memory due to being so tired, I amnot able to do all the things I used to do and its not just me that is suffering but my family too. I found this 2nd pin and it is very acurate and I would like to share with my friends and family.
I have been referred back to the surgeon who has requested another MRI scan on my knee, thinks steroid injections into knee may help and has sent me bac to the chronic pain clinic. It is just a waiting game. I never thought I would be disabled at the age of 33 and not able to do much, I have had enough of constant pain and not being able to walk places with my kids etc. I have hired a mobility scooter for our holiday and I plan to buy one so we can start going out places again.
Monday, 17 August 2015
August 17th 2015 - Waiting
August 17th 2015 - waiting
I saw this pin and it just about sums up today - i'm sat waiting for my meds to kick in.
I have been back to the docs today about my knee again, this time they have changed my meds for 1 I was on ages ago that didn't work, so I don't hold out much hope of them working this time round.
I knew I would be in pain from all the walking about I did on saturday at day camp, but it was worth it for the kids, they really had a good time. I just don't like being in pain and the meds doing nothing!
I saw this pin and it just about sums up today - i'm sat waiting for my meds to kick in.
I have been back to the docs today about my knee again, this time they have changed my meds for 1 I was on ages ago that didn't work, so I don't hold out much hope of them working this time round.
I knew I would be in pain from all the walking about I did on saturday at day camp, but it was worth it for the kids, they really had a good time. I just don't like being in pain and the meds doing nothing!
Sunday, 16 August 2015
August 16th 2015 - Volunteer
August 16th 2015 - Volunteer
What is a volunteer? According to the online dictionary a volunteer is:
I am a volunteer, I do not get paid and I am proud to be a volunteer. I have been a volunteer with St John Ambulance for over 20years now. I started out as a cadet and worked my way up the ranks to corporal,sergent and cadet leader and then at 17years of age I moved up to the adult unit and took over the running of a cadet unit. I have been working with the youth section since then.
Yesterday's day camp has taken over 6weeks of planning and hard work. I have spent over 40hours printing and researching activities for it, not to mention the extra time messaging adult members, going shopping for various bits needed, waiting in for delivers of craft supplies etc. All of which I have not been paid to do. I do it because I enjoy it and I knew that all my hard work would be appreciated by the young youth members who attended.
I found the verse below on pinterest as well and it is very true.
I made a post on facebook last night saying that "I had had a really great time at the SJA badger day camp today, it was a long day and a lot of hard work, but the kids who came enjoyed themselves, they were all tired by 5pm but carried on til the end and even then they helped pack up as well. thanks also to the adults who helped with various bits during the day. (1 of mine even asked if we could hold another 1 at some point)." 1 of the adult members (and personal friend) that was helping out for the day replied with "Really enjoyed it the Badgers were fantastic and Amy you worked very hard on it all the kids and Whitehaven are very lucky to have you xxx" This was so nice to wake up and see this morning. I know its only a few words but the did make me smile and its nice to know my hard work is appreciated.
What is a volunteer? According to the online dictionary a volunteer is:
"1.a person who voluntarily offers himself or herself for a service or undertaking.
2.a person who performs a service willingly and without pay."
I am a volunteer, I do not get paid and I am proud to be a volunteer. I have been a volunteer with St John Ambulance for over 20years now. I started out as a cadet and worked my way up the ranks to corporal,sergent and cadet leader and then at 17years of age I moved up to the adult unit and took over the running of a cadet unit. I have been working with the youth section since then.
Yesterday's day camp has taken over 6weeks of planning and hard work. I have spent over 40hours printing and researching activities for it, not to mention the extra time messaging adult members, going shopping for various bits needed, waiting in for delivers of craft supplies etc. All of which I have not been paid to do. I do it because I enjoy it and I knew that all my hard work would be appreciated by the young youth members who attended.
I found the verse below on pinterest as well and it is very true.
I made a post on facebook last night saying that "I had had a really great time at the SJA badger day camp today, it was a long day and a lot of hard work, but the kids who came enjoyed themselves, they were all tired by 5pm but carried on til the end and even then they helped pack up as well. thanks also to the adults who helped with various bits during the day. (1 of mine even asked if we could hold another 1 at some point)." 1 of the adult members (and personal friend) that was helping out for the day replied with "Really enjoyed it the Badgers were fantastic and Amy you worked very hard on it all the kids and Whitehaven are very lucky to have you xxx" This was so nice to wake up and see this morning. I know its only a few words but the did make me smile and its nice to know my hard work is appreciated.
August 15th 2015 - Day Camp
August 15th 2015 - Day camp
Today was the day of Badger Day Camp. I've added the link to the whole board not just 1 pin as this has most of the ideas that helped me to organise and run the day camp.
Although we only had 3 out of 5 children turn up they all had lots of fun and were very tired at the end of a long and packed day of activities.
The above photo collage show our set up and the camping lanterns the kids made.
We had 1 room set up as a campsite, with tents, Christmas trees, bears, bean bags as seats round the "fake" campfire and a small kitchen area with snacks and drinks. We had another room for crafts, games and activities. Some of the activities were done around the campfire.
During the day the Badgers made their own id badges, camp t-shirts, a noughts & crosses game from sticks and stones, they made camping lanterns from tubs, battery tea-lights and tissue paper flames and they made their own stick photo frame which a photo of them at the "camp site" was added to. They covered many things in short subjects including camp fires and how to get help and where they should go, maps and compasses, things they can and can't eat in the wild, the importance of hand washing especially outdoors and we used the units UV gel kit - they did really well at it. They also talked about things you can find in nature - animals, birds, plants etc and did an A-Z of them, after this we went on a short walk to the church gardens where we looked for items that we had talked about and they had a spectrum colour chart and needed to find things in nature for each colour.
After tea the Badgers and some of the adults got into their pj's, brought their blankets and torches and lanterns to the campfire where we had a camping story and sang some campfire songs, they then got into their sleeping bags to await the arrival of parents to collect them.
Each Badger was given a certificate for handwashing, a certificate of attendance and 2 old SJA Badger badges for hobbies and games. They will all be receiving their Adventure badge and certificate at our next presentation evening. It was a great day the Badgers were well behaved and all had fun, but it couldn't have happened without the help of the adults from the unit as well.
Today was the day of Badger Day Camp. I've added the link to the whole board not just 1 pin as this has most of the ideas that helped me to organise and run the day camp.
Although we only had 3 out of 5 children turn up they all had lots of fun and were very tired at the end of a long and packed day of activities.
The above photo collage show our set up and the camping lanterns the kids made.
We had 1 room set up as a campsite, with tents, Christmas trees, bears, bean bags as seats round the "fake" campfire and a small kitchen area with snacks and drinks. We had another room for crafts, games and activities. Some of the activities were done around the campfire.
During the day the Badgers made their own id badges, camp t-shirts, a noughts & crosses game from sticks and stones, they made camping lanterns from tubs, battery tea-lights and tissue paper flames and they made their own stick photo frame which a photo of them at the "camp site" was added to. They covered many things in short subjects including camp fires and how to get help and where they should go, maps and compasses, things they can and can't eat in the wild, the importance of hand washing especially outdoors and we used the units UV gel kit - they did really well at it. They also talked about things you can find in nature - animals, birds, plants etc and did an A-Z of them, after this we went on a short walk to the church gardens where we looked for items that we had talked about and they had a spectrum colour chart and needed to find things in nature for each colour.
After tea the Badgers and some of the adults got into their pj's, brought their blankets and torches and lanterns to the campfire where we had a camping story and sang some campfire songs, they then got into their sleeping bags to await the arrival of parents to collect them.
Each Badger was given a certificate for handwashing, a certificate of attendance and 2 old SJA Badger badges for hobbies and games. They will all be receiving their Adventure badge and certificate at our next presentation evening. It was a great day the Badgers were well behaved and all had fun, but it couldn't have happened without the help of the adults from the unit as well.
day camp,
indoor camp,
st john ambulance
Friday, 14 August 2015
August 14th 2015 - so much to do
August 14th 2015 - so much to do
I have So much to do but so little time. Tomorrow is my middle son's 10th birthday and the day of day camp. I got the confirmation I could do it 6weeks ago and this time has gone so quickly!
I have emptied and re-packed the crates of stuff I need to take with me tomorrow. I *think* I have everything I need. I still have few things to cross off my list but i'm getting there slowly. The cakes are now made and are cooling down ready to ice, the chocolates and biscuits i'm using as twigs for the fires are in the fridge to harden slightly as this will make it easier.
I have boxes of stuff everywhere as well as lists. I just hope I get it all done in time, as I dont want a late night tonight as need be up at stupid o'clock in the morning.
I have So much to do but so little time. Tomorrow is my middle son's 10th birthday and the day of day camp. I got the confirmation I could do it 6weeks ago and this time has gone so quickly!
I have emptied and re-packed the crates of stuff I need to take with me tomorrow. I *think* I have everything I need. I still have few things to cross off my list but i'm getting there slowly. The cakes are now made and are cooling down ready to ice, the chocolates and biscuits i'm using as twigs for the fires are in the fridge to harden slightly as this will make it easier.
I have boxes of stuff everywhere as well as lists. I just hope I get it all done in time, as I dont want a late night tonight as need be up at stupid o'clock in the morning.
Thursday, 13 August 2015
August 13th 2015 - Making a badge sash
August 13th 2015 - Making a badge sash
As per previous posts I have had to take my badges off my camp blanket as I bought a new one. I had a sash when I was in guides many years ago of which my guide badges are fixed on to. I didn't have one when I was in brownies as my uniform was a brown dress and the badges were sewed to the sleeve.
I tried to buy a brownie sash off ebay but the prices of them were not cheap, even for used ones. So I asked on the local selling pages, 1 lady said she had 1 I could have but she lives over 45mins drive from me so too far to go and we were not able to meet up as not available at the same time. So this left me 1 option - to make a sash that I could sew my brownie badges onto.
When I went to £1 shop today I bought a beige under bed storage bag. It had a dark brown trim round the edges. When I got home I cut out the strip that ran round the bag making the depth of the storage bag and cut off the zip. It was double the width of what I needed so I stitched it in half and made it slightly shorter as well. From here I have pinned all my badges onto it ready to be sewed (or pinned with safety pins if I don't get them all finished in time). This will be sewed to my new blanket as I think the guide ones look really nice on it.
As per previous posts I have had to take my badges off my camp blanket as I bought a new one. I had a sash when I was in guides many years ago of which my guide badges are fixed on to. I didn't have one when I was in brownies as my uniform was a brown dress and the badges were sewed to the sleeve.
I tried to buy a brownie sash off ebay but the prices of them were not cheap, even for used ones. So I asked on the local selling pages, 1 lady said she had 1 I could have but she lives over 45mins drive from me so too far to go and we were not able to meet up as not available at the same time. So this left me 1 option - to make a sash that I could sew my brownie badges onto.
When I went to £1 shop today I bought a beige under bed storage bag. It had a dark brown trim round the edges. When I got home I cut out the strip that ran round the bag making the depth of the storage bag and cut off the zip. It was double the width of what I needed so I stitched it in half and made it slightly shorter as well. From here I have pinned all my badges onto it ready to be sewed (or pinned with safety pins if I don't get them all finished in time). This will be sewed to my new blanket as I think the guide ones look really nice on it.
August 12th 2015 - St Bees beach
August 12th 2015 - St Bees beach
As it turned out to be a hot afternoon we loaded the car and set off the 2 miles down the road to St Bees beach. It seemed that everyone else had the same idea as it was really busy down there.
However we found a spot big enough for us to put the shelter and wind breaks up and "make camp" for few hours. I laid sunbathing and reading and hubby sat in the shelter reading (he doesn't like the sun that much) and the boys played in the sea, the giant puddle left near the rocks on the beach and the beach. They built castles and had fun.
A family behind us had started to build a big castle with moat and when they left the boys took it upon themselves to fill the moat with water.
As it turned out to be a hot afternoon we loaded the car and set off the 2 miles down the road to St Bees beach. It seemed that everyone else had the same idea as it was really busy down there.
However we found a spot big enough for us to put the shelter and wind breaks up and "make camp" for few hours. I laid sunbathing and reading and hubby sat in the shelter reading (he doesn't like the sun that much) and the boys played in the sea, the giant puddle left near the rocks on the beach and the beach. They built castles and had fun.
A family behind us had started to build a big castle with moat and when they left the boys took it upon themselves to fill the moat with water.
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
August 11th 2015 - Minecraft papercraft
August 11th 2015 - Minecraft papercraft
Following our trip yesterday to the Rheged for the minecraft event, we have spent today making paper mincraft bits.
I have found loads of them, copied them all to word documents and printed them out - the kids wouldn't share them so I have had to print 3 copies of everything! (how to kill printer ink!) The older 2 were able to cut, fold and stick their own but I had to help lil man with his.
Some of them have turned out better than others, and some the glue has held others have had to have tape on.
Here are a few of their makes:
a torch, house red creeper, cat, 3 small and 1 big block. They do have pages upon pages of others that they can make as well.
Following our trip yesterday to the Rheged for the minecraft event, we have spent today making paper mincraft bits.
I have found loads of them, copied them all to word documents and printed them out - the kids wouldn't share them so I have had to print 3 copies of everything! (how to kill printer ink!) The older 2 were able to cut, fold and stick their own but I had to help lil man with his.
Some of them have turned out better than others, and some the glue has held others have had to have tape on.
Here are a few of their makes:
a torch, house red creeper, cat, 3 small and 1 big block. They do have pages upon pages of others that they can make as well.
Monday, 10 August 2015
August 10th 2015 - Rheged Centre
August 10th 2015 - Rheged Centre
The Rheged Centre is an hours drive from my house. Over the summer holidays they have a minecraft event on.
Today we took the boys, we hadn't told them where we going but they needed to get up, have breakfast and get dressed ready to go. Once we were all ready we set off. Sadly the weather was really naff and was raining all the way there. This isn't a problem in itself as the Rheged is indoors but would mean they couldnt play in the outdoor play area.
Upon arrival the boys saw the big minecraft signs outside the building and the older 2 were really excited. We went in and I took a few photos of them with the figures that were downstairs and they stood infront of the minecraft wall with minecraft heads on for pics.
It looked like it was going to be a really good event. We followed the signs up to where it was and still looked good. However looks are deceiving, we were there a total of 45mins! The boys looked around had a few photos taken, tried to make paper figures but the glue was too runny it made the paper wet and not keep shape. They were unable to play with the lego as it was really busy, so they coloured a minecraft figure and we left. You exit through the shop which was very expensive, items were more than what they are in the shops in town!
They did enjoy looking at the models and pictures but said its a shame there wasn't more to do. We came home and they played minecraft on their devices.
The Rheged Centre is an hours drive from my house. Over the summer holidays they have a minecraft event on.
Today we took the boys, we hadn't told them where we going but they needed to get up, have breakfast and get dressed ready to go. Once we were all ready we set off. Sadly the weather was really naff and was raining all the way there. This isn't a problem in itself as the Rheged is indoors but would mean they couldnt play in the outdoor play area.
Upon arrival the boys saw the big minecraft signs outside the building and the older 2 were really excited. We went in and I took a few photos of them with the figures that were downstairs and they stood infront of the minecraft wall with minecraft heads on for pics.
It looked like it was going to be a really good event. We followed the signs up to where it was and still looked good. However looks are deceiving, we were there a total of 45mins! The boys looked around had a few photos taken, tried to make paper figures but the glue was too runny it made the paper wet and not keep shape. They were unable to play with the lego as it was really busy, so they coloured a minecraft figure and we left. You exit through the shop which was very expensive, items were more than what they are in the shops in town!
They did enjoy looking at the models and pictures but said its a shame there wasn't more to do. We came home and they played minecraft on their devices.
Sunday, 9 August 2015
August 9th 2015 - Camp Blanket
August 9th 2015 - Camp Blanket
For many years I have had a camp blanket, it was pale blue and a really old blanket and quite rough. I helped my Dad make it when I was a brownie (i'm now in my 30's). I remember "helping" to sew the blanket stitch around the sleeves and neckline. I'm sure my Dad went and re-did most of it!!!
Well it was used a lot when I was involved with guides and the odd beaver cubs camp that I helped with. But after leaving guiding and scouting and sticking with St John Ambulance it has been quite redundant as most of camps are in buildings not tents.
I got my blanket out the other day as I needed to sew some badges on to it before my SJA day camp at the weekend. I was really saddened to find that it had marks on it (no idea what they were but seemed like oil) and some of the badges that had been loose in it were no longer recognisable as badges but disintegrated bits of material. :( so I sat and unpicked all the badges (going right back to when I was a rainbow) and have been and bought a new purple fluffy blanket.
I spent yesterday stitching the sides together and cutting/stitching a neck hole. I now have the mammoth task of sewing my badges onto a new blanket before the weekend and plan to take it with me for round the campfire. I am waiting on badges in the post as I was able to work out which ones had been damaged.
For many years I have had a camp blanket, it was pale blue and a really old blanket and quite rough. I helped my Dad make it when I was a brownie (i'm now in my 30's). I remember "helping" to sew the blanket stitch around the sleeves and neckline. I'm sure my Dad went and re-did most of it!!!
Well it was used a lot when I was involved with guides and the odd beaver cubs camp that I helped with. But after leaving guiding and scouting and sticking with St John Ambulance it has been quite redundant as most of camps are in buildings not tents.
I got my blanket out the other day as I needed to sew some badges on to it before my SJA day camp at the weekend. I was really saddened to find that it had marks on it (no idea what they were but seemed like oil) and some of the badges that had been loose in it were no longer recognisable as badges but disintegrated bits of material. :( so I sat and unpicked all the badges (going right back to when I was a rainbow) and have been and bought a new purple fluffy blanket.
I spent yesterday stitching the sides together and cutting/stitching a neck hole. I now have the mammoth task of sewing my badges onto a new blanket before the weekend and plan to take it with me for round the campfire. I am waiting on badges in the post as I was able to work out which ones had been damaged.
Saturday, 8 August 2015
August 8th 2015 - Pillow spray
August 8th 215 - pillow spray
A few years ago I bought a bottle of peppermint & nutmeg pillow spray from boots to help me sleep. I was a bit skeptical as both of the ingredients were active oils and aimed at rejuvenation and such. However, this spray really did work and helped me sleep.
I was very disappointed when I found out they had stopped selling it and replaced it with a lavender spray. Yes lavender is meant to help you sleep unless you are allergic to it and it makes you very sick! I'm not talking about being ill but hugging the toilet for a few hours sick!
I have looked around for a replacement pillow spray to help with sleep for nearly 3years and found a blog that had directions on how to make your own pillow spray using peppermint, nutmeg and water mixed in a spray bottle. YAY!!! i'm so happy and I will be even happier if it works.
I bought a pack of bottles from £1 shop the other day and ordered peppermint and nutmeg natural oils off ebay which arrived today. I am going to mix it up and spray my pillow and hope that it helps me sleep. I will add an update tomorrow as to whether it did or didn't work.
well I made it, sprayed it and slept. woo hoo!
A few years ago I bought a bottle of peppermint & nutmeg pillow spray from boots to help me sleep. I was a bit skeptical as both of the ingredients were active oils and aimed at rejuvenation and such. However, this spray really did work and helped me sleep.
I was very disappointed when I found out they had stopped selling it and replaced it with a lavender spray. Yes lavender is meant to help you sleep unless you are allergic to it and it makes you very sick! I'm not talking about being ill but hugging the toilet for a few hours sick!
I have looked around for a replacement pillow spray to help with sleep for nearly 3years and found a blog that had directions on how to make your own pillow spray using peppermint, nutmeg and water mixed in a spray bottle. YAY!!! i'm so happy and I will be even happier if it works.
I bought a pack of bottles from £1 shop the other day and ordered peppermint and nutmeg natural oils off ebay which arrived today. I am going to mix it up and spray my pillow and hope that it helps me sleep. I will add an update tomorrow as to whether it did or didn't work.
well I made it, sprayed it and slept. woo hoo!
pillow spray,
August 7th 2015 - Making mini marshmallows
August 7th 2015 - Making mini marshmallows
I found this marshmallow toss game on pinterest, it is played with real marshmallows. However, I was really dubious about this incase any of the children put them in their mouths after they had been on the floor etc so I decided to make some mini marshmallows from material.
The other day I had bought some pillows to make a big marshmallows for a smore race, I only used 1 of the 2 pillows so this is what I have used for the mini ones. I have done them in the same way as the big ones. I cut open one end and removed all the stuffing, now with the paper material cover I have cut it into strips about 1 1/2 " wide and then pinned and cut the strips into squares:
From here I have stitched 3 sides and then stuffed them with original stuffing. The first 1 I did was just stuffing but when we threw it it didn't go very far so I undid part of it and added some rice to it to give it some weight for throwing, this worked much better.

I have a big red box that is coming to camp (it has chairs n things in it) and this will be used as the marshmallow toss game instead of the bucket like picture shows. I have printed and laminated a picture of fire and the words marshmallow toss to be stuck on them as well. We also have a small red spade from the sandpit to throw them with.
Although the image doesn't tell you how to play the game it looks very simple - you have a bucket that has fire/flames on it and marshmallows and a spade, I assume that the marshmallows represent water and you need to throw them into the fire to put it out. The way we are going to play is each person has a turn with all of the marshmallows to see who can get the most in the bucket.
I found this marshmallow toss game on pinterest, it is played with real marshmallows. However, I was really dubious about this incase any of the children put them in their mouths after they had been on the floor etc so I decided to make some mini marshmallows from material.
The other day I had bought some pillows to make a big marshmallows for a smore race, I only used 1 of the 2 pillows so this is what I have used for the mini ones. I have done them in the same way as the big ones. I cut open one end and removed all the stuffing, now with the paper material cover I have cut it into strips about 1 1/2 " wide and then pinned and cut the strips into squares:
From here I have stitched 3 sides and then stuffed them with original stuffing. The first 1 I did was just stuffing but when we threw it it didn't go very far so I undid part of it and added some rice to it to give it some weight for throwing, this worked much better.

I have a big red box that is coming to camp (it has chairs n things in it) and this will be used as the marshmallow toss game instead of the bucket like picture shows. I have printed and laminated a picture of fire and the words marshmallow toss to be stuck on them as well. We also have a small red spade from the sandpit to throw them with.
Although the image doesn't tell you how to play the game it looks very simple - you have a bucket that has fire/flames on it and marshmallows and a spade, I assume that the marshmallows represent water and you need to throw them into the fire to put it out. The way we are going to play is each person has a turn with all of the marshmallows to see who can get the most in the bucket.
Friday, 7 August 2015
August 6th 2015 - Seascale
August 6th 2015 - Seascale
A few days ago a friend posted some pictures on facebook of her children at a park, it looked really good so I asked her where it was. She told me and I looked it up, I had heard of the area but wasn't sure where it was. Well google said it was half hrs drive from us up the coast.
We loaded into the car and set off up the road to Seascale. Upon arriving hubby took the money for parking and came back with it - the car park was free thanks to the "local residents". So the afternoon started well.
We went down onto the beach and the sea was quite away out. I told the boys they could go in it as long as they rolled up their trousers above the knee and didn't get wet as we had no spare clothes with us. Here are the 3 of them in the sea:
They also spent ages on the mini pier:
and were fascinated that some of the gaps in the pier were filled with rocks:
The tide came in really quickly and we had to leave the beach so they went to play in the park:
A nice afternoon was had by all.
A few days ago a friend posted some pictures on facebook of her children at a park, it looked really good so I asked her where it was. She told me and I looked it up, I had heard of the area but wasn't sure where it was. Well google said it was half hrs drive from us up the coast.
We loaded into the car and set off up the road to Seascale. Upon arriving hubby took the money for parking and came back with it - the car park was free thanks to the "local residents". So the afternoon started well.
We went down onto the beach and the sea was quite away out. I told the boys they could go in it as long as they rolled up their trousers above the knee and didn't get wet as we had no spare clothes with us. Here are the 3 of them in the sea:
They also spent ages on the mini pier:
and were fascinated that some of the gaps in the pier were filled with rocks:
The tide came in really quickly and we had to leave the beach so they went to play in the park:
A nice afternoon was had by all.
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
august 5th 2015 - making smores
august 5th 2015 - making smores
.....but not the kind you can eat! The smores I am making are for a smore making race for day camp. The idea is meant to be done in teams but as I only have a few coming to day camp they can do it individually.
I had to go shopping for pillows to make them:
I then cut the pillows in half and then into quarters, as these seemed to be a good size to be the marshmallows for the middle of the smores. I stitched up the open sides:
I have 4 marshmallows like this:
Whilst I was making the marshmallows I had my son cutting squares of cardboard to use as the biscuits/crackers, they are a nice brown on both sides and dont need painting:
I also got him to cut out some thin cardboard cereal boxes and backed the shiny sides together, these will be the chocolate of the smore once painted dark brown.
The way the race will work is each player has 2 crackers, pieces of chocolate and a marshmallow. These are placed the opposite end of the room to players. On go they need to run to their pile and pick up a cracker and run back to the start, place cracker on floor and then go get a chocolate and place on top of cracker, then go get their marshmallow and place on chocolate, get the next chocolate to go on top of marshmallow and lastly the cracker on top. IF any of it falls down before you get the next piece on it, you must put the new piece back, rebuild your smore and then go get the next piece. the first person wins.
.....but not the kind you can eat! The smores I am making are for a smore making race for day camp. The idea is meant to be done in teams but as I only have a few coming to day camp they can do it individually.
I had to go shopping for pillows to make them:
I then cut the pillows in half and then into quarters, as these seemed to be a good size to be the marshmallows for the middle of the smores. I stitched up the open sides:
I have 4 marshmallows like this:
Whilst I was making the marshmallows I had my son cutting squares of cardboard to use as the biscuits/crackers, they are a nice brown on both sides and dont need painting:
I also got him to cut out some thin cardboard cereal boxes and backed the shiny sides together, these will be the chocolate of the smore once painted dark brown.
The way the race will work is each player has 2 crackers, pieces of chocolate and a marshmallow. These are placed the opposite end of the room to players. On go they need to run to their pile and pick up a cracker and run back to the start, place cracker on floor and then go get a chocolate and place on top of cracker, then go get their marshmallow and place on chocolate, get the next chocolate to go on top of marshmallow and lastly the cracker on top. IF any of it falls down before you get the next piece on it, you must put the new piece back, rebuild your smore and then go get the next piece. the first person wins.
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