I found this marshmallow toss game on pinterest, it is played with real marshmallows. However, I was really dubious about this incase any of the children put them in their mouths after they had been on the floor etc so I decided to make some mini marshmallows from material.
The other day I had bought some pillows to make a big marshmallows for a smore race, I only used 1 of the 2 pillows so this is what I have used for the mini ones. I have done them in the same way as the big ones. I cut open one end and removed all the stuffing, now with the paper material cover I have cut it into strips about 1 1/2 " wide and then pinned and cut the strips into squares:
From here I have stitched 3 sides and then stuffed them with original stuffing. The first 1 I did was just stuffing but when we threw it it didn't go very far so I undid part of it and added some rice to it to give it some weight for throwing, this worked much better.

I have a big red box that is coming to camp (it has chairs n things in it) and this will be used as the marshmallow toss game instead of the bucket like picture shows. I have printed and laminated a picture of fire and the words marshmallow toss to be stuck on them as well. We also have a small red spade from the sandpit to throw them with.
Although the image doesn't tell you how to play the game it looks very simple - you have a bucket that has fire/flames on it and marshmallows and a spade, I assume that the marshmallows represent water and you need to throw them into the fire to put it out. The way we are going to play is each person has a turn with all of the marshmallows to see who can get the most in the bucket.