As my middle sons birthday is the day of badger day camp, I decided that I would try and make some campfire cakes similar to this pin but small fairy cake size. I thought I had everything I needed to do a test run but found out I hadn't (luckily before I started) so me and lil man nipped to town.

We bought 2 packs of hard boiled sweets and sat and took out the red, orange and yellow ones:

We then used metal serving spoons to bash the sweets into small pieces/powder. Here's my son mid bashing!
Here are some of the bashed sweets both in their own bags and then the 3 colours mixed together.
We then sprinkled the mix onto a baking tray that had grease proof paper in it and stuck it in the oven for just over 5minutes so that the sweets all went back to being a soild mix, but a mix of 3 colours like flames. This was the results both on and off the paper:

Next was to make the cakes - it was cheaper to buy a plain cake mix than a chocolate one, so I added a couple of spoons of drinking chocolate powder so it turns into a chocolate mix.

I then put them into the oven to bake and this was after I took them out to cool down.

The next thing was to decorate them, I knew what I wanted to do but wasn't 100% sure on how to do it. This was what I was working with as well as the pieces of "flame" (coloured boiled sweets).
AND THIS is how they turned out. I'm actually really pleased with them and they do look good, however, for the actual day camp I am going to use chocolate "matchmakers" as they will be easier to break and not as bulky to try and stand as sticks on a fire.