august 5th 2015 - making smores
.....but not the kind you can eat! The smores I am making are for a smore making race for day camp. The idea is meant to be done in teams but as I only have a few coming to day camp they can do it individually.
I had to go shopping for pillows to make them:
I then cut the pillows in half and then into quarters, as these seemed to be a good size to be the marshmallows for the middle of the smores. I stitched up the open sides:
I have 4 marshmallows like this:
Whilst I was making the marshmallows I had my son cutting squares of cardboard to use as the biscuits/crackers, they are a nice brown on both sides and dont need painting:
I also got him to cut out some thin cardboard cereal boxes and backed the shiny sides together, these will be the chocolate of the smore once painted dark brown.
The way the race will work is each player has 2 crackers, pieces of chocolate and a marshmallow. These are placed the opposite end of the room to players. On go they need to run to their pile and pick up a cracker and run back to the start, place cracker on floor and then go get a chocolate and place on top of cracker, then go get their marshmallow and place on chocolate, get the next chocolate to go on top of marshmallow and lastly the cracker on top. IF any of it falls down before you get the next piece on it, you must put the new piece back, rebuild your smore and then go get the next piece. the first person wins.