For the SJA christmas party this year we decided that we would do a UV/Glow in the dark party. Back in July the cadets did a sponsored silence to raise money to buy the glow sticks and things that we would need.
They made t-shirts with UV fabric paint a few weeks back that they were going to wear on the night. When the members arrived they were all given UV face paint (if they wanted it), glow sticks, finger lights, glow glasses etc and were taken to where the disco was (normal disco lights only at this point). Once everyone was there and had thier bits n bobs we turned the UV lights on. The reactions from the kids as their clothes n things started glow properly was brilliant.
Everyone had a great time and Santa was in his grotto for a short time and gave them each a present.
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Showing posts with label st john ambulance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label st john ambulance. Show all posts
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Friday, 20 November 2015
November 18th 2015 - Snowman card
As there is only a few weeks until Christmas we are doing Christmas crafts at St John Ambulance for all the youth members as part of their craft badges.
Tonight the Badgers made Snowman Christmas Cards like the link shows. I had made them all scarves from plaited wool, cut out triangle noses from orange paper, added googly eyes to the bag along with plain white card. I showed them the card I had made and left them to do them how they wanted.
Some added christmas tape others added buttons etc. They all looked really good and i'm sure whoever they were written to will love them.
Tonight the Badgers made Snowman Christmas Cards like the link shows. I had made them all scarves from plaited wool, cut out triangle noses from orange paper, added googly eyes to the bag along with plain white card. I showed them the card I had made and left them to do them how they wanted.
Some added christmas tape others added buttons etc. They all looked really good and i'm sure whoever they were written to will love them.
Monday, 9 November 2015
November 8th 2015 - Remembrance Parade
As part of a uniformed organisation we always take part in the annual Remembrance Parade through town.
However, this year the weather was absolutely horrid, it wasn't just raining but chucking it down and the wind was blowing in all directions. As the Youth Manager I made the decision that they did not have to parade if they didn't want to. I spoke to the youth members and their parents and gave them all a choice of staying and parading in the rain or going home. If they chose to go home I would not be cross but glad that they actually turned up.
6 of the Cadets stayed and paraded, I sent the 2 under 1oyr old Badgers home as it wasn't fair on them being small and 1 having health problems. I am very proud of the Cadets that did stay and parade and they should be proud of themselves as well.
I just hope that none of them end up ill from it. My son, who is a cadet paraded and when he came home he was soaked to the skin and shivering bless him.
However, this year the weather was absolutely horrid, it wasn't just raining but chucking it down and the wind was blowing in all directions. As the Youth Manager I made the decision that they did not have to parade if they didn't want to. I spoke to the youth members and their parents and gave them all a choice of staying and parading in the rain or going home. If they chose to go home I would not be cross but glad that they actually turned up.
6 of the Cadets stayed and paraded, I sent the 2 under 1oyr old Badgers home as it wasn't fair on them being small and 1 having health problems. I am very proud of the Cadets that did stay and parade and they should be proud of themselves as well.
I just hope that none of them end up ill from it. My son, who is a cadet paraded and when he came home he was soaked to the skin and shivering bless him.
Saturday, 7 November 2015
5th November 2015 - Buckingham Palace
My son was nominated to go to Buckingham Palace with St John Ambulance for a Young Achievers Reception with HRH Princess Royal, (Princess Anne).
This is a very great thing and I was very proud both as a parent and a St John Ambulance Officer. There was my son and another Cadet from my unit who were nominated and attended the Palace. My son was very nervous about going but he had a very good time whilst there.
The above picture shows my son (in the coat) and the other lad from my unit talking to Princess Anne at the Palace.
This is a very great thing and I was very proud both as a parent and a St John Ambulance Officer. There was my son and another Cadet from my unit who were nominated and attended the Palace. My son was very nervous about going but he had a very good time whilst there.
The above picture shows my son (in the coat) and the other lad from my unit talking to Princess Anne at the Palace.
4th November 2015 - St Johns Gate Museum
Having been a member of St John Ambulance for over 20years is something big. However in this time I have never been to the St Johns Gate Museum. That is until today.
As I was in London with 2 Cadets from St John Ambulance we paid a visit to the museum and went on a tour. It was very interesting to learn more about the history of the organisation I am part of.
As I was in London with 2 Cadets from St John Ambulance we paid a visit to the museum and went on a tour. It was very interesting to learn more about the history of the organisation I am part of.
Sunday, 11 October 2015
October 11th 2015 - Paperwork
Today's pin is off my secondary account that I use for St John Ambulance. It seemed very apt for today as I have spent most of the day doing Paperwork in one form or another for St John Ambulance.
I have printed documents, I have placed some in envelopes to be sent off to other people, I have made documents on word, I have edited and saved documents off the internet, I have sent and received emails and messages, I have made lists of things we need etc.
I am glad that I am finished with it for today.
I have printed documents, I have placed some in envelopes to be sent off to other people, I have made documents on word, I have edited and saved documents off the internet, I have sent and received emails and messages, I have made lists of things we need etc.
I am glad that I am finished with it for today.
Saturday, 12 September 2015
September 12th 2015 - Save a Life September
September 12th 2015 - Save a Life September
As a member of St John Ambulance I am helping to promote SJA and our "save a life september campaign". This is the 4th year it has been run wiith various activities taking place - from first ai demonstrations in shopping centers to the nationwide guerrilla style bandaging stunt.
I have taken part in the bandaging stunt to try and raise awareness of SJA in my area. My taking part consisted of Bandaging a Lamp post outside my house (on a main road):
Bandaging a statue at Whitehaven harbour:
and Bandaging the railings down by the beach with Whitehaven Light house in the distance:
Whilst I in the process of bandaging the statue a man passing by asked me what I was doing - so I told him "bandaging a statue". He then asked me why with a very puzzled look. I explianed to him that St John Ambulance are doing their Save a Life September campaign again and they have asked unit members all over the UK to place bandages an stickers on things like lamp posts, post boxes and statues in and around their town to raise awareness. He smiled (probably thinking i'm a total loony) and said he didn't know that Whitehaven had a St John Ambulance Unit. He walked off and kept looking back me!
So it has worked, it has made my unit more aware to at least 1 person. There were a few other people who walked past but didn't say anything, and I did notice after I had left they had gone to look at the bandage. I really wanted to place 1 in the center of town somewhere but being a Saturday and market day it's really busy so I wasn't brave enough to do it.
I really hope that the campaign helps raise awareness of SJA across the UK.
As a member of St John Ambulance I am helping to promote SJA and our "save a life september campaign". This is the 4th year it has been run wiith various activities taking place - from first ai demonstrations in shopping centers to the nationwide guerrilla style bandaging stunt.
I have taken part in the bandaging stunt to try and raise awareness of SJA in my area. My taking part consisted of Bandaging a Lamp post outside my house (on a main road):
Bandaging a statue at Whitehaven harbour:
and Bandaging the railings down by the beach with Whitehaven Light house in the distance:
Whilst I in the process of bandaging the statue a man passing by asked me what I was doing - so I told him "bandaging a statue". He then asked me why with a very puzzled look. I explianed to him that St John Ambulance are doing their Save a Life September campaign again and they have asked unit members all over the UK to place bandages an stickers on things like lamp posts, post boxes and statues in and around their town to raise awareness. He smiled (probably thinking i'm a total loony) and said he didn't know that Whitehaven had a St John Ambulance Unit. He walked off and kept looking back me!
So it has worked, it has made my unit more aware to at least 1 person. There were a few other people who walked past but didn't say anything, and I did notice after I had left they had gone to look at the bandage. I really wanted to place 1 in the center of town somewhere but being a Saturday and market day it's really busy so I wasn't brave enough to do it.
I really hope that the campaign helps raise awareness of SJA across the UK.
Sunday, 16 August 2015
August 16th 2015 - Volunteer
August 16th 2015 - Volunteer
What is a volunteer? According to the online dictionary a volunteer is:
I am a volunteer, I do not get paid and I am proud to be a volunteer. I have been a volunteer with St John Ambulance for over 20years now. I started out as a cadet and worked my way up the ranks to corporal,sergent and cadet leader and then at 17years of age I moved up to the adult unit and took over the running of a cadet unit. I have been working with the youth section since then.
Yesterday's day camp has taken over 6weeks of planning and hard work. I have spent over 40hours printing and researching activities for it, not to mention the extra time messaging adult members, going shopping for various bits needed, waiting in for delivers of craft supplies etc. All of which I have not been paid to do. I do it because I enjoy it and I knew that all my hard work would be appreciated by the young youth members who attended.
I found the verse below on pinterest as well and it is very true.
I made a post on facebook last night saying that "I had had a really great time at the SJA badger day camp today, it was a long day and a lot of hard work, but the kids who came enjoyed themselves, they were all tired by 5pm but carried on til the end and even then they helped pack up as well. thanks also to the adults who helped with various bits during the day. (1 of mine even asked if we could hold another 1 at some point)." 1 of the adult members (and personal friend) that was helping out for the day replied with "Really enjoyed it the Badgers were fantastic and Amy you worked very hard on it all the kids and Whitehaven are very lucky to have you xxx" This was so nice to wake up and see this morning. I know its only a few words but the did make me smile and its nice to know my hard work is appreciated.
What is a volunteer? According to the online dictionary a volunteer is:
"1.a person who voluntarily offers himself or herself for a service or undertaking.
2.a person who performs a service willingly and without pay."
I am a volunteer, I do not get paid and I am proud to be a volunteer. I have been a volunteer with St John Ambulance for over 20years now. I started out as a cadet and worked my way up the ranks to corporal,sergent and cadet leader and then at 17years of age I moved up to the adult unit and took over the running of a cadet unit. I have been working with the youth section since then.
Yesterday's day camp has taken over 6weeks of planning and hard work. I have spent over 40hours printing and researching activities for it, not to mention the extra time messaging adult members, going shopping for various bits needed, waiting in for delivers of craft supplies etc. All of which I have not been paid to do. I do it because I enjoy it and I knew that all my hard work would be appreciated by the young youth members who attended.
I found the verse below on pinterest as well and it is very true.
I made a post on facebook last night saying that "I had had a really great time at the SJA badger day camp today, it was a long day and a lot of hard work, but the kids who came enjoyed themselves, they were all tired by 5pm but carried on til the end and even then they helped pack up as well. thanks also to the adults who helped with various bits during the day. (1 of mine even asked if we could hold another 1 at some point)." 1 of the adult members (and personal friend) that was helping out for the day replied with "Really enjoyed it the Badgers were fantastic and Amy you worked very hard on it all the kids and Whitehaven are very lucky to have you xxx" This was so nice to wake up and see this morning. I know its only a few words but the did make me smile and its nice to know my hard work is appreciated.
August 15th 2015 - Day Camp
August 15th 2015 - Day camp
Today was the day of Badger Day Camp. I've added the link to the whole board not just 1 pin as this has most of the ideas that helped me to organise and run the day camp.
Although we only had 3 out of 5 children turn up they all had lots of fun and were very tired at the end of a long and packed day of activities.
The above photo collage show our set up and the camping lanterns the kids made.
We had 1 room set up as a campsite, with tents, Christmas trees, bears, bean bags as seats round the "fake" campfire and a small kitchen area with snacks and drinks. We had another room for crafts, games and activities. Some of the activities were done around the campfire.
During the day the Badgers made their own id badges, camp t-shirts, a noughts & crosses game from sticks and stones, they made camping lanterns from tubs, battery tea-lights and tissue paper flames and they made their own stick photo frame which a photo of them at the "camp site" was added to. They covered many things in short subjects including camp fires and how to get help and where they should go, maps and compasses, things they can and can't eat in the wild, the importance of hand washing especially outdoors and we used the units UV gel kit - they did really well at it. They also talked about things you can find in nature - animals, birds, plants etc and did an A-Z of them, after this we went on a short walk to the church gardens where we looked for items that we had talked about and they had a spectrum colour chart and needed to find things in nature for each colour.
After tea the Badgers and some of the adults got into their pj's, brought their blankets and torches and lanterns to the campfire where we had a camping story and sang some campfire songs, they then got into their sleeping bags to await the arrival of parents to collect them.
Each Badger was given a certificate for handwashing, a certificate of attendance and 2 old SJA Badger badges for hobbies and games. They will all be receiving their Adventure badge and certificate at our next presentation evening. It was a great day the Badgers were well behaved and all had fun, but it couldn't have happened without the help of the adults from the unit as well.
Today was the day of Badger Day Camp. I've added the link to the whole board not just 1 pin as this has most of the ideas that helped me to organise and run the day camp.
Although we only had 3 out of 5 children turn up they all had lots of fun and were very tired at the end of a long and packed day of activities.
The above photo collage show our set up and the camping lanterns the kids made.
We had 1 room set up as a campsite, with tents, Christmas trees, bears, bean bags as seats round the "fake" campfire and a small kitchen area with snacks and drinks. We had another room for crafts, games and activities. Some of the activities were done around the campfire.
During the day the Badgers made their own id badges, camp t-shirts, a noughts & crosses game from sticks and stones, they made camping lanterns from tubs, battery tea-lights and tissue paper flames and they made their own stick photo frame which a photo of them at the "camp site" was added to. They covered many things in short subjects including camp fires and how to get help and where they should go, maps and compasses, things they can and can't eat in the wild, the importance of hand washing especially outdoors and we used the units UV gel kit - they did really well at it. They also talked about things you can find in nature - animals, birds, plants etc and did an A-Z of them, after this we went on a short walk to the church gardens where we looked for items that we had talked about and they had a spectrum colour chart and needed to find things in nature for each colour.
After tea the Badgers and some of the adults got into their pj's, brought their blankets and torches and lanterns to the campfire where we had a camping story and sang some campfire songs, they then got into their sleeping bags to await the arrival of parents to collect them.
Each Badger was given a certificate for handwashing, a certificate of attendance and 2 old SJA Badger badges for hobbies and games. They will all be receiving their Adventure badge and certificate at our next presentation evening. It was a great day the Badgers were well behaved and all had fun, but it couldn't have happened without the help of the adults from the unit as well.
day camp,
indoor camp,
st john ambulance
Sunday, 12 July 2015
July 12th 2015 - Rugby
July 12th 2015 - Rugby
Rugby - the game not the place. I am none the wiser on the rules now after the match than I was before it. And I wasn't there to eye up the players either. I was at the local game with St John Ambulance as my son (cadet) wanted to go and there has to be a youth leader present.
He spent ages during the game telling me stuff and what was going on and such and I was like "yea i'm a girl, like i'm meant to now or understand!" IF I am going to be down there a lot I will be taking my folding chair instead of sitting on the concrete steps.
Rugby - the game not the place. I am none the wiser on the rules now after the match than I was before it. And I wasn't there to eye up the players either. I was at the local game with St John Ambulance as my son (cadet) wanted to go and there has to be a youth leader present.
He spent ages during the game telling me stuff and what was going on and such and I was like "yea i'm a girl, like i'm meant to now or understand!" IF I am going to be down there a lot I will be taking my folding chair instead of sitting on the concrete steps.
Wednesday, 8 July 2015
July 8th 2015 - St John Ambulance
July 8th 2015 - St John Ambulance
Today is a mixed day at St John Ambulance. The cadets are doing their sponsored silence as part of their fundraising badge, and also to raise funds to buy the glow in the dark items we need for christmas party. Fingers crossed they all do it, especially my son who has raised £101!
Today is a mixed day at St John Ambulance. The cadets are doing their sponsored silence as part of their fundraising badge, and also to raise funds to buy the glow in the dark items we need for christmas party. Fingers crossed they all do it, especially my son who has raised £101!
The badgers are *hopefully* going to the park as part of their wild badge, this is weather dependent. As at the moment it is looking very grey and dark and has rained on/off most of day. I did ask them to bring wellies and coats just incase, and as long as not raining hard we will still go, if it is hard they will be watching a dvd.
Sunday, 5 July 2015
July 5th 2015 - St John Ambulance
July 5th 2015 - St John Ambulance
Today has been a long day and i'm extremely tired! I was awake at 06:30am and eating breakfast a few minutes later, this hour shouldn't exist!!! Well I was fed, had had my coffee, a wash and wash dressed by 7am. I was ready to go at 7:20am.
7:20am came and went and my lift arrived 10minutes late at 7:30am and we set off. We were all heading to Lancaster (about 2hrs drive from where we live) for an update/training day for St John Ambulance.
We were given a lot of information and got answers to lots of things, some may not have been what people wanted to hear etc. I met some new people who were all really nice and friendly, and saw a few people I had met before. I also had a couple of people saying how well behaved and polite and helpful my son is when he is out on events, which was nice to hear.
I am now ready for bed and totally knackered!
Today has been a long day and i'm extremely tired! I was awake at 06:30am and eating breakfast a few minutes later, this hour shouldn't exist!!! Well I was fed, had had my coffee, a wash and wash dressed by 7am. I was ready to go at 7:20am.
7:20am came and went and my lift arrived 10minutes late at 7:30am and we set off. We were all heading to Lancaster (about 2hrs drive from where we live) for an update/training day for St John Ambulance.
We were given a lot of information and got answers to lots of things, some may not have been what people wanted to hear etc. I met some new people who were all really nice and friendly, and saw a few people I had met before. I also had a couple of people saying how well behaved and polite and helpful my son is when he is out on events, which was nice to hear.
I am now ready for bed and totally knackered!
Saturday, 4 July 2015
July 4th 2015 - Whitehaven Carnival
July 4th 2015 - Whitehaven Carnival
Today is the towns carnival. Most of the local dance and drama groups perform in the parade around town, along with floats for different organisations. It is organised by the local LIONS group.
Last year was the first time we had been to it as we missed 2013 as still trying to unpack etc. It is a great environment with people lining the parade route, music playing from the vehicles in the parade etc. Once they have done the parade round town they make their way back to the park on the edge of town where there is stalls, a fun fair and lots more.
This year I am not watching the parade as a member of the public but I will be there with St John Ambulance, who are providing the first aid cover for the day. I really hope the weather picks up more than it has as its really dull and overcast, although not as dull as it was at 9am and has now stopped raining.
Today is the towns carnival. Most of the local dance and drama groups perform in the parade around town, along with floats for different organisations. It is organised by the local LIONS group.
Last year was the first time we had been to it as we missed 2013 as still trying to unpack etc. It is a great environment with people lining the parade route, music playing from the vehicles in the parade etc. Once they have done the parade round town they make their way back to the park on the edge of town where there is stalls, a fun fair and lots more.
This year I am not watching the parade as a member of the public but I will be there with St John Ambulance, who are providing the first aid cover for the day. I really hope the weather picks up more than it has as its really dull and overcast, although not as dull as it was at 9am and has now stopped raining.
Friday, 26 June 2015
June 26th 2015 - Just Giving
June 26th 2015 - Just Giving
Just Giving is a website where you can set up an online sponsor form for any event you are doing and for almost any charity. Just giving don't share your personal details and its very safe to use.
My eldest son is doing a sponsored silence in aid of St John Ambulance, of which he is a member at the local cadet unit. Although he has a paper sponsor form, alot of our family and friends don't live near us so setting up the online option as well is a good idea. He wanted to raise £50 and as of today and typing he so far has £54 and £2.50 gift aid from it.
A sponsored silence may not seem too hard a task to do, especially as its only for 1hour. BUT this is a big thing for my son, he is always in trouble at school, St John Ambulance and at home for talking when he shouldn't, but he is under the local hospital having tests for the austistic spectrum as it is believed he has "signs of" them and they are trying to work out what. I believe that because he has beaten his target and many people have said they don't think he will do it that HE WILL, just to prove them wrong as he is a very strong boy when it comes to things like this.
If anyone else would like to donate to him please click on the link: many thanks if you do.
Since he has joined St John Ambulance he has calmed down a lot. He joins in and enjoys going, he has passed his first aid and enjoys going out to events with the Adult members. He wants to be a vet when he is older so this is a great start forhim.
Just Giving is a website where you can set up an online sponsor form for any event you are doing and for almost any charity. Just giving don't share your personal details and its very safe to use.
My eldest son is doing a sponsored silence in aid of St John Ambulance, of which he is a member at the local cadet unit. Although he has a paper sponsor form, alot of our family and friends don't live near us so setting up the online option as well is a good idea. He wanted to raise £50 and as of today and typing he so far has £54 and £2.50 gift aid from it.
A sponsored silence may not seem too hard a task to do, especially as its only for 1hour. BUT this is a big thing for my son, he is always in trouble at school, St John Ambulance and at home for talking when he shouldn't, but he is under the local hospital having tests for the austistic spectrum as it is believed he has "signs of" them and they are trying to work out what. I believe that because he has beaten his target and many people have said they don't think he will do it that HE WILL, just to prove them wrong as he is a very strong boy when it comes to things like this.
If anyone else would like to donate to him please click on the link: many thanks if you do.
Since he has joined St John Ambulance he has calmed down a lot. He joins in and enjoys going, he has passed his first aid and enjoys going out to events with the Adult members. He wants to be a vet when he is older so this is a great start forhim.
Sunday, 14 June 2015
June 14th 2015 - Indoor camp
June 14th 2015 - Indoor camp
Today has been spent mostly pottering around on the net looking for indoor camping ideas. Not for my boys, but most probably will use some for them, but for my St John Badgers. We had hoped to have a sleepover at another unit in the summer holidays but it looks like we are not going to be allowed for various reasons, so we are trying to out a day camp.
I have spent the day going from site to site, pinning ideas, making notes, adding to a plan, putting together sheets that can be made into a booklet etc. There are loads of great ideas if you look. Some I had already thought of others I hadn't.
I'm sure that if I can get permission to hold either the sleepover or day camp I will make a post or 2 as the planning kicks in more and the event takes place.
Today has been spent mostly pottering around on the net looking for indoor camping ideas. Not for my boys, but most probably will use some for them, but for my St John Badgers. We had hoped to have a sleepover at another unit in the summer holidays but it looks like we are not going to be allowed for various reasons, so we are trying to out a day camp.
I have spent the day going from site to site, pinning ideas, making notes, adding to a plan, putting together sheets that can be made into a booklet etc. There are loads of great ideas if you look. Some I had already thought of others I hadn't.
I'm sure that if I can get permission to hold either the sleepover or day camp I will make a post or 2 as the planning kicks in more and the event takes place.
Monday, 18 May 2015
May 18th 2015 - Bird book
May 18th 2015 - Bird book
Today has spent at the computer and printer! I have made little Bird books similar to this pin but with extra pages for the Badgers to do on Wednesday as we are talking about birds as part of their Wild badge.
I have included a garden bird survey, a colouring page, a wordseaarch, a missing letter in bird names sheet and some draw and write about the birds you have seen.
I thought I had got all the sheets in the right order for when printed to make a book - errrr no! So me and hubby sat and cut the pages and stuck them to other folder bits of A4 paper to get them as they should be, I then opened out each page and moved my cut n paste worksheets to the right place. Once this was done and re-printed they were as I hoped they should be.
I also printed off some news paper articles on animals and pets for the Cadets to use on Wednesday as part of their Animal Welfare badge. At least this part was very easy to do!
Today has spent at the computer and printer! I have made little Bird books similar to this pin but with extra pages for the Badgers to do on Wednesday as we are talking about birds as part of their Wild badge.
I have included a garden bird survey, a colouring page, a wordseaarch, a missing letter in bird names sheet and some draw and write about the birds you have seen.
I thought I had got all the sheets in the right order for when printed to make a book - errrr no! So me and hubby sat and cut the pages and stuck them to other folder bits of A4 paper to get them as they should be, I then opened out each page and moved my cut n paste worksheets to the right place. Once this was done and re-printed they were as I hoped they should be.
I also printed off some news paper articles on animals and pets for the Cadets to use on Wednesday as part of their Animal Welfare badge. At least this part was very easy to do!
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
May 13th 2015 - Food chains
May 13th 2015 - Food chains
Today's pin is linked to food chains. This is what the Badgers at St John Ambulance will be doing tonight as part of their wild badge. We are talking about food chains and life cycles. I phave made some sheets for them to fill in linked to both.
Today's pin is linked to food chains. This is what the Badgers at St John Ambulance will be doing tonight as part of their wild badge. We are talking about food chains and life cycles. I phave made some sheets for them to fill in linked to both.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015
May 6th 2015 - Polar Bear craft
May 6th 2015 - Polar Bear craft
Tonight with my St John Ambulance Badgers they are continuing their Wild badge and we are talking about wild animals, last week we talked about pet animals.
As well as a few written sheets to fill out we are going to make hedgehogs from cut triangle of paper and coconut polar bears. I was very close to not being able to do it as I tried everywhere yesterday to get desicated/ground coconut with no luck. There was only 1 shop we didn't try and hubby went there today and they had some.
Here is mine to show the kids what they are doing:
This is a very easy craft to do - print pictures of polar bears out, cover in glue and then cover the glue in coconut, shake the excess coconut back into the tub.
Tonight with my St John Ambulance Badgers they are continuing their Wild badge and we are talking about wild animals, last week we talked about pet animals.
As well as a few written sheets to fill out we are going to make hedgehogs from cut triangle of paper and coconut polar bears. I was very close to not being able to do it as I tried everywhere yesterday to get desicated/ground coconut with no luck. There was only 1 shop we didn't try and hubby went there today and they had some.
Here is mine to show the kids what they are doing:
This is a very easy craft to do - print pictures of polar bears out, cover in glue and then cover the glue in coconut, shake the excess coconut back into the tub.
polar bear,
st john ambulance,
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
April 21st 2015 - St John Ambulance badges
April 21st 2015 - St John Ambulance badges
Tomorrow night is the presentation evening for St John Ambulance youth where I live. This has been a few months in the planning and as far as I am aware everything is sorted.
There was one thing that needed doing and that was adding my county emblem to my dress jacket. Not a problem, I know where it goes, however, the problem comes in that I have a different badge in that place as my old county didn't have an emblem!
So I hunted the net, didn't have much luck, messaged my officer and posted a request on facebook asking how/where it goes. A nice lady replied with the 2015 dress regulations that show where all the badges go. I added the picture to pinterest so that I could use it for today. My Grand Prior that was where the emblem goes has had to be removed and the county emblem put in its place and the Grand Prior goes underneath.
All badges are now sewn back on my jacket, (but isn't straight!). Fingers crossed no-one notices tomorrow evening.
Tomorrow night is the presentation evening for St John Ambulance youth where I live. This has been a few months in the planning and as far as I am aware everything is sorted.
There was one thing that needed doing and that was adding my county emblem to my dress jacket. Not a problem, I know where it goes, however, the problem comes in that I have a different badge in that place as my old county didn't have an emblem!
So I hunted the net, didn't have much luck, messaged my officer and posted a request on facebook asking how/where it goes. A nice lady replied with the 2015 dress regulations that show where all the badges go. I added the picture to pinterest so that I could use it for today. My Grand Prior that was where the emblem goes has had to be removed and the county emblem put in its place and the Grand Prior goes underneath.
All badges are now sewn back on my jacket, (but isn't straight!). Fingers crossed no-one notices tomorrow evening.
Saturday, 14 February 2015
February 14th 2015 - Valentines day
February 14th 2015 - Valentines day
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE I hope that you have had a good day and all got at least a card.
I have had to "make" a pin for today as I couldn't find anything suitable that I liked. So here it is, my pin about Valentines Day.
Today has been a rather strange day, it started off with 2/3 children giving me cards they had made at school (see below) and a card from hubby. Blake (5) also got his first valentines card from Rosie his girlfriend at school. Hubby got me a mini sewing machine that I have winged about for ages so I can try and learn to sew with it.
Anyway after the nice cards had been given out etc I went and got dressed as I was being picked up at 10:30am to go on a course with St John Ambulance. I got picked up, nipped to asda to get my luch on the way and off we went. An hours car trip to get to the training venue to be told the course had been cancelled as "there was no-one booked on it". Errrr we were booked on it and at a meeting thursday we were told there was 4 people on it.
So we had a wasted trip and i'd bought a pack up for no reason. The lady who picked me up wasn't happy either. As it happens I could have gone out for dinner with my family and the neighbours but had to alter it to next week because of this course today. Never mind, I have sent an email to the person who organised it asking why we wern't notified it had been cancelled.
Well when I got back from the non-existant course the sun was shining and it looked really nice out, so I decided to go outside and pull up some weeds and cut back my hedge. The boys decided to help by taking the cuttings to the bin for me.
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE I hope that you have had a good day and all got at least a card.
I have had to "make" a pin for today as I couldn't find anything suitable that I liked. So here it is, my pin about Valentines Day.
Today has been a rather strange day, it started off with 2/3 children giving me cards they had made at school (see below) and a card from hubby. Blake (5) also got his first valentines card from Rosie his girlfriend at school. Hubby got me a mini sewing machine that I have winged about for ages so I can try and learn to sew with it.
Anyway after the nice cards had been given out etc I went and got dressed as I was being picked up at 10:30am to go on a course with St John Ambulance. I got picked up, nipped to asda to get my luch on the way and off we went. An hours car trip to get to the training venue to be told the course had been cancelled as "there was no-one booked on it". Errrr we were booked on it and at a meeting thursday we were told there was 4 people on it.
So we had a wasted trip and i'd bought a pack up for no reason. The lady who picked me up wasn't happy either. As it happens I could have gone out for dinner with my family and the neighbours but had to alter it to next week because of this course today. Never mind, I have sent an email to the person who organised it asking why we wern't notified it had been cancelled.
Well when I got back from the non-existant course the sun was shining and it looked really nice out, so I decided to go outside and pull up some weeds and cut back my hedge. The boys decided to help by taking the cuttings to the bin for me.
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