I had the Chronic Pain Clinic today and the doctor said that I need to do more and stop worrying about the pain as i'm not actually doing damage to my knee.
It's ok saying do more, but when I do i'm in more pain for a few days afterwards which isn't good and it's not him in pain!
He was going to do another injection but as I said i'm managing at the moment he didn't and said will re-assess in the new year as to whether I need another one.
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Showing posts with label pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pain. Show all posts
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
November 23rd 2015 - technical difficulties
This picture is very true for today - i've done some walking to do the weekly shopping and I am now expiriencing "technical difficulties with my knees. Both of them are hurting like mad, pain killers are not helping, rest is not helping, heat is not working. It's going to be a long afternoon and evening if it continues.
Saturday, 14 November 2015
November 14th 2015 - Invisible
Chronic pain is invisible to all other people, however this doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The person that is suffering with it knows its very real and sore all the time. most of the time people put on a bright face to try and hide it.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
November 9th 2015 - just because.....
Just because i'm used to the pain, doesnt mean it doesnt still hurt. And trust me it hurts alot! Some days are worse than others and today was 1 of those days. I have been sat in non-stop pain all day. No matter how I moved, where I sat or stood or what I did it wouldn't ease.
Saturday, 7 November 2015
6th November 2015 - absolutely nothing
Today I have done absolutely nothing but as the picture says this is still too much! I didn't get up until late as very tired and in pain and I stayed in my pjs and did nothing!
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
October 13th 2015 - Good days
For today's pin I am going to share a post about good days vs bad days linked to chronic pain. Today is a good day and I am not in that much pain and have been able to do things.
I appologise for the rude words in the post but it is very true, anyone that suffers from chronic pain will agree that this is how it is. The good days are few and far between and they dont very often last long.
I appologise for the rude words in the post but it is very true, anyone that suffers from chronic pain will agree that this is how it is. The good days are few and far between and they dont very often last long.
chronic pain,
words. pinterest
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
September 28th 2015 - someone loves you
September 28th 2015 - Someone loves you
I found this image on pinterest linked to pain and thought it was great.
The pin link can be found here Pain and love. I'm very lucky in that I have an understanding husband and he knows what major pain is like as he was involved in a serious RTA 5years ago, had he been in a car and not a lorry he wouldn't be here today. When he had his accident I was the one in reasonable health (my knee was no where near as bad as it is now) and I was doing everything. He is still not 100% fit but he is able to do more than I can at present.
Therefore today's pin is for my husband who knows of sorts what I am going through with the pain. He is the one that is here day in, day out and sees how bad I am and how much I struggle and he helps as much as he can - even if its just leaving me in bed of a morning to sleep as i've been fidgeting all night or bringing me a plate of sandwiches so I don't have to get up for lunch.
Not all people with chronic pain are this lucky.
I found this image on pinterest linked to pain and thought it was great.
The pin link can be found here Pain and love. I'm very lucky in that I have an understanding husband and he knows what major pain is like as he was involved in a serious RTA 5years ago, had he been in a car and not a lorry he wouldn't be here today. When he had his accident I was the one in reasonable health (my knee was no where near as bad as it is now) and I was doing everything. He is still not 100% fit but he is able to do more than I can at present.
Therefore today's pin is for my husband who knows of sorts what I am going through with the pain. He is the one that is here day in, day out and sees how bad I am and how much I struggle and he helps as much as he can - even if its just leaving me in bed of a morning to sleep as i've been fidgeting all night or bringing me a plate of sandwiches so I don't have to get up for lunch.
Not all people with chronic pain are this lucky.
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
September 22nd 2015 - corticosteroid injection in knee
September 22nd 2015 - corticosteroid injection in knee
Today I was at the pain clinic about my knee again. I can't say that it was a pleasant visit in the slightest. I left in tears and in more pain than when I arrived. The doctor wasn't very nice and that didn't help.
He went right back to when I first had knee problems at age 4 and how things had progressed (so to speak) over the years. What treatments I have had and all sorts. We talked about what I want and why I am there. He didn't seem to believe me about the pain until he started prodding it and poking it and I yelled out as it hurt. He tried to tell me the pain is in my head which upset me even more - I wish it was all imaginary.
Well he decided that he would do the corticosteroid injections into my knee. The nurse saw that I was already upset and came and gave me a hug, and asked if I would like to hold her hand during the injection, she yelled out as I squeezed her hand, which the doctor said its normally the patient that yells. And then he had to do the 2nd injection and that hurt just as much as the first. But thats probably because of the size of the needle they shove into you and under your knee cap.
My knee has hurt since and feels numb, i'm hoping that it does ease it. he also gave me pain patches to use and said will see me in 3 months.
I don't like needles at he best of times but this has made m dislike them even more!
Today I was at the pain clinic about my knee again. I can't say that it was a pleasant visit in the slightest. I left in tears and in more pain than when I arrived. The doctor wasn't very nice and that didn't help.
He went right back to when I first had knee problems at age 4 and how things had progressed (so to speak) over the years. What treatments I have had and all sorts. We talked about what I want and why I am there. He didn't seem to believe me about the pain until he started prodding it and poking it and I yelled out as it hurt. He tried to tell me the pain is in my head which upset me even more - I wish it was all imaginary.
Well he decided that he would do the corticosteroid injections into my knee. The nurse saw that I was already upset and came and gave me a hug, and asked if I would like to hold her hand during the injection, she yelled out as I squeezed her hand, which the doctor said its normally the patient that yells. And then he had to do the 2nd injection and that hurt just as much as the first. But thats probably because of the size of the needle they shove into you and under your knee cap.
My knee has hurt since and feels numb, i'm hoping that it does ease it. he also gave me pain patches to use and said will see me in 3 months.
I don't like needles at he best of times but this has made m dislike them even more!
Sunday, 30 August 2015
August 30th 2015 - Done too much
August 30th 2015 - Done too much
Today's pin is great and just about sums up today:
This is lined to my knee and chronic pain (again!)
Yesterday we went to Thomas Land as lil man's birthday treat. We had hired a mobility scooter for me to use which was great. However, lil man wanted me to go on a couple of rides with him and this meant that I had to get off scooter and join a que (I stayed on scooter as far as I could). However, standing and the short walking and the jolting of the ride has left me in absolute agony. I didn't sleep much last night due to the pain either.
I have managed to get up and put my pj bottoms on with a normal top. I have been to the toilet and I have served tea up (not cooked it) and this is a BIG achievement for the amount of pain I am in. I am glad I did yesterday though as lil man loved it. I am going to be in pain for a few days to come.
Today's pin is great and just about sums up today:
This is lined to my knee and chronic pain (again!)
Yesterday we went to Thomas Land as lil man's birthday treat. We had hired a mobility scooter for me to use which was great. However, lil man wanted me to go on a couple of rides with him and this meant that I had to get off scooter and join a que (I stayed on scooter as far as I could). However, standing and the short walking and the jolting of the ride has left me in absolute agony. I didn't sleep much last night due to the pain either.
I have managed to get up and put my pj bottoms on with a normal top. I have been to the toilet and I have served tea up (not cooked it) and this is a BIG achievement for the amount of pain I am in. I am glad I did yesterday though as lil man loved it. I am going to be in pain for a few days to come.
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
August 19th 2015 - Wanted.....
August 19th 2015 - Wanted.....
I may only be 33 and I didn't expect to be in as bad a state as I am BUT I don't plan to sit and mope or let it keep me feeling depressed any longer. It's not just me that is suffering because I can't go places but my family as well, so if a mobility scooter means we can do things then good!
- New knees that don't tremble and ache
- A good nights sleep that eases my fatigue
- Medication that helps me and doesn't make me crazy
- Joints that move freely, without pain or stiffness
- Headaches that disappear with a does of paracetamol
- Muscles that relax and don't remain hard or twitching
- Tolerance to temperature change
- The ability to over do it and not suffer for days or weeks
I may only be 33 and I didn't expect to be in as bad a state as I am BUT I don't plan to sit and mope or let it keep me feeling depressed any longer. It's not just me that is suffering because I can't go places but my family as well, so if a mobility scooter means we can do things then good!
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
August 18th 2015 - Chronic pain
August 18th 2015 - Chronic pain
Let's start right at the beginning - What is Chronic pain?
Chronic pain is often defined as any pain lasting more than 12 weeks. Whereas acute pain is a normal sensation that alerts us to possible injury, chronic pain is very different. Chronic pain persists—often for months or years. It is a persistant unpleasant discomfort that is often resilient to medications.
I have had knee pain since I was 4years old. At that point in time my parents were told it was growing pains and I would eventually outgrow the symptoms. I remember my Mum sitting and massaging creams and things into my knees from this age in an attempt to ease the pain an help me sleep, I would often wake during the night crying with pain in my knees. It never got better!
When I was about 12 the doctors agreed that it probably wasn't growing pains and sent me for xrays and scans and various tests. The results of this came back that I was suffering from Osgood -schlatters disease. This resulted in me not doing much in the way of PE at school, I had to give up dance and gymnastics that I had done for many years and I spent most of my teenage years on crutches as I couldn't walk and weight bare for long periods of time and my knees would give way without warning.
This continued well after I left school and started work, I had to stop working in the nursing home as it was putting too much strain on my knees and got an office job of which I was sacked due to time off with knee problems and not being able to go in. When I was pregnant I had even more problems due to the extra weight I was carrying and again had to use crutches.
Things seemed that they had settled down in my late 20's, I still had problems and pain but was only occasionally, and more so when I had over done things. My doctor said I had mild chronic pain syndrome and the only way to ease it was pain meds and rest when I had a flare up.
In January 2013 I was dancing on the wii with the kids when I twisted my knee - I collapsed straight away and the pain going through my knee was something like I had never felt before. I spent the net few days resting, using ice packs and taking pain killers. It seemed to be easing up a little and I was able to walk abit more. The week after I twisted it I had gone outside to the rubbish bin and I slipped on the ice on the path and was unable to walk and weight bare and ended up in a&e. After 2 xrays being given crutches and a thigh to ankle knee brace I left a&e.
I saw a consultant 2 weeks later and was no better, I was given more stronger pain killers and told to rest as much as I could. This went on for 4months and I was put on morphine patches and they decided to send me to a physiotherapist - this took a further 6weeks for an appointment and by this time it was a few days before I was due to move house so the physio didn't do anything. Once I was registered with a doctor in my new area the sent me to the chronic pain clinic who confirmed that I was now suffering chronic pain. I was referred to a surgeon and 6weeks after seeing him he operated on my knee in April 2014. Apart from the fact I can now walk short distances without crutches I am still in as much pain every day as I was.
Some days are struggle to even get out of bed as I am in that much pain, others I can do some things. I am not lazy I am just in constant pain, I am always tired as I am unable to sleep much at night due to the pain I am in, the constant pain has affected my mood and I am clinically depressed and I have seen a counselor about it, I have a short memory due to being so tired, I amnot able to do all the things I used to do and its not just me that is suffering but my family too. I found this 2nd pin and it is very acurate and I would like to share with my friends and family.
I have been referred back to the surgeon who has requested another MRI scan on my knee, thinks steroid injections into knee may help and has sent me bac to the chronic pain clinic. It is just a waiting game. I never thought I would be disabled at the age of 33 and not able to do much, I have had enough of constant pain and not being able to walk places with my kids etc. I have hired a mobility scooter for our holiday and I plan to buy one so we can start going out places again.
Let's start right at the beginning - What is Chronic pain?
Chronic pain is often defined as any pain lasting more than 12 weeks. Whereas acute pain is a normal sensation that alerts us to possible injury, chronic pain is very different. Chronic pain persists—often for months or years. It is a persistant unpleasant discomfort that is often resilient to medications.
I have had knee pain since I was 4years old. At that point in time my parents were told it was growing pains and I would eventually outgrow the symptoms. I remember my Mum sitting and massaging creams and things into my knees from this age in an attempt to ease the pain an help me sleep, I would often wake during the night crying with pain in my knees. It never got better!
When I was about 12 the doctors agreed that it probably wasn't growing pains and sent me for xrays and scans and various tests. The results of this came back that I was suffering from Osgood -schlatters disease. This resulted in me not doing much in the way of PE at school, I had to give up dance and gymnastics that I had done for many years and I spent most of my teenage years on crutches as I couldn't walk and weight bare for long periods of time and my knees would give way without warning.
This continued well after I left school and started work, I had to stop working in the nursing home as it was putting too much strain on my knees and got an office job of which I was sacked due to time off with knee problems and not being able to go in. When I was pregnant I had even more problems due to the extra weight I was carrying and again had to use crutches.
Things seemed that they had settled down in my late 20's, I still had problems and pain but was only occasionally, and more so when I had over done things. My doctor said I had mild chronic pain syndrome and the only way to ease it was pain meds and rest when I had a flare up.
In January 2013 I was dancing on the wii with the kids when I twisted my knee - I collapsed straight away and the pain going through my knee was something like I had never felt before. I spent the net few days resting, using ice packs and taking pain killers. It seemed to be easing up a little and I was able to walk abit more. The week after I twisted it I had gone outside to the rubbish bin and I slipped on the ice on the path and was unable to walk and weight bare and ended up in a&e. After 2 xrays being given crutches and a thigh to ankle knee brace I left a&e.
I saw a consultant 2 weeks later and was no better, I was given more stronger pain killers and told to rest as much as I could. This went on for 4months and I was put on morphine patches and they decided to send me to a physiotherapist - this took a further 6weeks for an appointment and by this time it was a few days before I was due to move house so the physio didn't do anything. Once I was registered with a doctor in my new area the sent me to the chronic pain clinic who confirmed that I was now suffering chronic pain. I was referred to a surgeon and 6weeks after seeing him he operated on my knee in April 2014. Apart from the fact I can now walk short distances without crutches I am still in as much pain every day as I was.
Some days are struggle to even get out of bed as I am in that much pain, others I can do some things. I am not lazy I am just in constant pain, I am always tired as I am unable to sleep much at night due to the pain I am in, the constant pain has affected my mood and I am clinically depressed and I have seen a counselor about it, I have a short memory due to being so tired, I amnot able to do all the things I used to do and its not just me that is suffering but my family too. I found this 2nd pin and it is very acurate and I would like to share with my friends and family.
I have been referred back to the surgeon who has requested another MRI scan on my knee, thinks steroid injections into knee may help and has sent me bac to the chronic pain clinic. It is just a waiting game. I never thought I would be disabled at the age of 33 and not able to do much, I have had enough of constant pain and not being able to walk places with my kids etc. I have hired a mobility scooter for our holiday and I plan to buy one so we can start going out places again.
Monday, 17 August 2015
August 17th 2015 - Waiting
August 17th 2015 - waiting
I saw this pin and it just about sums up today - i'm sat waiting for my meds to kick in.
I have been back to the docs today about my knee again, this time they have changed my meds for 1 I was on ages ago that didn't work, so I don't hold out much hope of them working this time round.
I knew I would be in pain from all the walking about I did on saturday at day camp, but it was worth it for the kids, they really had a good time. I just don't like being in pain and the meds doing nothing!
I saw this pin and it just about sums up today - i'm sat waiting for my meds to kick in.
I have been back to the docs today about my knee again, this time they have changed my meds for 1 I was on ages ago that didn't work, so I don't hold out much hope of them working this time round.
I knew I would be in pain from all the walking about I did on saturday at day camp, but it was worth it for the kids, they really had a good time. I just don't like being in pain and the meds doing nothing!
Saturday, 9 May 2015
May 9th 2015 - Sock heat bag
May 9th 2015 - Sock heat bag
My knee is causing me lots of pain at the moment, and I have no idea why as I haven't done anything. The most annoying thing is that I can't find my microwave heat bag to put on it. So I went on pinterest to see if I could how to make one.
I found a pin about making a a heat bag from a pair of socks and some rice. I followed the instructions and filled 1 of the socks with rice,tied a knot in it, placed it inside the other sock and then heated it in the microwave, the pin says for 1minute 40seconds, but after 1minute it was already boiling hot, not sure if my microwave was higher power etc.
But it worked as a heat bag, although the rice doesn't stay as hot for as long as my wheat bag. But until I can find it this will work as a short term one.
My knee is causing me lots of pain at the moment, and I have no idea why as I haven't done anything. The most annoying thing is that I can't find my microwave heat bag to put on it. So I went on pinterest to see if I could how to make one.
I found a pin about making a a heat bag from a pair of socks and some rice. I followed the instructions and filled 1 of the socks with rice,tied a knot in it, placed it inside the other sock and then heated it in the microwave, the pin says for 1minute 40seconds, but after 1minute it was already boiling hot, not sure if my microwave was higher power etc.
But it worked as a heat bag, although the rice doesn't stay as hot for as long as my wheat bag. But until I can find it this will work as a short term one.
![]() |
1 bag of rice |
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1 sock |
![]() |
put rice in sock |
![]() |
tie knot in sock |
![]() |
place inside other sock |
Tuesday, 5 May 2015
May 5th 2015 - Pain
May 5th 2015 - Pain
NO idea what has happened BUT the past few days the pain in my knee jas gone through the roof again! I've not done anything to make it worse. Pain killers don't seem to be helping much either.
I'm back where I was before I had the operation a year ago, well not quite as I can walk without crutches, although not very far without pain. I am still getting heat patches (like when you rest a cup of coffee on leg), I am still getting shooting pains up thigh and down calf, I have constant pain under and around knee, my muscles twitch loads, resting doesn't help walking doesn't help, heat and cold don't help!
I have just about had enough of this now 2.5yrs of constant pain is beyond a joke! But I no if go back to docs they will refer me back to surgeon and i'm not sure if I really want another operation on it as 1st one hasn't helped much!
NO idea what has happened BUT the past few days the pain in my knee jas gone through the roof again! I've not done anything to make it worse. Pain killers don't seem to be helping much either.
I'm back where I was before I had the operation a year ago, well not quite as I can walk without crutches, although not very far without pain. I am still getting heat patches (like when you rest a cup of coffee on leg), I am still getting shooting pains up thigh and down calf, I have constant pain under and around knee, my muscles twitch loads, resting doesn't help walking doesn't help, heat and cold don't help!
I have just about had enough of this now 2.5yrs of constant pain is beyond a joke! But I no if go back to docs they will refer me back to surgeon and i'm not sure if I really want another operation on it as 1st one hasn't helped much!
Monday, 12 January 2015
January 12th 2015 - Laptop tray
JANUARY 12TH 2015 - laptop tray
My laptop tray is 1 of those that is filled with bean bag beans, now this was ok but the seams have split and everytime I move or put it down beans come out. I did try and glue it back together but this hasn't worked. Also since injuring my knee 2years ago having the laptop try right on my lap seems to add to the pain of my knees.
So I decided to do a hunt for a new laptop tray - 1 that had legs and rested around my legs and not sat on them seemed a good idea. I looked at argos for 1 first - £28! Not a chance am I paying that! So I then looked on pinterest for ideas of how to make them, I didn't find much. BUT I did find a very nice laptop tray (today's pin) and then looked on ebay and found almost the same one for just over £10 and ordered it. Even though it's not here I have ordered 1 and will be here by the end of the week.
The old 1 will be going in the bin and hopefully my knees will ease up abit!
My laptop tray is 1 of those that is filled with bean bag beans, now this was ok but the seams have split and everytime I move or put it down beans come out. I did try and glue it back together but this hasn't worked. Also since injuring my knee 2years ago having the laptop try right on my lap seems to add to the pain of my knees.
So I decided to do a hunt for a new laptop tray - 1 that had legs and rested around my legs and not sat on them seemed a good idea. I looked at argos for 1 first - £28! Not a chance am I paying that! So I then looked on pinterest for ideas of how to make them, I didn't find much. BUT I did find a very nice laptop tray (today's pin) and then looked on ebay and found almost the same one for just over £10 and ordered it. Even though it's not here I have ordered 1 and will be here by the end of the week.
The old 1 will be going in the bin and hopefully my knees will ease up abit!
Friday, 28 February 2014
What a lovely day
Today has been really nice, its dry and the sun has shined. This meant that me and hubby have ventured outside to sort some more of the garden out. However, it was very wet and muddy under foot.
When we bought the house last May, the garden had 6ft weeds, dead trees and brambles all over it, as the previous owners hadn't done anything for about 7year. It had been strimmed by the estate agents for viewings.
All of What is in that picture, we cut down last year, and it looked like this in September:
We put the kids swing in the top right corner next to the hedges, and added wood bark underneath, it looked really nice. It was sprayed with cat repellant to keep them away, shame all the local cats didn't realise they wern't meant to like the spray and decided it was their new toilet!!! (yea totally gross!) So, it has all been taken up and bagged for bin. We were going to put decking squares under it but didn't have a framework to fix them to. Son in the end we went for fake grass. Took ages to do.
I also sat and scraped loads of the moss from the rock and stone walls! Then decided to google how to get rid of it and apart from buying expensive stuff the top answer was whit vinegar in a spray bottle and they use a wallpaper scraper to remove. This I will be trying. I have lots of rocks/stones as part of retainers as the garden is on a downhill slope to the house. I want them to look nice.
There is still LOTS to do in it, including digging out soil from the slop nearest the house in order to lay decking, leveling other parts to add grass seed to and part of it is going as patio. It wont be finished this year I don't think, although it would be nice.
I certainly know I have done stuff as both my back and my knee are causing me pain!
When we bought the house last May, the garden had 6ft weeds, dead trees and brambles all over it, as the previous owners hadn't done anything for about 7year. It had been strimmed by the estate agents for viewings.
All of What is in that picture, we cut down last year, and it looked like this in September:
We put the kids swing in the top right corner next to the hedges, and added wood bark underneath, it looked really nice. It was sprayed with cat repellant to keep them away, shame all the local cats didn't realise they wern't meant to like the spray and decided it was their new toilet!!! (yea totally gross!) So, it has all been taken up and bagged for bin. We were going to put decking squares under it but didn't have a framework to fix them to. Son in the end we went for fake grass. Took ages to do.
I also sat and scraped loads of the moss from the rock and stone walls! Then decided to google how to get rid of it and apart from buying expensive stuff the top answer was whit vinegar in a spray bottle and they use a wallpaper scraper to remove. This I will be trying. I have lots of rocks/stones as part of retainers as the garden is on a downhill slope to the house. I want them to look nice.
There is still LOTS to do in it, including digging out soil from the slop nearest the house in order to lay decking, leveling other parts to add grass seed to and part of it is going as patio. It wont be finished this year I don't think, although it would be nice.
I certainly know I have done stuff as both my back and my knee are causing me pain!
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Sooooooooooo much pain again!
Last night my knee gave (again) and I ended up in a heap on the floor! This is the 1st time it has done this in about 4months, and it has re-aggrevated my knee injury from january 2013. So after ringing my GP and not being able to get in until friday the nurse advised me if I was in pain to go to A&E.
Off to A&E I went to have my knee prodded n pulled about and me end up in even more pain! (why do docs always say sorry when they are making you cry out in pain??? LOL!) Well the doc advised strapping it up and resting it and using my crutches if I need to walk about. He doesn't think there is any new damage but the old injury again.
So its now a waiting game to see what my gp is going to do and wait for the appointment to the orthopeadic docs, meanwhile taking pain killers like they are going out of fashion! NOT that they are helping much. :(
But as I cant do much means I have time to look for more competitions to enter and I can sit and read my books :)
Off to A&E I went to have my knee prodded n pulled about and me end up in even more pain! (why do docs always say sorry when they are making you cry out in pain??? LOL!) Well the doc advised strapping it up and resting it and using my crutches if I need to walk about. He doesn't think there is any new damage but the old injury again.
So its now a waiting game to see what my gp is going to do and wait for the appointment to the orthopeadic docs, meanwhile taking pain killers like they are going out of fashion! NOT that they are helping much. :(
But as I cant do much means I have time to look for more competitions to enter and I can sit and read my books :)
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