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Showing posts with label rheged. Show all posts

Monday, 10 August 2015

August 10th 2015 - Rheged Centre

August 10th 2015 - Rheged Centre

The Rheged Centre is an hours drive from my house.  Over the summer holidays they have a minecraft event on.

Today we took the boys, we hadn't told them where we going but they needed to get up, have breakfast and get dressed ready to go.  Once we were all ready we set off.  Sadly the weather was really naff and was raining all the way there.  This isn't a problem in itself as the Rheged is indoors but would mean they couldnt play in the outdoor play area.

Upon arrival the boys saw the big minecraft signs outside the building and the older 2 were really excited.  We went in and I took a few photos of them with the figures that were downstairs and they stood infront of the minecraft wall with minecraft heads on for pics.

It looked like it was going to be a really good event.  We followed the signs up to where it was and still looked good.  However looks are deceiving, we were there a total of 45mins!  The boys looked around had a few photos taken, tried to make paper figures but the glue was too runny it made the paper wet and not keep shape.  They were unable to play with the lego as it was really busy, so they coloured a minecraft figure and we left.  You exit through the shop which was very expensive, items were more than what they are in the shops in town!

They did enjoy looking at the models and pictures  but said its a shame there wasn't more to do.  We came home and they played minecraft on their devices.