January 31st 2015 - St John Ambulance Paperwork
Although we are still in January I have to sort out the paperwork for my St John Ambualnce Youth unit for the term from easter to the summer holidays. I already know what courses I am going to be running, I just need to sort out the indepth plan of each week.
So today's pin comes from my other account - the 1 I use for bits to help with St John Ambulance courses. It is this form, the 3month meeting plan. I have 2 lots of it to fill in - 1 for the under 10s (Badgers) and 1 for the over 10s (Cadets ). So this will keep me busy for most of today and probably tomorrow.
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Saturday, 31 January 2015
Friday, 30 January 2015
January 30th 2015 - how to remove bits from a perfume bottle
January 30th 2015 - how to remove bits from a perfume bottle
Following onfrom the halloween book yesterday I am also in the process of making some new potion bottles for myself and a friend who wants some. I won some lovely crystal shaped bottles on ebay last week that I thought would be great to add to the shelf of potions.
They arrived today and although listed as small are bit bigger than I thouht they were but thats not a problem. The problem however was they were spray bottles not open top ones and the bit the spray fits into is fixed to the glass bottle not screw on like the newer style bottles are.
So I set about finding a new pin for today on how to remove the spray bit from old perfume bottles. Well as you can see I found one. Unfortunately the tutorial and actually doing it dont fully work together. I was unable to get the scissors under the outer part like it says and we still couldn't remove the middle easily, so I attacked it with my dremmel craft tool and a drill bit. This was fine except the spay tube and everything else ended up inside the bottle. Here's where I handed to the hubby and said fix! Luckily hubby managed to get the bits off we needed off and the plastic stopper out of the neck of the bottle and pull the insides out.
The bottles are now ready to be washed and have new contents in, but in order for the bottles to be air tight and not leak I have got to go to wilkinsons and buy some small corks to glue in as stoppers. I think that I am going to have to cut the corks down too fit as the hole is about 0.5-1cm across.
Following onfrom the halloween book yesterday I am also in the process of making some new potion bottles for myself and a friend who wants some. I won some lovely crystal shaped bottles on ebay last week that I thought would be great to add to the shelf of potions.
They arrived today and although listed as small are bit bigger than I thouht they were but thats not a problem. The problem however was they were spray bottles not open top ones and the bit the spray fits into is fixed to the glass bottle not screw on like the newer style bottles are.
So I set about finding a new pin for today on how to remove the spray bit from old perfume bottles. Well as you can see I found one. Unfortunately the tutorial and actually doing it dont fully work together. I was unable to get the scissors under the outer part like it says and we still couldn't remove the middle easily, so I attacked it with my dremmel craft tool and a drill bit. This was fine except the spay tube and everything else ended up inside the bottle. Here's where I handed to the hubby and said fix! Luckily hubby managed to get the bits off we needed off and the plastic stopper out of the neck of the bottle and pull the insides out.
The bottles are now ready to be washed and have new contents in, but in order for the bottles to be air tight and not leak I have got to go to wilkinsons and buy some small corks to glue in as stoppers. I think that I am going to have to cut the corks down too fit as the hole is about 0.5-1cm across.
Thursday, 29 January 2015
January 29th 2015 - Making a Spell book
January 29th 2015 -Making a Spell book
I am starting the process of making a Spell book ready for Halloween, to go alongside my witches potion shelf and crystal ball that I have. There are many ideas and tutorials on the internet but most are for an open book and only have 2 pages with spells on, this is 1 of the ideas on pinterest.
However, for my book I plan to add a Spell to every page! Yes i'm being adventurous and yes I will get it to work and no it's not too early to be thinking about Halloween! I also found this picture on Pinterest about Halloween that I thought was appropriate:
This is so me and sums things up. I love Halloween and everything that goes with it, I have boxes of decorations and stuff in the loft, I really think that I should have lived in USA as they do everything on a big scale like I like to do.
Anyway back to the book. I went to the old/second hand book shop in town on Tuesday 27th January in the hope of finding an old leather bound book of A4 type size that I could convert. There were some lovely old books that would have been perfect, the only downside was the price of the £6.50 for an A5 and upto £50 an almost A3 size. They would have been great but I can't justify the cost of it for use of a few hours 1 night a year. So I went round the charity shops and picked up a 1978 encyclopeadia for 99p, its not as thick as I had hoped for but i can make it work.

I plan to add texture by tissue paper to the cover and then paint it a deep purple, I also want the word spells in raised letters across the top and a silver pentagram underneath and the same on the spine. I just have to find these bits or work out how to make them! I am glueing every 2 pages together to make the paper thicker and I will painting them with acrylic paint in a brown to make them look old. Once these are all done (going to take few weeks as can only glue 4 pages at a time so they dont all stick together and will be the same with paint). I will then be printing out all the spells I have found and saved on pinterest in a baord called spells and spell book, and sticking them to the pages.
This is going to be a work in progress and I will be re-visiting as I go during the year.
I am starting the process of making a Spell book ready for Halloween, to go alongside my witches potion shelf and crystal ball that I have. There are many ideas and tutorials on the internet but most are for an open book and only have 2 pages with spells on, this is 1 of the ideas on pinterest.
However, for my book I plan to add a Spell to every page! Yes i'm being adventurous and yes I will get it to work and no it's not too early to be thinking about Halloween! I also found this picture on Pinterest about Halloween that I thought was appropriate:
This is so me and sums things up. I love Halloween and everything that goes with it, I have boxes of decorations and stuff in the loft, I really think that I should have lived in USA as they do everything on a big scale like I like to do.
Anyway back to the book. I went to the old/second hand book shop in town on Tuesday 27th January in the hope of finding an old leather bound book of A4 type size that I could convert. There were some lovely old books that would have been perfect, the only downside was the price of the £6.50 for an A5 and upto £50 an almost A3 size. They would have been great but I can't justify the cost of it for use of a few hours 1 night a year. So I went round the charity shops and picked up a 1978 encyclopeadia for 99p, its not as thick as I had hoped for but i can make it work.
I plan to add texture by tissue paper to the cover and then paint it a deep purple, I also want the word spells in raised letters across the top and a silver pentagram underneath and the same on the spine. I just have to find these bits or work out how to make them! I am glueing every 2 pages together to make the paper thicker and I will painting them with acrylic paint in a brown to make them look old. Once these are all done (going to take few weeks as can only glue 4 pages at a time so they dont all stick together and will be the same with paint). I will then be printing out all the spells I have found and saved on pinterest in a baord called spells and spell book, and sticking them to the pages.
This is going to be a work in progress and I will be re-visiting as I go during the year.
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
January 28th 2015 - Pinterest has arrived on my blog
January 28th 2015 - Pinterest has arrived on my blog
I have wondered for a long time HOW people have the "P" or "pin" appear on their images on blogs and websites, so I set about finding out.
I started off by going through my blog to check I didn't already have, which I didn't think I did and I was correct. I then hit settings and started playing about with those and also realised that my blog didn't show the tags/labels I have added to each post or have a search bar and a few other bits. So I added these quite easily from the layout tab, but I couldn't find anything about the Pinterest bit on photos so I went and searched on Pinterest itself and there is loads, some not relevant to blogger but I eventually found a link that was.
I followed the insturctions and saved my template, added the coding where it said saved it and went back to the blog page AND it worked!
I'm really happy and pleased with myself that I managed to do it. My blog can now be linked to Pinterest via my pictures, it has a search bar and shows all the tags. I even altered the background colour from Black to Purple, so its now now a really dark blog. Another day I am going to try and find a really nice Purple blog template and see if I can change the template completely. I need to work out how to link Pinterest to my blog as well.
I have wondered for a long time HOW people have the "P" or "pin" appear on their images on blogs and websites, so I set about finding out.
I started off by going through my blog to check I didn't already have, which I didn't think I did and I was correct. I then hit settings and started playing about with those and also realised that my blog didn't show the tags/labels I have added to each post or have a search bar and a few other bits. So I added these quite easily from the layout tab, but I couldn't find anything about the Pinterest bit on photos so I went and searched on Pinterest itself and there is loads, some not relevant to blogger but I eventually found a link that was.
I followed the insturctions and saved my template, added the coding where it said saved it and went back to the blog page AND it worked!
I'm really happy and pleased with myself that I managed to do it. My blog can now be linked to Pinterest via my pictures, it has a search bar and shows all the tags. I even altered the background colour from Black to Purple, so its now now a really dark blog. Another day I am going to try and find a really nice Purple blog template and see if I can change the template completely. I need to work out how to link Pinterest to my blog as well.
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
January 27th 2015 - FIMO
January 27th 2015 - FIMO
Today has been one of those mad days. We usually go shopping on a tuesday morning, today being no exception. Except for the fact I needed to do some bits in town as well. So rather than leaving food in the car and then doing town we did town first. Makes sense right??? Well you would think so but it seems the world and his wife were in town and the supermarkets all at the same time.
We usually get to the supermarkets just after 9am once we have dropped the kids off at school and the shops are very quiet and we get really quickly. But today with going into town first which was really busy we didn't get to the supermarkets until nearly 12. And it was heaving, you couldn't move down half the ailses and people were pushing and shoving! I'm NOT doing groceries this late again!
Well after finally getting the shopping and lunch and getting home there wasn't much time left before getting my boys from school so I hav done a very easy pin for today - the instructions for how to use FIMO Modelling Clay. I have bought a white sparkly pack of it that I am going to turn into 2 unicorn horns to go in jars to be added to my witches potion shelf for halloween.
I have even found instructions on how to make them from air drying clay, so it wont be much different for the oven baked clay which FIMO is.
I remember when I was little me and Mum had loads of FIMO and I was always making things, beads and animals and things for in my dolls house. I didn't know it was stilll made until I was looking for clay to make the horns from. Then to the madness of it I asked my friend if she had used it and could tell me how long to bake it for as it came with no instructions...... see bottom left of picture! DUH. LOL! I didn't even see it on there until she asked me for a picture of what "Type" I had bought, as they vary slightly. Never mind.
I also bought a book in the charity shop for 99p to start making my old spell book from. I did look in the old/secondhand bookshop in town and he had some LOVELY really old leath bound books which would have been ideal, the only downside was the price of the £6.50 for an A5 and upto £50 an almost A3 size. They would have been great but I can't justify the cost of it for use of a few hours 1 night a year. Watch this space for the advancement of the spell book.
Today has been one of those mad days. We usually go shopping on a tuesday morning, today being no exception. Except for the fact I needed to do some bits in town as well. So rather than leaving food in the car and then doing town we did town first. Makes sense right??? Well you would think so but it seems the world and his wife were in town and the supermarkets all at the same time.
We usually get to the supermarkets just after 9am once we have dropped the kids off at school and the shops are very quiet and we get really quickly. But today with going into town first which was really busy we didn't get to the supermarkets until nearly 12. And it was heaving, you couldn't move down half the ailses and people were pushing and shoving! I'm NOT doing groceries this late again!
I have even found instructions on how to make them from air drying clay, so it wont be much different for the oven baked clay which FIMO is.
I remember when I was little me and Mum had loads of FIMO and I was always making things, beads and animals and things for in my dolls house. I didn't know it was stilll made until I was looking for clay to make the horns from. Then to the madness of it I asked my friend if she had used it and could tell me how long to bake it for as it came with no instructions...... see bottom left of picture! DUH. LOL! I didn't even see it on there until she asked me for a picture of what "Type" I had bought, as they vary slightly. Never mind.
I also bought a book in the charity shop for 99p to start making my old spell book from. I did look in the old/secondhand bookshop in town and he had some LOVELY really old leath bound books which would have been ideal, the only downside was the price of the £6.50 for an A5 and upto £50 an almost A3 size. They would have been great but I can't justify the cost of it for use of a few hours 1 night a year. Watch this space for the advancement of the spell book.
Monday, 26 January 2015
January 26th 2015 - Printer re-set
January 26th 2015 - printer re-set
For today's pin I was going to attempt to reset my HP printer ink cartridges via a link on pinterest, where it said that you take the cartridge out, turn it over and using a paper clip gently press on the re-set button in the middle. Brilliant and very easy.
Errrrr not very easy if you have a HP printer as they DONT have a re-set button! So I had to look for another pin on how to reset a HP. I found one and it said to remove the cartridges and turn them over, cover the top 4 pins of the left row with clear tape and put back in printer, you would get an error message and to wat 10seconds before removing. remove the tape and place over top 4 on right side. This would have been great except my cartridges didnt have 4 pins near the top!
Well I placed the tape over 4pins and put the cartridges back in, got the error message, waited and then removed, and did the same the other side. Removed the tape altogther and put cartridges back in and printed the test page which it printed. (YAY)
Unfortunately when I tried to print the document I needed it came out blank again. So this pin was a total flop for my printer. Was a worth a shot incase I could trick it it thinking there was abit more ink left. Never mind, will have to wait to get new ink.
For today's pin I was going to attempt to reset my HP printer ink cartridges via a link on pinterest, where it said that you take the cartridge out, turn it over and using a paper clip gently press on the re-set button in the middle. Brilliant and very easy.
Errrrr not very easy if you have a HP printer as they DONT have a re-set button! So I had to look for another pin on how to reset a HP. I found one and it said to remove the cartridges and turn them over, cover the top 4 pins of the left row with clear tape and put back in printer, you would get an error message and to wat 10seconds before removing. remove the tape and place over top 4 on right side. This would have been great except my cartridges didnt have 4 pins near the top!
Well I placed the tape over 4pins and put the cartridges back in, got the error message, waited and then removed, and did the same the other side. Removed the tape altogther and put cartridges back in and printed the test page which it printed. (YAY)
Unfortunately when I tried to print the document I needed it came out blank again. So this pin was a total flop for my printer. Was a worth a shot incase I could trick it it thinking there was abit more ink left. Never mind, will have to wait to get new ink.
Sunday, 25 January 2015
January 26th 2015 - Book 2 finished
January 25th 2015 - Book 2 finished
Today I haven't done much, I didn't get up until 09:45am and I was in bed at 8:30pm last night after the very early wake up in order to go on the course. Which we made it to without falling asleep on the train and was very informative.
So today I have sat and typed up the notes I made on the course which actually took ages and then I tried to print for my printer to do 2 pages of 6 (plus I need 3 copies in total) and then said it was out of ink and chucked out blank pages. I think tomorrow I am going to try and re-set the ink and see if I can get them printed out. Then I sat and read the last part of my book. This is 1 of the categories in the 2015 reading challenge. It is called I heart New York. And fits under the section of set in another country.
Was your typical romance book really, which I don't mind reading now and then, I used to read them all the time.
Today I haven't done much, I didn't get up until 09:45am and I was in bed at 8:30pm last night after the very early wake up in order to go on the course. Which we made it to without falling asleep on the train and was very informative.
So today I have sat and typed up the notes I made on the course which actually took ages and then I tried to print for my printer to do 2 pages of 6 (plus I need 3 copies in total) and then said it was out of ink and chucked out blank pages. I think tomorrow I am going to try and re-set the ink and see if I can get them printed out. Then I sat and read the last part of my book. This is 1 of the categories in the 2015 reading challenge. It is called I heart New York. And fits under the section of set in another country.
Was your typical romance book really, which I don't mind reading now and then, I used to read them all the time.
Friday, 23 January 2015
January 24th 2015 - What stupid hour is this?
January 24th 2015 - What stupid hour is this? (written on 23rd as wont have time on 24th - you will see why.)
WHAT STUPID HOUR IS 5AM??? I didn't even know this hour existed until today! (Well I did see the end of post.) Whose stupid idea was it to make me wake up and get dressed at this hour??? That would be St John Ambulance, lol! I'm NOT a morning person and havn't been for many years!!! My mornings start near noon. However, I knew that this pinning of "random things" would come in handy 1 day and today it has. lol!
Well my morning today doesn't start near noon/mid-day but today it started at 5am, as I was being picked up by a friend at 6am to be on the 06:20am train out of town. God this is unusual torture! This isn't even for a nice reason like a day of partying or a nice spa but to go on a St John Ambulance 1day course that I need to do, based in Preston! They don't run courses locally in Cumbria, they are all in Preston, Manchester, Liverpool and Stockport because there is more units in those areas - what happened to rotating them around to make it fair on everyone??? This is just the first of a few over the next few months that have stupid wake up times. At least with most of them they are full weekend courses and I can leave friday lunchtime to be there for teatime and the course start, and I will return on sunday afternoon.
From the first train from home I have an hours trip to Carlisle, and from here another train of over an hour to Preston. We have to leave this early because the next train gets us there after the course start time, we are being picked up from Preston station to get to the venue of the course.
My god, this hour really is bad - I left the house armed with a coffee in my thermal travel cup and a bottle of energy drink in my bag! It was pitch black and bl**dy freezing! I'm pretty sure there should be a law against this. The coffee and energy drinks will hopefully keep me awake. I had said I was going back to sleep on the train and my mate could wake me up when we got there, the thing is he said he was going back to sleep and I could wake him up when we got there. This could be bad!!! So we may not get to the course in Preston but stranded the other end of the country if we both fall asleep, good job i've set alarms for both stations for 10mins before the trains are due to arrive.
(I'm really not sure HOW I used to get up at this hour many years ago when I started work at 7am as a career in the nursing homes! And to top that off some nights I didn't actually get home from clubbing until 3am and I was still up on time. Then there was me working in the clubs and not getting home until 4am and out again for day shift in nursing home at 6am - but I managed it, but then I was younger than I am now!)
WHAT STUPID HOUR IS 5AM??? I didn't even know this hour existed until today! (Well I did see the end of post.) Whose stupid idea was it to make me wake up and get dressed at this hour??? That would be St John Ambulance, lol! I'm NOT a morning person and havn't been for many years!!! My mornings start near noon. However, I knew that this pinning of "random things" would come in handy 1 day and today it has. lol!
Well my morning today doesn't start near noon/mid-day but today it started at 5am, as I was being picked up by a friend at 6am to be on the 06:20am train out of town. God this is unusual torture! This isn't even for a nice reason like a day of partying or a nice spa but to go on a St John Ambulance 1day course that I need to do, based in Preston! They don't run courses locally in Cumbria, they are all in Preston, Manchester, Liverpool and Stockport because there is more units in those areas - what happened to rotating them around to make it fair on everyone??? This is just the first of a few over the next few months that have stupid wake up times. At least with most of them they are full weekend courses and I can leave friday lunchtime to be there for teatime and the course start, and I will return on sunday afternoon.
From the first train from home I have an hours trip to Carlisle, and from here another train of over an hour to Preston. We have to leave this early because the next train gets us there after the course start time, we are being picked up from Preston station to get to the venue of the course.
My god, this hour really is bad - I left the house armed with a coffee in my thermal travel cup and a bottle of energy drink in my bag! It was pitch black and bl**dy freezing! I'm pretty sure there should be a law against this. The coffee and energy drinks will hopefully keep me awake. I had said I was going back to sleep on the train and my mate could wake me up when we got there, the thing is he said he was going back to sleep and I could wake him up when we got there. This could be bad!!! So we may not get to the course in Preston but stranded the other end of the country if we both fall asleep, good job i've set alarms for both stations for 10mins before the trains are due to arrive.
this just about sums me and today up!!!
(I'm really not sure HOW I used to get up at this hour many years ago when I started work at 7am as a career in the nursing homes! And to top that off some nights I didn't actually get home from clubbing until 3am and I was still up on time. Then there was me working in the clubs and not getting home until 4am and out again for day shift in nursing home at 6am - but I managed it, but then I was younger than I am now!)
January 23rd 2015 - Happy 40th Birthday
January 23rd 2015 - Happy 40th Birthday
Today is my sisters 40th Birthday. Sadly we can't be with her as she lives 5.5hrs drive down south from where we live. We had planned to go down tonight when we picked the kids up from school for the weekend but I'm on a course tomorrow with St John Ambulance so we can't go.
When we saw her the other weekend we left her birthday present there, but as its a special birthday I ordered her a bunch of flowers from eflorist.com, they were like these:
I ordered and paid for them online and selected delivery for today, it all went through really easily, and when I messaged my sister at 09:15am today to wish her a happy birthday they had just been delivered (very impressed as I thought would be later in day). She said they are absolutley lovely.
Well she did't get away with her 40th with just a bottle of perfume and a bunch of flowers - oh no! I posted these bits alos found on pinterest on her facebook as well: 40 and days old.
Today is my sisters 40th Birthday. Sadly we can't be with her as she lives 5.5hrs drive down south from where we live. We had planned to go down tonight when we picked the kids up from school for the weekend but I'm on a course tomorrow with St John Ambulance so we can't go.
When we saw her the other weekend we left her birthday present there, but as its a special birthday I ordered her a bunch of flowers from eflorist.com, they were like these:
I ordered and paid for them online and selected delivery for today, it all went through really easily, and when I messaged my sister at 09:15am today to wish her a happy birthday they had just been delivered (very impressed as I thought would be later in day). She said they are absolutley lovely.
Well she did't get away with her 40th with just a bottle of perfume and a bunch of flowers - oh no! I posted these bits alos found on pinterest on her facebook as well: 40 and days old.
Thursday, 22 January 2015
January 22nd 2015 - DVD Sorting
January 22nd 2015 - DVD Sorting
It has come to our attention that we have some DVDs on the profiler that are not on our shelves anymore and we have some DVDs on the shelves that are not on the profiler at all. So we have spent today going through it and adding and removing DVDs.
This may sound simple but when you have over 500 DVDs in the collection it is a very long and painstaking job to do. Especially as not all DVDs come up by their title and you have to add them via the barcode, and even then not all come up and you have to manually add them. Then there is the problem of some have the same title as others and they are totally different films so you have to check that you have the right one.
All in all, it takes ages but at least we are back up to date again. If you have loads of DVDs I would highly reccommend using the Invelos DVD profiler programme online to keep track. You can add DVDs that you wish to buy, have ordered and actually owned.
It has come to our attention that we have some DVDs on the profiler that are not on our shelves anymore and we have some DVDs on the shelves that are not on the profiler at all. So we have spent today going through it and adding and removing DVDs.
This may sound simple but when you have over 500 DVDs in the collection it is a very long and painstaking job to do. Especially as not all DVDs come up by their title and you have to add them via the barcode, and even then not all come up and you have to manually add them. Then there is the problem of some have the same title as others and they are totally different films so you have to check that you have the right one.
All in all, it takes ages but at least we are back up to date again. If you have loads of DVDs I would highly reccommend using the Invelos DVD profiler programme online to keep track. You can add DVDs that you wish to buy, have ordered and actually owned.
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
January 21st 2015 - I'm going back to school
January 21st 2015 - I'm going back to school
Today saw me go back to school for a 10week family learning course in Literacy. It is being run by the local council and is all free (including the tea/coffee and biscuits!!!)
It all came about the end of last week. My middle son brought a letter home about it and then the next day so did the youngest, they both asked if I would go on it with them, so I filled in the form and returned it to school. Yesterday when I picked up the youngest he declared that he had a letter for me. I opened it and had a look and it confirmed we had a place on the course starting today!
The only downside to this is that I actually have to be up and dressed and out the door by 08:35am in order to get the boys to school for 08:45am for register, the course strats at 9am.
Today was mainly about filling in paperwork and getting to know each other - most of the parents doing it already do know each other but it was nice. I knew two of the mums on it already quite well and a 3rd that i've spoken to in passing etc. They seem a nice group and I may actually make some more friends from it. We also had to make invites for our children to come and join us over the next few weeks.
The last week of the course is actually a full day trip away from the school for us parents and our kids, again all free (except lunch). They are looking at going to 1 of the local farms that has a big indoor soft play area as well.
I will kepp you posted on how it goes.
Today saw me go back to school for a 10week family learning course in Literacy. It is being run by the local council and is all free (including the tea/coffee and biscuits!!!)
It all came about the end of last week. My middle son brought a letter home about it and then the next day so did the youngest, they both asked if I would go on it with them, so I filled in the form and returned it to school. Yesterday when I picked up the youngest he declared that he had a letter for me. I opened it and had a look and it confirmed we had a place on the course starting today!
The only downside to this is that I actually have to be up and dressed and out the door by 08:35am in order to get the boys to school for 08:45am for register, the course strats at 9am.
Today was mainly about filling in paperwork and getting to know each other - most of the parents doing it already do know each other but it was nice. I knew two of the mums on it already quite well and a 3rd that i've spoken to in passing etc. They seem a nice group and I may actually make some more friends from it. We also had to make invites for our children to come and join us over the next few weeks.
The last week of the course is actually a full day trip away from the school for us parents and our kids, again all free (except lunch). They are looking at going to 1 of the local farms that has a big indoor soft play area as well.
I will kepp you posted on how it goes.
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
January 20th 2015 - What can a bearded dragon eat?
January 20th 2015 - What can a bearded dragon eat?
The answer is lots of things, but this isn't helpful when i'm stood in the supermarket with no internet signal to check as I can't remember!
So today's pin is another linked to my phone - I am compiling a list to my phone of things he can eat daily/regularly and not so often. I did have 1 up until my phone went in for repairs and I never re-made it.
I found a pin about bearded dragon food on pinterest so I have linked to that as well as the interent as there is a wide range of things they can eat not on this list.
My beardie is really funny, although he (she maybe as not checked its sex but were told male when bought it) will eat alot of vegetables it goes crazy for greens! spinach, kale, dandelion leaves, peas and pea shoots etc. I'm not sure if beardies can tell colours or not, but he certainly goes more mad for them than anything else he gets given.
here is part of the list on my phone
The answer is lots of things, but this isn't helpful when i'm stood in the supermarket with no internet signal to check as I can't remember!
So today's pin is another linked to my phone - I am compiling a list to my phone of things he can eat daily/regularly and not so often. I did have 1 up until my phone went in for repairs and I never re-made it.
I found a pin about bearded dragon food on pinterest so I have linked to that as well as the interent as there is a wide range of things they can eat not on this list.
My beardie is really funny, although he (she maybe as not checked its sex but were told male when bought it) will eat alot of vegetables it goes crazy for greens! spinach, kale, dandelion leaves, peas and pea shoots etc. I'm not sure if beardies can tell colours or not, but he certainly goes more mad for them than anything else he gets given.
here is part of the list on my phone
bearded dragon,
Monday, 19 January 2015
January 19th 2015 - nutella pastries
January 19th 2015 - nutella pastries
Today I decided to try and make these nutella pastries. They look really nice and they don't look very hard to make.
First off I cheated as I used shop-bought pastry (me and cakes/pastry etc don't go very well together, despite my wanting them to). I COVERED the worktop in flour, only for the pre-made pastry to be on a nice grease proof sheet! never mind!
I then cut them into squares (of sorts more like 4 sided shapes than squares), maybe i should use a piece of cardboard as a guide next time - next time she says, don't even no if they have worked this time yet!!! Onto each "shape" I placed a dollop of nuttela chocolate spread.
From here I folded them into "triangle type shapes", would have been easier if they had been proper squares, but its pastry and mouldable, so I mad them as triangles. A few had a bit too much chocolate and it squeezed out abit but you can never have too much chocolate right??? They then went into the oven to cook.
Well they haven't quite worked as my pastry was puff pastry not shortcrust so they have expanded and gone all fluffy! LOL!. So I will have to try again using shortcrust pastry, i'm hoping that once they cooled down will still taste nice.
Today I decided to try and make these nutella pastries. They look really nice and they don't look very hard to make.
First off I cheated as I used shop-bought pastry (me and cakes/pastry etc don't go very well together, despite my wanting them to). I COVERED the worktop in flour, only for the pre-made pastry to be on a nice grease proof sheet! never mind!
I then cut them into squares (of sorts more like 4 sided shapes than squares), maybe i should use a piece of cardboard as a guide next time - next time she says, don't even no if they have worked this time yet!!! Onto each "shape" I placed a dollop of nuttela chocolate spread.
From here I folded them into "triangle type shapes", would have been easier if they had been proper squares, but its pastry and mouldable, so I mad them as triangles. A few had a bit too much chocolate and it squeezed out abit but you can never have too much chocolate right??? They then went into the oven to cook.
Well they haven't quite worked as my pastry was puff pastry not shortcrust so they have expanded and gone all fluffy! LOL!. So I will have to try again using shortcrust pastry, i'm hoping that once they cooled down will still taste nice.
Sunday, 18 January 2015
January 18th 2015 - trapped
January 18th 2015 - trapped
Although the photo of today's pin was taken back in Aug 2014, when my phone got sent off for repair in december 2014 I had to remove everything off it and I never got round to re-putting it back on my phone.
I saw the original idea of someone being trapped inside your mobile phone here. Hubby wouldn't do it but my son did. So for today I have re-added his photo to his name, and now when he rings me, it looks like he's trapped inside my phone.
Here he is:
It was really easy to do - he stayed inside the house and pressed his face up against the window, I went outside to take the photo, which wasn't as easy because the flash went off and you couldnt see him, then there was loads of reflections from outside showing (there's still some but not as bad), they he got up cos he thought I had finished. lol!
Although the photo of today's pin was taken back in Aug 2014, when my phone got sent off for repair in december 2014 I had to remove everything off it and I never got round to re-putting it back on my phone.
I saw the original idea of someone being trapped inside your mobile phone here. Hubby wouldn't do it but my son did. So for today I have re-added his photo to his name, and now when he rings me, it looks like he's trapped inside my phone.
Here he is:
It was really easy to do - he stayed inside the house and pressed his face up against the window, I went outside to take the photo, which wasn't as easy because the flash went off and you couldnt see him, then there was loads of reflections from outside showing (there's still some but not as bad), they he got up cos he thought I had finished. lol!
Saturday, 17 January 2015
January 17th 2015 - Polite request
January 17th 2015 - Polite request
I'm not sure if you know how pinterest works, but basically its an online noticeboard, you can have sub-boards for different things, and to these you can "pin" links to internet sites and photos and ideas of things you want to do/places you want to visit/receipes you want to try etc.
The owner of the pin is the person to whom's blog it originates, so when you "pin" them you are basically borrowing their image and/or idea. Most people are happy to let you "pin" their items but some get very protective and request that they are removed (ive had this happen a few times).
Anyway, I have spent a great many hours (far too many hours) on pinterest searching for things and pinning them and making my own boards about different things. I have no problem with people re-pinning them within reason, as I said above I don't actually own the pins (well I own a few that are my own photos that I have used.) However, saying this I am protective of my boards as I have researched them and sorted them into alphabetical order and even split some boards into extra sub-boards to make finding things easier.
When you log onto pinterest on the top right it tells you a number next to your name, and this relates to how many of your pins have been re-pinned and by whom. Yesterday I went onto it and the number was 346! YOU WHAT?!? How did that happen? So I looked and was in total shock most of them were from the same person and they were all of 1 board. Yes this person had copied my entire board linked to my "pirate party" including my personal photo's and removed the information about where the pic had come from. Said person had also copied some from my main "party ideas" board. This really made me mad. It's not just re-pinning a few but blatently copying everything I have worked hard on finding and making.
So I made my own pin and have given it it's own folder called "please read". The pin I made is this.
It reads:
Im disapointed that I have had to do such a thing but I thinkit is very rude to copy a whole board. Yes it has 1 re-pin on it and that was me as I have re-pinned it to my 365 board as todays pin. It will be very interesting to see if it gets re-pinned by others.
Rather than just re-pinning from the board click on the image and see where it takes you - hopefully it takes you to the original image and you can pin it from there, yes its about 30seconds longer but your still getting the pin you want without upsetting other pinners by copying their boards. I try to do this as much as I can, and I try not to copy/re-pin more than 5 pins directly off someone elses board.
And yes I did block the person that copied all of my board!!!
Rant over, have a great day and happy pinning!
I'm not sure if you know how pinterest works, but basically its an online noticeboard, you can have sub-boards for different things, and to these you can "pin" links to internet sites and photos and ideas of things you want to do/places you want to visit/receipes you want to try etc.
The owner of the pin is the person to whom's blog it originates, so when you "pin" them you are basically borrowing their image and/or idea. Most people are happy to let you "pin" their items but some get very protective and request that they are removed (ive had this happen a few times).
Anyway, I have spent a great many hours (far too many hours) on pinterest searching for things and pinning them and making my own boards about different things. I have no problem with people re-pinning them within reason, as I said above I don't actually own the pins (well I own a few that are my own photos that I have used.) However, saying this I am protective of my boards as I have researched them and sorted them into alphabetical order and even split some boards into extra sub-boards to make finding things easier.
When you log onto pinterest on the top right it tells you a number next to your name, and this relates to how many of your pins have been re-pinned and by whom. Yesterday I went onto it and the number was 346! YOU WHAT?!? How did that happen? So I looked and was in total shock most of them were from the same person and they were all of 1 board. Yes this person had copied my entire board linked to my "pirate party" including my personal photo's and removed the information about where the pic had come from. Said person had also copied some from my main "party ideas" board. This really made me mad. It's not just re-pinning a few but blatently copying everything I have worked hard on finding and making.
So I made my own pin and have given it it's own folder called "please read". The pin I made is this.
It reads:
Im disapointed that I have had to do such a thing but I thinkit is very rude to copy a whole board. Yes it has 1 re-pin on it and that was me as I have re-pinned it to my 365 board as todays pin. It will be very interesting to see if it gets re-pinned by others.
Rather than just re-pinning from the board click on the image and see where it takes you - hopefully it takes you to the original image and you can pin it from there, yes its about 30seconds longer but your still getting the pin you want without upsetting other pinners by copying their boards. I try to do this as much as I can, and I try not to copy/re-pin more than 5 pins directly off someone elses board.
And yes I did block the person that copied all of my board!!!
Rant over, have a great day and happy pinning!
Friday, 16 January 2015
January 16th 2015 - Plastic Bottle flower vase
January 16th 2015 - Plastic Bottle flower vase
I saw this tutorial on pinterest of how to make a flower vase from a plastic bottle it didn't look that hard but looked really effective. Now I don't get flowers very often as Hubby doesn't me them, so this was 1 of those pins that would probably sit forever on my board.
That was until the neighbour came round with a bunch of tulips for me as an appology for not removing her food from my freezer (had bits since christmas as she had no room). Its not a problem and its not in my way. Well the tulips spent 2 nights in a jug until I found this pin.
Here's the pics:
It's worked of sorts. Mine hasn't got as big a frill/lip/rim as the 1 in tutorial and it doesn't lay flat like tutorial. Plus some of the strips that you weave have already popped back out. So not sure if my stipe were long enough or what but I can say I tried and it didn't work brilliantly!!!
I saw this tutorial on pinterest of how to make a flower vase from a plastic bottle it didn't look that hard but looked really effective. Now I don't get flowers very often as Hubby doesn't me them, so this was 1 of those pins that would probably sit forever on my board.
That was until the neighbour came round with a bunch of tulips for me as an appology for not removing her food from my freezer (had bits since christmas as she had no room). Its not a problem and its not in my way. Well the tulips spent 2 nights in a jug until I found this pin.
Here's the pics:
the plastic bottle with the top cut off and slits in it |
the bottle with slits now opened out |
the finished thing |
with flowers in it |
Thursday, 15 January 2015
January 15th 2015 - cleaning the microwave
January 15th 2015 - cleaning the microwave
Today I was after a simple pin to do as in lots of pain with my knee again. Now you might think that the task of cleaning the microwave isn't easy, well I thought the same until I came across this pin that has 31 hacks for cleaning. I was abit skeptical as to whether it would work or not but thought I would give it a try.
It says "Get it out with a bowl of 1 cup of water and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Microwave for five minutes, then wipe down with a paper towel or sponge." Yea right like thats going to work!!!
This is what the inside was like before I added the mix, not the worst it has been but could certainly do with a clean -
Well I added my cup of water and vinegar to a bowl and put on the microwave on high power for 5mins as it said. I got a scouring pad and started to wipe the water that had formed on all sides and it didn't look much different. I took the glass plate out and wiped that with kitchen towel and then a tea towel to dry it, placed it back in and took another photo and as you can see below there is a big difference.
So a 5minute clean up and the microwave is clean.
Today I was after a simple pin to do as in lots of pain with my knee again. Now you might think that the task of cleaning the microwave isn't easy, well I thought the same until I came across this pin that has 31 hacks for cleaning. I was abit skeptical as to whether it would work or not but thought I would give it a try.
It says "Get it out with a bowl of 1 cup of water and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Microwave for five minutes, then wipe down with a paper towel or sponge." Yea right like thats going to work!!!
This is what the inside was like before I added the mix, not the worst it has been but could certainly do with a clean -
Well I added my cup of water and vinegar to a bowl and put on the microwave on high power for 5mins as it said. I got a scouring pad and started to wipe the water that had formed on all sides and it didn't look much different. I took the glass plate out and wiped that with kitchen towel and then a tea towel to dry it, placed it back in and took another photo and as you can see below there is a big difference.
So a 5minute clean up and the microwave is clean.
Wednesday, 14 January 2015
January 14th 2015 - Finished 1 book from reading list
January 14th 2015 - Finished 1 book from reading list
Today I have finished 1 book from the 2015 reading challenge. The book was the subcategory of "Magic", it is called Dark Winter, the wicca circle by John Hennessey, and the pin is located here on my 365 board.
Strange but good is how I would describe it, there were a few spelling mistakes but this dodn't alter the story, there was alos abit of confusing as it did flit about and repeat a few bits like character descriptions and because of this I gave a 3* rating of it in my review over on goodreads.
Also today my new laptop tray arrived (YAY!) but sadly it doesn't fit across my sofa and 1 leg falls down the gap between cushions and 1 leg doesnt even balance on sofa! so not good. But it's not wasted as it fits on hubby's sofa - he only has a 2 seater so the cushions are bit wider. This does mean that I am still on the look out for a new laptop tray!
Today I have finished 1 book from the 2015 reading challenge. The book was the subcategory of "Magic", it is called Dark Winter, the wicca circle by John Hennessey, and the pin is located here on my 365 board.
Strange but good is how I would describe it, there were a few spelling mistakes but this dodn't alter the story, there was alos abit of confusing as it did flit about and repeat a few bits like character descriptions and because of this I gave a 3* rating of it in my review over on goodreads.
Also today my new laptop tray arrived (YAY!) but sadly it doesn't fit across my sofa and 1 leg falls down the gap between cushions and 1 leg doesnt even balance on sofa! so not good. But it's not wasted as it fits on hubby's sofa - he only has a 2 seater so the cushions are bit wider. This does mean that I am still on the look out for a new laptop tray!
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
January 13th 2013 - towel rack
January 13th 2013 - towel rack
Well today I got hubby to put up a new towel rack, well coat hooks, because I am fed up of towels being on the floor and then laid on by the cats because the kdis cant get them to stay on the radiator.
I got the idea of the coat hooks here on pinterest. I'm hoping that even little man whose 5 can reach them.
I do think I am going to have to sew a piece of ribbon as a loop to the middle of every towel though so they stay better.
Well today I got hubby to put up a new towel rack, well coat hooks, because I am fed up of towels being on the floor and then laid on by the cats because the kdis cant get them to stay on the radiator.
I got the idea of the coat hooks here on pinterest. I'm hoping that even little man whose 5 can reach them.
I do think I am going to have to sew a piece of ribbon as a loop to the middle of every towel though so they stay better.
Monday, 12 January 2015
January 12th 2015 - Laptop tray
JANUARY 12TH 2015 - laptop tray
My laptop tray is 1 of those that is filled with bean bag beans, now this was ok but the seams have split and everytime I move or put it down beans come out. I did try and glue it back together but this hasn't worked. Also since injuring my knee 2years ago having the laptop try right on my lap seems to add to the pain of my knees.
So I decided to do a hunt for a new laptop tray - 1 that had legs and rested around my legs and not sat on them seemed a good idea. I looked at argos for 1 first - £28! Not a chance am I paying that! So I then looked on pinterest for ideas of how to make them, I didn't find much. BUT I did find a very nice laptop tray (today's pin) and then looked on ebay and found almost the same one for just over £10 and ordered it. Even though it's not here I have ordered 1 and will be here by the end of the week.
The old 1 will be going in the bin and hopefully my knees will ease up abit!
My laptop tray is 1 of those that is filled with bean bag beans, now this was ok but the seams have split and everytime I move or put it down beans come out. I did try and glue it back together but this hasn't worked. Also since injuring my knee 2years ago having the laptop try right on my lap seems to add to the pain of my knees.
So I decided to do a hunt for a new laptop tray - 1 that had legs and rested around my legs and not sat on them seemed a good idea. I looked at argos for 1 first - £28! Not a chance am I paying that! So I then looked on pinterest for ideas of how to make them, I didn't find much. BUT I did find a very nice laptop tray (today's pin) and then looked on ebay and found almost the same one for just over £10 and ordered it. Even though it's not here I have ordered 1 and will be here by the end of the week.
The old 1 will be going in the bin and hopefully my knees will ease up abit!
Sunday, 11 January 2015
January 11th 2015 - Happy Birthday Hubby
JANUARY 11th 2015 - Happy Birthday Hubby
Today is my hubby's birthday. The day started off well for him, our friends who we had spent the weekend staying with back in our home town of Peterborough cooked him (and me and kids) a full cooked english breakfast! (I just hope they don't expect this when they come and stay with us lol!) From here we had to load the car of our things ready for the drive home. Once the car was loaded and we had said goodbyes we headed to see my sister who lives about 8miles away. This was great as we didn't get to see her over christmas due to ill health, so hubby didn't get birthday presents BUT christmas presents!!! He actually got his birthday present on christmas day - my sister sent me some money to buy beers/cider for over christmas and 1 pack was hubbys birthday present. Well after seeing my sister we nipped into my nans, not far from my sisters and stayed with her for an hour before we hit the road back home. Sadly hubby is the only driver and so he spent 5hrs of his birthday driving back home!
My inspiriation for today's pin is found here blue birthday cakes. Due to being tired from a busy weekend of drinking and visiting and the long journey I will add a pic tomorrow of the small cakes I made for hubby.
Today is my hubby's birthday. The day started off well for him, our friends who we had spent the weekend staying with back in our home town of Peterborough cooked him (and me and kids) a full cooked english breakfast! (I just hope they don't expect this when they come and stay with us lol!) From here we had to load the car of our things ready for the drive home. Once the car was loaded and we had said goodbyes we headed to see my sister who lives about 8miles away. This was great as we didn't get to see her over christmas due to ill health, so hubby didn't get birthday presents BUT christmas presents!!! He actually got his birthday present on christmas day - my sister sent me some money to buy beers/cider for over christmas and 1 pack was hubbys birthday present. Well after seeing my sister we nipped into my nans, not far from my sisters and stayed with her for an hour before we hit the road back home. Sadly hubby is the only driver and so he spent 5hrs of his birthday driving back home!
My inspiriation for today's pin is found here blue birthday cakes. Due to being tired from a busy weekend of drinking and visiting and the long journey I will add a pic tomorrow of the small cakes I made for hubby.
Friday, 9 January 2015
January 10th 2015 - straw bear festival
JANUARY 10th 2015 - straw bear festival Whittlesey
As we are going back "home" for the weekend I will do tomorrows post today, and add the photos when we get back. As well as seeing friends and family we decided we would go over to the straw bear festival in Whittlesey.
Every year Whittlesey holds a straw bear festival at the begining of January. It's always very cold but alot of fun. Dancers and dance troops of morris/molly dancers attend from all over the UK and dance in the streets and at pubs. There is a bear made of straw (has a man in it) that also goes dancing round the streets and pubs, and sometimes a bear from Germany. It is a brilliant atmosphere and great for the whole family. On the sunday after more dancing and fun the bear is burnt (without the man inside!)
Many of the dance troops wil get members of teh public involved with the dances and if your really lucky they will cover you in facepaint (that they are already wearing! the red leicester lot are the worst). Also the German straw bear has a habbit of capturing young females and dancing with them, but as it dances it turns round and in doing so is tying you and it together with a rope, they then tend to fall over so that you are laid on top of them!!! This happened to me many years ago, and I was in a florescent yellow/hi-vis jacket as I was with St John Ambulance who provide the first aid cover for it as we were based in whittlesey.
If you ever get the chance to go to the event I would suggest you do, but wrap up warm. This pin is found here. Take a look at the Straw Bear website and read the info and look at the pics.
Here are some of the photos I took, it was a dry and sunny but bitterly cold day. We saw a few of our friends there as well as members of the family, which was great. As it happens it was only me and hubby that went as the kids wanted to stay with their godmother (where we were sleeping).
As we are going back "home" for the weekend I will do tomorrows post today, and add the photos when we get back. As well as seeing friends and family we decided we would go over to the straw bear festival in Whittlesey.
Every year Whittlesey holds a straw bear festival at the begining of January. It's always very cold but alot of fun. Dancers and dance troops of morris/molly dancers attend from all over the UK and dance in the streets and at pubs. There is a bear made of straw (has a man in it) that also goes dancing round the streets and pubs, and sometimes a bear from Germany. It is a brilliant atmosphere and great for the whole family. On the sunday after more dancing and fun the bear is burnt (without the man inside!)
Many of the dance troops wil get members of teh public involved with the dances and if your really lucky they will cover you in facepaint (that they are already wearing! the red leicester lot are the worst). Also the German straw bear has a habbit of capturing young females and dancing with them, but as it dances it turns round and in doing so is tying you and it together with a rope, they then tend to fall over so that you are laid on top of them!!! This happened to me many years ago, and I was in a florescent yellow/hi-vis jacket as I was with St John Ambulance who provide the first aid cover for it as we were based in whittlesey.
If you ever get the chance to go to the event I would suggest you do, but wrap up warm. This pin is found here. Take a look at the Straw Bear website and read the info and look at the pics.
Here are some of the photos I took, it was a dry and sunny but bitterly cold day. We saw a few of our friends there as well as members of the family, which was great. As it happens it was only me and hubby that went as the kids wanted to stay with their godmother (where we were sleeping).
bear in a window |
the straw bear |
the chicken |
the plough |
dancers |
dancers |
dancers |
January 9th 2015 - 2015 reading challenge
JANUARY 9th 2015 - 2015 reading challenge
I have downloaded and printed out the 2015 reading challenge, I think this could be quite a challenge for some of the 50 books on the list as they are not what I normally like to read.
I have gone through the list and made a note of books that I have on my shelves (but not read) and also through the net for ideas like the book published in 2015 and an author under 30yrs old etc. I will update and cross out books when I have read them.
The reading challenge can be found here.
the reading list so far - the blue are the planned books
I have downloaded and printed out the 2015 reading challenge, I think this could be quite a challenge for some of the 50 books on the list as they are not what I normally like to read.
I have gone through the list and made a note of books that I have on my shelves (but not read) and also through the net for ideas like the book published in 2015 and an author under 30yrs old etc. I will update and cross out books when I have read them.
The reading challenge can be found here.
the reading list so far - the blue are the planned books
Thursday, 8 January 2015
January 8th 2015 - Monthly meal planner
January 8th 2015 - monthly meal planner
Since the begining of December 2014 when money was abit tight we have sat down and worked out meals for that week, and bought the things we needed only (plus the odd snack type bits for lunch times and weekends, health n beauty bits, fruit, cereal etc) and we have saved LOADS of money compaired to when we just went and bought "stuff" or "everything". WHY I haven't done this sooner I never know!!!
Well I decided if we can do it for a week can we work out a plan of food for the whole month? The answer is simply yes! I sat and made a list of all the meals we eat/cook regularly and it came to 33, now I know my maths isn't great BUT I do know that no month has this many days in it, so i'm already onto a winner.
The hardest part was actually working out what to put on what day and what week, so that we didn't have all chicken in 1 week or on consecutive days (if possible) but as chicken is the main meat we eat this wasn't a totally easy task. But I managed it.
Then there was a harder task of working out what we needed for each meal so as to compose a shopping list. So I worked my way through each of the meals from list 1 noting down what we needed for each 1, and things that were used in multiple meals I changed the font colour to red.
Even though we have the planner things may change on it if my knee is playing up and I can't stand to cook, or if we are ill or not at home or decide to have a take-away. But by doing it and saving money we will have extra money to be able to get a take-away every now and then.
I found the idea of the monthly meal planner here on pinterest, so used this for todays task. It doesn't seem possible that I have done over a week already.
Since the begining of December 2014 when money was abit tight we have sat down and worked out meals for that week, and bought the things we needed only (plus the odd snack type bits for lunch times and weekends, health n beauty bits, fruit, cereal etc) and we have saved LOADS of money compaired to when we just went and bought "stuff" or "everything". WHY I haven't done this sooner I never know!!!
Well I decided if we can do it for a week can we work out a plan of food for the whole month? The answer is simply yes! I sat and made a list of all the meals we eat/cook regularly and it came to 33, now I know my maths isn't great BUT I do know that no month has this many days in it, so i'm already onto a winner.
The hardest part was actually working out what to put on what day and what week, so that we didn't have all chicken in 1 week or on consecutive days (if possible) but as chicken is the main meat we eat this wasn't a totally easy task. But I managed it.
Then there was a harder task of working out what we needed for each meal so as to compose a shopping list. So I worked my way through each of the meals from list 1 noting down what we needed for each 1, and things that were used in multiple meals I changed the font colour to red.
Even though we have the planner things may change on it if my knee is playing up and I can't stand to cook, or if we are ill or not at home or decide to have a take-away. But by doing it and saving money we will have extra money to be able to get a take-away every now and then.
I found the idea of the monthly meal planner here on pinterest, so used this for todays task. It doesn't seem possible that I have done over a week already.
Wednesday, 7 January 2015
January 7th 2015 - loom bands
January 7th 2015 - loom bands
For todays pin I am making loom band bracelets like these ones with my St John Ambulance Badgers (5-10yr olds) as part of their badge work. They will be being sent to another badger sett that is based in Cambridgeshire in a bid to make them pen-pals.
I wasn't sure if it would count for today as part of 365 pins or not, but upon speaking to my friend Coralie who is also doing it she said she doesn't see why it wont.
Bracelets the Badgers made to send to their badger friends.
For todays pin I am making loom band bracelets like these ones with my St John Ambulance Badgers (5-10yr olds) as part of their badge work. They will be being sent to another badger sett that is based in Cambridgeshire in a bid to make them pen-pals.
I wasn't sure if it would count for today as part of 365 pins or not, but upon speaking to my friend Coralie who is also doing it she said she doesn't see why it wont.
Bracelets the Badgers made to send to their badger friends.
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
January 6th 2015 - beef casserole
January 6th 2015 - beef casserole
As its cold outside I decided to do a beef casserole in the slow cooker for tea. All seemed good until I opened the bag of diced casserole beef (from supermarket) to find that most of it was fatty! I'm hoping that with what I salvaged from the bag along with the tray I also had in freezer is enough to feed us all for tea. I can safely say I wont be buying the stew pack beef again. The idea for todays pin came from here.
I don't follow a recipe I just throw it all in. Into the pot has gone diced beef, diced potatoes, sliced carrots, beef gravy, beef casserole powder, an oxo cube, regea regea sauce and worcestershire sauce. smells lovely and usually tastes lovely. I will addd a pic once its cooked!
As its cold outside I decided to do a beef casserole in the slow cooker for tea. All seemed good until I opened the bag of diced casserole beef (from supermarket) to find that most of it was fatty! I'm hoping that with what I salvaged from the bag along with the tray I also had in freezer is enough to feed us all for tea. I can safely say I wont be buying the stew pack beef again. The idea for todays pin came from here.
I don't follow a recipe I just throw it all in. Into the pot has gone diced beef, diced potatoes, sliced carrots, beef gravy, beef casserole powder, an oxo cube, regea regea sauce and worcestershire sauce. smells lovely and usually tastes lovely. I will addd a pic once its cooked!
food. meal,
slow cooker
Monday, 5 January 2015
January 5th 2015 - dice
January 5th 2015 - dice
Today peace and quite has resumed in the house as 2/3 kids are back at school and the other 1 is on his computer. I have painted the last part of the wall in the boys bedroom (eldest son helped by doing the top and painting the ceiling blue as he went grrrr! never mind!) and I have done todays pin.
I have made a sealed pot dice for in the car. The original idea came from here and was so dice didnt fly across the room. But my boys have asked if they can have the snowman game from the other day in the car, so that will be being laminated and put in a folder with other similar bits.
Today peace and quite has resumed in the house as 2/3 kids are back at school and the other 1 is on his computer. I have painted the last part of the wall in the boys bedroom (eldest son helped by doing the top and painting the ceiling blue as he went grrrr! never mind!) and I have done todays pin.
I have made a sealed pot dice for in the car. The original idea came from here and was so dice didnt fly across the room. But my boys have asked if they can have the snowman game from the other day in the car, so that will be being laminated and put in a folder with other similar bits.
Sunday, 4 January 2015
January 4th 2015 - race game
4th Janury 2015 - race game
Little man was saying he was bored so I decided to do today's pin as another game for him. I have various things like it pinned to my board "ideas for the kids to do". The original pin can be found here. Our version was slightly different and probably took longer as we used buttons!
The idea was a race to fill your cup by rolling a dice and adding that many objects to it. Little man won (but i'm sure he was cheating and adding more buttons than what the dice said.) It also helped him with his counting and he even counted some of them out in french and spanish!
He enjoyed it and asked if we could play again, but as it was dinner time we had to put them away. But it will certainly be a game we will do again, maybe with lego bricks so it doesn't take as long!
Little man was saying he was bored so I decided to do today's pin as another game for him. I have various things like it pinned to my board "ideas for the kids to do". The original pin can be found here. Our version was slightly different and probably took longer as we used buttons!
The idea was a race to fill your cup by rolling a dice and adding that many objects to it. Little man won (but i'm sure he was cheating and adding more buttons than what the dice said.) It also helped him with his counting and he even counted some of them out in french and spanish!
He enjoyed it and asked if we could play again, but as it was dinner time we had to put them away. But it will certainly be a game we will do again, maybe with lego bricks so it doesn't take as long!
Saturday, 3 January 2015
January 3rd 2015 - Happy Birthday to me......
January 3rd 2015 - My Birthday
EVEN google knows its my birthday today as it has cakes and candles on it!!!
I have opened my presents, and the cake is cooking, the drinks will flow later with hubby and a friend.
For todays pin I picked a purple ombre layer cake off pinterest, now I know mine wont be as good as the original purple ombre cake see link, but it is what gave me the idea. See my pics later once its cooked, iced and then cut.
EVEN google knows its my birthday today as it has cakes and candles on it!!!
I have opened my presents, and the cake is cooking, the drinks will flow later with hubby and a friend.
For todays pin I picked a purple ombre layer cake off pinterest, now I know mine wont be as good as the original purple ombre cake see link, but it is what gave me the idea. See my pics later once its cooked, iced and then cut.
Here is the cake uncut, 3 different colour layers. I dont dare add more buttercream to cover the outside as there is loads between each layer! cant wait for a slice after lunch.
Friday, 2 January 2015
January 2nd 2015 - Do you wana build a snowman???
January 2nd 2015 - Day 2 of 365 challenge
Do you wana build a snowman??? Sadly we have no real snow to do one, but I found this dice and drawing game and printed it out. Me and the boys had fun for about 45mins playing it. The pic shows a couple of our snowmen pictures. I think I may laminate the game and put in a folder to start a games folder of easy things they can do in the car.
Do you wana build a snowman??? Sadly we have no real snow to do one, but I found this dice and drawing game and printed it out. Me and the boys had fun for about 45mins playing it. The pic shows a couple of our snowmen pictures. I think I may laminate the game and put in a folder to start a games folder of easy things they can do in the car.
Thursday, 1 January 2015
January 1st 2015 - 2015 happy new year
January 1st 2015
A good night was had by all and the kids all made midnight. Loads of food and plenty of drink! and not a headache this morning, and to top it off the kids were sweeping up the mess on the floor.
365 challenge - pinterest link
During 2014, myself and my friend Coralie decided that in 2015 we were going to do the 365 pinterest challenge, whereby you actually do 1 of the things you have pinned NOT just pin them or pin more. I will be adding pics and things as I do them.
As it stands at pressent I have 2 pinterest accounts, 1 of which I use for things linked to St John Ambulance and cadet courses/subjects, and a personal account that I have things that "may be useful" or "we will have to try that" and "things to do with the kids" to name a few.
From the 2 accounts I have a total of 121 boards (58 of these are linked to the SJA courses), and on these 121 boards I have 7,016pins (681 are on SJA). Some of those on my personal account are already in a board named challenge and completed - a total if 19! This means that I have 6,316pins of which I aim to do 365 - 1 a day for 2015, sounds right? We will see!
JANUARY 1st 2015
Today, 1st January 2015, we as a family started to make the time capsule that we are going to leave in the loft, we have most things in it and will seal it tomorrow, which is when I will add a pic to here.
We discussed a few days ago what we could put in it and said we should have decided earlier as we would have had more things to go in it. But never mind. We have:
*a letter explaining who we are and why we have made it
*a photo of us all and of our pets and our house and garden
*a toy car
*a miniture bottle of baileys (I have surrendered it!)
*a drinks bottle lable
*a chewy bar box
*1 of each UK coin
*a tesco receipt showing the cost of party food for new years eve
*a bus ticket
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