March 3rd 2015 - Making a clown wig
Yesterday lil man came home from school with a party invite for one of the lil girls in his class next friday. The theme is circus and fancy dress is optional - well in my house that means "mum i'm dressing up what are you making me?"
Lil man said he wants to go as a clown and he will wear his blue onesie with green and blue stars on it, but he also needs a hat/wig/coloured hair. Well i'm not dying a 5yr olds hair as it would be my luck it wouldn't wash out and he would be going to school like it the following week.
So I started looking on pinterest and found this
wool wig, which gave me the idea to make him something similar but in the same way I made the lion the other year. The lion was made with a yellow hat and strands of brown/cream wool, which I attached in a latch hook rug type of way.
This morning I hit £1 shop and bought the following things:
4 balls of wool and a green wooly hat.
That was the easy part. I have cut a load of short strands that will go around the front of the hat and a load of longer ones for the sides and back.
I will add more pics as I progress with it.
The wig so far:
So glad I have over a week to get this done as my finger is getting sore from threding the needle. I cant do it as latch hook as I can't find the metal hook and the plastic loom ones are too big to get through the wool. The wig above has 1 full row of wool and a part row of the 2nd.
Still no where near finished but lil man wanted to try it on, and is really pleased with it. will add more rows tomorrow, so glad I have over a week as 2.5 rows done and my finger is killing me from threading needle.
This is it almost finished, it took me over a week to do it.
Finally finished the wig, it took ages, but lil man is so pleased with it, and I think it looks really good. Knowing what I know now, I would have done 1 piece of wool per 2 "rows of knitted hat" not 1 in every row as it would have used less wool and taken less time to do. But we learn from trying.