I have spent today playing about with bits of paper and cardboard trying to make christmas gift boxes for my SJA cadets to make on wednesday night.
I did have a tree shaped box that I planned to use but when I printed them and tried to make 1 it didn't stand up so the template shape is wrong. So I had to look for a replacement. The replacement works ok and I have printed them off ready.
Each box will have a couple of sweets placed inside them.
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Monday, 30 November 2015
Sunday, 29 November 2015
November 29th 2015 - Reduce, Re-use, Recycle
Since we moved to where we live now we have started to recycle much more than we did before. This isn't because we have more facilities to do so or they are closer or that we have choosen to, its just sort of happened.
We have a small crate outside that the bin men collect every fortnight. In it can go tins, glass jars and bottles and newspapers/magazines. Ours doesn't get put out all the time as its never really full. We have a brown bin for garden waste, plus we have 2 compost bins at the bottom of the garden but these are used more in the summer than the winter. Then the local supermarkets have other recycle points for plastic, cardboard, glass etc so we take to these when we go shopping.
My fireplace surround is made from recycled wood that was the gate over the drive way (we had to remove the gates as our car was too wide to go through them.) The gates were treated in a thick black substance which we sanded off, we cut the wood to fit the whole in the fire and then varnished the wood in a natural pine stain. It is fixed to the wall with haard as nails. It looks lovely, much better than the big fire sticking out into the lounge.
Part of my decking has been made from pallets that a local company was getting rid of - listed as ideal for DIY projects or fire burning. They let us have a 2nd lot as well so that we could finish it. Again it was cut to size, sanded and treated with a wood stain and then varnish.
(picture was before it was stained)
I have used more wood from the old gates to make a 3 tier shelf unit that sits on top of another unit but being 3 tier means I can put alot ofjunk items on it. I don't have a photo of it as its full of odds and ends and not tidy at the moment. The last of the gates was used to make 3 shelves over a doorway of which the was sealed as not needed nor accessable from outside as has a shed infront of it.
We have made pillows from clothes that no longer fit the kids so they have them on their beds as scatter cushions. Here is the crocodile that was a onesie:
The latest recycle project comes in the form of the old kitchen lino. There wasn't anything wrong it and it would quite happily have lasted a few more years in the kitchen BUT I wanted a new 1 that matched the colour of the walls and woodwork. So we rolled up the old one and stood it by the back door and laid the new 1. Today we emptyied out the outdoor storage cupboard that technically isn't outdoor anymore as we knocked the wall through so its accessable from the kitchen instead of outside. We swept the floor, filled in gaps around the old door with sealant and then fitted the old kitchen floor to the cuboard. This involved lots of cutting and moving etc, it's not perfect but hubby is not a floor fitter! BUT if it makes it a bit warmer in there than walking on concrete then its worth it. It also helped us to get rid of loads of rubbish and junk that had been dumped in the cupboard and was no longer needed.
We have a small crate outside that the bin men collect every fortnight. In it can go tins, glass jars and bottles and newspapers/magazines. Ours doesn't get put out all the time as its never really full. We have a brown bin for garden waste, plus we have 2 compost bins at the bottom of the garden but these are used more in the summer than the winter. Then the local supermarkets have other recycle points for plastic, cardboard, glass etc so we take to these when we go shopping.
My fireplace surround is made from recycled wood that was the gate over the drive way (we had to remove the gates as our car was too wide to go through them.) The gates were treated in a thick black substance which we sanded off, we cut the wood to fit the whole in the fire and then varnished the wood in a natural pine stain. It is fixed to the wall with haard as nails. It looks lovely, much better than the big fire sticking out into the lounge.
Part of my decking has been made from pallets that a local company was getting rid of - listed as ideal for DIY projects or fire burning. They let us have a 2nd lot as well so that we could finish it. Again it was cut to size, sanded and treated with a wood stain and then varnish.
(picture was before it was stained)
I have used more wood from the old gates to make a 3 tier shelf unit that sits on top of another unit but being 3 tier means I can put alot of
We have made pillows from clothes that no longer fit the kids so they have them on their beds as scatter cushions. Here is the crocodile that was a onesie:
The latest recycle project comes in the form of the old kitchen lino. There wasn't anything wrong it and it would quite happily have lasted a few more years in the kitchen BUT I wanted a new 1 that matched the colour of the walls and woodwork. So we rolled up the old one and stood it by the back door and laid the new 1. Today we emptyied out the outdoor storage cupboard that technically isn't outdoor anymore as we knocked the wall through so its accessable from the kitchen instead of outside. We swept the floor, filled in gaps around the old door with sealant and then fitted the old kitchen floor to the cuboard. This involved lots of cutting and moving etc, it's not perfect but hubby is not a floor fitter! BUT if it makes it a bit warmer in there than walking on concrete then its worth it. It also helped us to get rid of loads of rubbish and junk that had been dumped in the cupboard and was no longer needed.
saving money
November 28th 2015 - Workington Winter Wonderland
Workington is a town near where I live, it has more shops than where I live so we go over quite alot. Today was the towns Winter Wonderland and Christmas Light switch on.
It was very cold, very wet and very windy. This meant that many of the planned events throughout the day had to be cancelled for safety reasons. A lot of the stalls couldn't stay as the wind kept blowing their goods around or actually demolishing the gazebos. The local theater allowed some of the stalls to move into there for most of the day but not all of it.
It was a real shame about the weather but there was still lots of people about in the town which is good. It was nice to get home in the warm afterwards.
It was very cold, very wet and very windy. This meant that many of the planned events throughout the day had to be cancelled for safety reasons. A lot of the stalls couldn't stay as the wind kept blowing their goods around or actually demolishing the gazebos. The local theater allowed some of the stalls to move into there for most of the day but not all of it.
It was a real shame about the weather but there was still lots of people about in the town which is good. It was nice to get home in the warm afterwards.
Friday, 27 November 2015
November 27th 2015 - 3-in-1 sofa bed
Following on from a post a few days ago of changing the boys room around to make more space and buying a 3-in-1 sofa bed I can now report that it has arrived.
2 big boxes with the postman outside the door in the pouring rain! Good job neither were heavy or it would have been a 2 man job to lift them.
We have a blue and silver version of the 3-in-1 sofa bed as boys room is blue. My 1st thoughts were they were not going to be very comfy as didn't look that deep. But when we opened it out and I sat on it, it is actually comfy.
the 3-in-1 sofa bed is made all in 1 piece of foam and covered. It can be stored folded as a cube, opened out with the small ends up as a low sofa or opened out fully with the small ends as a sofa bed. This is going to be stored as a cube so that the boys have room to play etc and it will only be opened out when people stay.
The boys have all laid on it and said that it is really comfy and we have had arguments over who was sitting on it to read. The cat has also given her seal of approval and has been laid on it asleep since we got in from the school run.
The only downside is its not long enough for adults to sleep on and we thought it may be as it was listed as a uni/student sofa bed. but if we have to buy a piece of foam the same depth then we will do, but as its mainly going to be used by the kids and their friends its not a big problem.
2 big boxes with the postman outside the door in the pouring rain! Good job neither were heavy or it would have been a 2 man job to lift them.
We have a blue and silver version of the 3-in-1 sofa bed as boys room is blue. My 1st thoughts were they were not going to be very comfy as didn't look that deep. But when we opened it out and I sat on it, it is actually comfy.
the 3-in-1 sofa bed is made all in 1 piece of foam and covered. It can be stored folded as a cube, opened out with the small ends up as a low sofa or opened out fully with the small ends as a sofa bed. This is going to be stored as a cube so that the boys have room to play etc and it will only be opened out when people stay.
The boys have all laid on it and said that it is really comfy and we have had arguments over who was sitting on it to read. The cat has also given her seal of approval and has been laid on it asleep since we got in from the school run.
The only downside is its not long enough for adults to sleep on and we thought it may be as it was listed as a uni/student sofa bed. but if we have to buy a piece of foam the same depth then we will do, but as its mainly going to be used by the kids and their friends its not a big problem.
November 26th 2015 - Beef Stew
As the weather is cold and wet and horrid I have made a lovely beef stew in the slow cooker today. All 3 of the kids when they came in from school asked what was for tea as it smelt lovely.
It tasted as nice as it smelt and apart from some gravy left in the slow cooker there was nothing left.
It tasted as nice as it smelt and apart from some gravy left in the slow cooker there was nothing left.
Thursday, 26 November 2015
November 25th 2015 - Christmas Crafts
I was at the school for family learning today and we were doing Christmas Crafts and making things that could be given as gifts.
There was loads of options for them to do. They had the option of making tree decorations from sewing kits, making christmas pictures, and many more.
Lil man made a reindeer from brown paper and added magic reindeer food to it and needs to sprinkle it on christmas eve.
The middle one made a christmas bauble but as this was still very wet it got left at school to dry and 1 of the teachers will give them out later.
Lil man decorated a mini treasure chest and said that him and Daddy are going shopping for a diamond ring me to go in it.
They both made snowman countdowns to christmas. This confused lil man as he thought it was from today and didnt realise it was from dec 1st, but we explained he was fine.
The boys also decorated cakes as melted snowmen but these got eaten.
We also made candy cane star decorations which involved a hot glue gun to fix them together and to fix the decorations onto them.
There was loads of options for them to do. They had the option of making tree decorations from sewing kits, making christmas pictures, and many more.
Lil man made a reindeer from brown paper and added magic reindeer food to it and needs to sprinkle it on christmas eve.
The middle one made a christmas bauble but as this was still very wet it got left at school to dry and 1 of the teachers will give them out later.
Lil man decorated a mini treasure chest and said that him and Daddy are going shopping for a diamond ring me to go in it.
They both made snowman countdowns to christmas. This confused lil man as he thought it was from today and didnt realise it was from dec 1st, but we explained he was fine.
The boys also decorated cakes as melted snowmen but these got eaten.
We also made candy cane star decorations which involved a hot glue gun to fix them together and to fix the decorations onto them.
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
november 24th 2015 - jazzing up xmas jumpers
A couple of weeks ago I bought the kids xmas jumpers and although they have designs on them they are very plain and boring! So I asked the kids if they wanted them made better and they did. So today has been spent jazzing up the jumpers
Here are the 2 original jumpers:
Here are the 2 original jumpers:
To modify the 1st 1 lil man asked for a santa hat to be added, so I took 1 small santa hat, stitched it together and then to his jumper.
Lil man thinks his jumper looks good and is now ready for xmas jumper day.
The middle ones jumper wasn't such an easy task, well it was but it just took longer to do as I had to wait for bits to dry. He wanted the baubles on the reindeer to look more 3d, I did think pompoms but it didn't look right so I decided on bells!
I only had gold effect bells and they didn't look right so I set about painting them with blue nail varnish:
They had to have 2 coats and I was only able to paint the tops and then the bottoms each time because of placing them down to dry. Once both coats and all of the bells were done I set about attaching them to his jumper with black thread in the same place as the sewn on ones are on his jumper.
so now when he moves he jingles. He did ask about them going on the back as well as it's the back of the reindeer but we decided not to as they may dig into his back when he's sat on a chair at school. Again he is happy with his jumper.
November 23rd 2015 - technical difficulties
This picture is very true for today - i've done some walking to do the weekly shopping and I am now expiriencing "technical difficulties with my knees. Both of them are hurting like mad, pain killers are not helping, rest is not helping, heat is not working. It's going to be a long afternoon and evening if it continues.
Sunday, 22 November 2015
November 22nd 2015 - toilet roll yule log
I'm sure by now you are aware that my lil man loves making things, and especially likes using toilet rolls. Today he came downstairs with 2 toilet rolls and asked what he could make. He was told to wait 5mins as I was helping his older brother with something but I had an idea for a Christmas craft with them.
5mins later, we are working on making pages to print out and collecting our supplies to make the toilet roll yule log. To make it you will need the following things:
toilet roll tube
double sided tape
pictures of holly (or plastic holly)
birchwood effect printed paper (if you do the whole of an A4 sheet it will cover 2 tubes)
fake snow (optional)
glue (optional but needed for snow)
paper plate

supplies and printed birchwood paper and holly.
Cut the paper in half so you have 2 pieces. place a line of tape from 1 end to the other on the tube. put 1 piece of the paper over the tape and wrap all the way round (you may need to cut it slightly smaller). Make sure both ends are fixed with tape on the tube, you shouldn't be able to see anyvof the brown tube now. If your paper is longer than the tube you can tuck the excess into the open ends of the tubes.
Take the stapler, the wrapped tube and the paper plate, fix the tube to the plate with the stapler on the middle of the tube so they are no visible from the top.
You next to cut to out the holly. we flipped our picture b4 printing so that we could double side it but you dont have to. As ours is double sided I taped them together before we cut them out so only cut once. Lil man folded our leaves slightly so they had shape rather than looking flat. We then putt a small piece of tape on the underside of the berries and stuck to the middle of the tube. This was then stapled as they kept falling off with tape.
Sadly this was as far as we got as we realised we didn't have any robins to fix into the middle and we cant add fake snow until we have the robbins in place. I have ordered some robins and they should be here in the next few days.
5mins later, we are working on making pages to print out and collecting our supplies to make the toilet roll yule log. To make it you will need the following things:
toilet roll tube
double sided tape
pictures of holly (or plastic holly)
birchwood effect printed paper (if you do the whole of an A4 sheet it will cover 2 tubes)
fake snow (optional)
glue (optional but needed for snow)
paper plate

supplies and printed birchwood paper and holly.
Cut the paper in half so you have 2 pieces. place a line of tape from 1 end to the other on the tube. put 1 piece of the paper over the tape and wrap all the way round (you may need to cut it slightly smaller). Make sure both ends are fixed with tape on the tube, you shouldn't be able to see anyvof the brown tube now. If your paper is longer than the tube you can tuck the excess into the open ends of the tubes.
Take the stapler, the wrapped tube and the paper plate, fix the tube to the plate with the stapler on the middle of the tube so they are no visible from the top.
You next to cut to out the holly. we flipped our picture b4 printing so that we could double side it but you dont have to. As ours is double sided I taped them together before we cut them out so only cut once. Lil man folded our leaves slightly so they had shape rather than looking flat. We then putt a small piece of tape on the underside of the berries and stuck to the middle of the tube. This was then stapled as they kept falling off with tape.
Sadly this was as far as we got as we realised we didn't have any robins to fix into the middle and we cant add fake snow until we have the robbins in place. I have ordered some robins and they should be here in the next few days.
November 21st 2015 - Space saving
There is so much on this blog about space saving in a shared bedroom, some of which I have already done. My 2 older boys share the smaller of the 2 big rooms (I have the biggest). They are always moaning that they have no space to do anything (they would have more IF they tidied it!)
Anyway we already have bunk beds in there and use the space under them as storage with plastic boxes - shoes, lego drawing/colouring stuff etc. The bunk beds are in a corner of the room so not to waste any space. However, I would prefer a straight ladder rather than the angled stick out one, I think we may have a play at some point and see if we can make its straight and fixed to the bed.
The wardrobe that they had in their was old and not very safe and the drawers were broken. So we decided to dismantle it and move the clothes into the fixed cupboard in the wall, we did have to buy a new set of drawers to hold the clothes that don't hang like pjs, undies and jumpers. We also kept the fabric hanging rack so that they had some shelving as well. This has worked really well and reduced 1 item that needed to be in the room.
Next came the old computer table (still with computer on it) that hasn't been used in over a year by the eldest as he has a mobile phone and uses my laptop if he needs on the net for homework etc. This has been removed from the room as well, again giving a little bit more space. The younger ones computer is on his chest of drawers that hold his clothes so the drawers have a duel purpose, they are also tucked up in a corner out of the way.
The eldest son had a small square unit that he had when he had the small room on his own. It had small plastic trays in the square shelves which he has random things in - deodrants n bits in one, mini figures in another, odds and ends in another and so on. I wasn't sure where I was going to put this and then noticed that there was a spce at the end of the bed on the wall and it was as though it was made for the unit. So he has still has his shelves and baskets of odds n ends and they are out of the way.
They both have a 6ft high bookcase, which houses their tv and books. The younger of the 2 boys also had his games n bits on his bookcase and no room for more books. So hubby went to argos and bought and upright shelf unit (bathroom storage one) and this is now stood beside the head of the beds with the games and all other toys n stuff off the floor.
We are now pretty much sorted in their room and they had a big space down one side of the room. Me and hubby said about getting them a sofa bed as it would help if family/friends come to stay as well as their friends. Plus it would give them somewhere to sit and play rather than on their beds. We have bought a 3-in-1 sofa bed thingy - it can be stacked as cubes, opened to make a sofa or laid flat as a bed. I wouldn't say it will be great for daily use as a bed but for the odd night here and there it will be ok. This hasn't arrived yet but i'm sure I will do a post about it when it does arrive.
The boys are happier about their space, not so happy that they still have to share (but unless I win the lottery I can't convert the loft or build an extension.)
Anyway we already have bunk beds in there and use the space under them as storage with plastic boxes - shoes, lego drawing/colouring stuff etc. The bunk beds are in a corner of the room so not to waste any space. However, I would prefer a straight ladder rather than the angled stick out one, I think we may have a play at some point and see if we can make its straight and fixed to the bed.
The wardrobe that they had in their was old and not very safe and the drawers were broken. So we decided to dismantle it and move the clothes into the fixed cupboard in the wall, we did have to buy a new set of drawers to hold the clothes that don't hang like pjs, undies and jumpers. We also kept the fabric hanging rack so that they had some shelving as well. This has worked really well and reduced 1 item that needed to be in the room.
Next came the old computer table (still with computer on it) that hasn't been used in over a year by the eldest as he has a mobile phone and uses my laptop if he needs on the net for homework etc. This has been removed from the room as well, again giving a little bit more space. The younger ones computer is on his chest of drawers that hold his clothes so the drawers have a duel purpose, they are also tucked up in a corner out of the way.
The eldest son had a small square unit that he had when he had the small room on his own. It had small plastic trays in the square shelves which he has random things in - deodrants n bits in one, mini figures in another, odds and ends in another and so on. I wasn't sure where I was going to put this and then noticed that there was a spce at the end of the bed on the wall and it was as though it was made for the unit. So he has still has his shelves and baskets of odds n ends and they are out of the way.
They both have a 6ft high bookcase, which houses their tv and books. The younger of the 2 boys also had his games n bits on his bookcase and no room for more books. So hubby went to argos and bought and upright shelf unit (bathroom storage one) and this is now stood beside the head of the beds with the games and all other toys n stuff off the floor.
We are now pretty much sorted in their room and they had a big space down one side of the room. Me and hubby said about getting them a sofa bed as it would help if family/friends come to stay as well as their friends. Plus it would give them somewhere to sit and play rather than on their beds. We have bought a 3-in-1 sofa bed thingy - it can be stacked as cubes, opened to make a sofa or laid flat as a bed. I wouldn't say it will be great for daily use as a bed but for the odd night here and there it will be ok. This hasn't arrived yet but i'm sure I will do a post about it when it does arrive.
The boys are happier about their space, not so happy that they still have to share (but unless I win the lottery I can't convert the loft or build an extension.)
Friday, 20 November 2015
November 20th 2015 - Vinly lino flooring
A few days ago me and hubby had gone to a shop to return a product and whilst we were there we said may as well have a look around "just encase there is anything we need". Well as you do on these impromptu shopping trips a few randoms bits went in the trolley - bottle of champagne for Christmas Day, candy canes for family learning at school etc.
Then we went round to the DIY section and looked the vinyl lino flooring. They had very little of it and a sign that said "reduced to 33.99 per square meter". Sadly they didn't have any of the black and grey "mis-matched tile" pattern that I had seen in there and wanted over 6months ago. But they did have a couple of blacks that I could live with. I turned round and nearly tripped over a roll of lino on the floor - it was black and grey tiles (not what I wanted but similar) and had a size of 3m by 2m and a price of £49.95. This was more than I really wanted to spend but the right size. I said to hubby that has got to be the price before it was reduced and I think it would be about £30 now. He went to find a member of staff.
Him and 2 members of staff came back and we asked them if that was the correct price on the roll, he said it was but as its all now reduced would be about £25. YEP i'll take it - hubby then asks IF it is the correct size we need - yes! SO the 2 members of staff carried it to the till for us and when it went through it came up at £19.95! BONUS! I can cope with that sort of price for a new floor.
We left it rolled up and then today cleared the existing floor (pile of laundry to be washed, the rack that holds crisps and a perching stool), hubby removed the kick boards, swept all the crumbs that had managed to get under them and lifted the old lino and re-swept the floor. All ready to fit the new lino down.
I helped hubby a couple of times but left him to do most of it as I would have got stuck on the floor with my knee. Once hubby had cut it all to fit he put the kick boards back on the cupboards and then taped the floor on the door edges as we don't have any of the grippers at the moment.
It looks really nice and fresh in the kitchen, the only snag is the grey in the floor is different to the grey on the walls which now look more blue. The wood work still needs finishing from when we moved in 2years ago!
I have to say I personally prefer the Lino to the slate tiles that we have laid by both the front and back doors. Lino is warmer for 1 thing. It is easier to clean with a steamer, the grout doesnt flake as there isnt any, it doesnt chip if things are dropped on it (yes it splits if knives get dropped), it is easier to fit and you dont have to wait hours before you can walk on it and it was much cheaper than the tiles were as well.
Then we went round to the DIY section and looked the vinyl lino flooring. They had very little of it and a sign that said "reduced to 33.99 per square meter". Sadly they didn't have any of the black and grey "mis-matched tile" pattern that I had seen in there and wanted over 6months ago. But they did have a couple of blacks that I could live with. I turned round and nearly tripped over a roll of lino on the floor - it was black and grey tiles (not what I wanted but similar) and had a size of 3m by 2m and a price of £49.95. This was more than I really wanted to spend but the right size. I said to hubby that has got to be the price before it was reduced and I think it would be about £30 now. He went to find a member of staff.
Him and 2 members of staff came back and we asked them if that was the correct price on the roll, he said it was but as its all now reduced would be about £25. YEP i'll take it - hubby then asks IF it is the correct size we need - yes! SO the 2 members of staff carried it to the till for us and when it went through it came up at £19.95! BONUS! I can cope with that sort of price for a new floor.
We left it rolled up and then today cleared the existing floor (pile of laundry to be washed, the rack that holds crisps and a perching stool), hubby removed the kick boards, swept all the crumbs that had managed to get under them and lifted the old lino and re-swept the floor. All ready to fit the new lino down.
I helped hubby a couple of times but left him to do most of it as I would have got stuck on the floor with my knee. Once hubby had cut it all to fit he put the kick boards back on the cupboards and then taped the floor on the door edges as we don't have any of the grippers at the moment.
It looks really nice and fresh in the kitchen, the only snag is the grey in the floor is different to the grey on the walls which now look more blue. The wood work still needs finishing from when we moved in 2years ago!
I have to say I personally prefer the Lino to the slate tiles that we have laid by both the front and back doors. Lino is warmer for 1 thing. It is easier to clean with a steamer, the grout doesnt flake as there isnt any, it doesnt chip if things are dropped on it (yes it splits if knives get dropped), it is easier to fit and you dont have to wait hours before you can walk on it and it was much cheaper than the tiles were as well.
November 19th 2015 - Spayed
Today my poor lil kitten went on a trip to the vets to be spayed. As much as I love kittens and as cute as she is I couldn't risk her getting pregnant (there are loads of tom cats around here) and many people with kittens who cant find homes for them.
This does mean that once her inscison site has healed and her fur has grown back she will finally be allowed to go outside, that is assuming we dont get too much bad weather/snow etc.
Everything went really well with her operation, she came home a few hours later and was begging for food. She has been climbing and jumping like she normally would, she doesn't seem to realise she has had an operation. I just hope she doesn't do herself any harm.
This does mean that once her inscison site has healed and her fur has grown back she will finally be allowed to go outside, that is assuming we dont get too much bad weather/snow etc.
Everything went really well with her operation, she came home a few hours later and was begging for food. She has been climbing and jumping like she normally would, she doesn't seem to realise she has had an operation. I just hope she doesn't do herself any harm.
November 18th 2015 - Snowman card
As there is only a few weeks until Christmas we are doing Christmas crafts at St John Ambulance for all the youth members as part of their craft badges.
Tonight the Badgers made Snowman Christmas Cards like the link shows. I had made them all scarves from plaited wool, cut out triangle noses from orange paper, added googly eyes to the bag along with plain white card. I showed them the card I had made and left them to do them how they wanted.
Some added christmas tape others added buttons etc. They all looked really good and i'm sure whoever they were written to will love them.
Tonight the Badgers made Snowman Christmas Cards like the link shows. I had made them all scarves from plaited wool, cut out triangle noses from orange paper, added googly eyes to the bag along with plain white card. I showed them the card I had made and left them to do them how they wanted.
Some added christmas tape others added buttons etc. They all looked really good and i'm sure whoever they were written to will love them.
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
November 17th 2015 - Parents evening
Today was the younger 2 boys parents evening at school. both are doing well but could do better. they both need to work slower (it's not a race and they dont need finish first) and this also links in with them writing neater - when they slow down its not as messy and they need stop talking as much.
however both are polite and honest, they do their homework most of the time and get on well with others.
Well done boys. keep up the good work.
however both are polite and honest, they do their homework most of the time and get on well with others.
Well done boys. keep up the good work.
Monday, 16 November 2015
November 16th 2015 - personalised christmas sacks
As I live along way from my family they send me money to buy the kids christmas presents. Over the years I have bought paper and plastic santa sacks and they don't last. This year I have decided that I will make them personalised christmas sacks.
I have bought 3 packs of pillow cases and some christmas ribbon and I am going to make my own sacks. My friend is going to make me some "labels" from material that I can attatch to the sacks so that we know who they are from.

above are the blue set before I start to make them. Below are the red set which I have started:
I have bought 3 packs of pillow cases and some christmas ribbon and I am going to make my own sacks. My friend is going to make me some "labels" from material that I can attatch to the sacks so that we know who they are from.

above are the blue set before I start to make them. Below are the red set which I have started:
November 15th 2015 - Rain
Rain, rain and even more rain! We have had so much rain the pats few days that there is flooding everywhere! Loads of areas are on high flood alert and some are on caution of being evacuated.
I'm quite lucky my house is near the top of hillside, and is also up a flight of 13 stairs to do the front door, so we're not likely to flood.
Sadly though today we had planned to go to town for the Christmas light switch on but due to the rain I decided that we were not going to go and get wet. It wouldn't have been fair on my middle son who has really bad asthma and would have ended up ill. So we stayed at home in the warm instead.
I'm quite lucky my house is near the top of hillside, and is also up a flight of 13 stairs to do the front door, so we're not likely to flood.
Sadly though today we had planned to go to town for the Christmas light switch on but due to the rain I decided that we were not going to go and get wet. It wouldn't have been fair on my middle son who has really bad asthma and would have ended up ill. So we stayed at home in the warm instead.
Saturday, 14 November 2015
November 14th 2015 - Invisible
Chronic pain is invisible to all other people, however this doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The person that is suffering with it knows its very real and sore all the time. most of the time people put on a bright face to try and hide it.
November 13th 2015 - cleaning
As per todays pin "I get more cleaning done b4 someone comes over than all week." Due to my knee being very sore this week and us altering the kitchen the house was a mess. however my eldest son had asked if he could have his friend round and stay over for his birthday.
I agreed but this meant non-stop sorting out. We ordered take away for tea and sat and pigged out on the floor. the lads then played with lego and on their tablets upstairs. They were told they had to shut up by midnight or I would be yelling. i'm not sure what time they shut up and went sleep but i didnt hear them so all was good.
I agreed but this meant non-stop sorting out. We ordered take away for tea and sat and pigged out on the floor. the lads then played with lego and on their tablets upstairs. They were told they had to shut up by midnight or I would be yelling. i'm not sure what time they shut up and went sleep but i didnt hear them so all was good.
Thursday, 12 November 2015
November 12th 2015 - 13yrs ago today
13years ago today at 05:12am I gave birth to my eldest son. Right up until he was born I was adamant that if it was a girl my Mum could bring it up as I knew what a cow I was (especially as a teenager), well lucky for me I had a son.
Although he was of normal weight (7lb 2oz), there was nothing to him, he was small and newborn clothes were too big so my Mum had to go to town and buy me some tiny baby clothes for him. He soon outgrew these and was in what I had bought.
Over the years we have had many good and bad days and many ups and downs, he has turned from a tiny baby into a gorgeous son. He is very loud, crazy and mad, but these are his traits and make him special and he's my son and I wouldn't change him for the world.
Happy birthday Jay.
Although he was of normal weight (7lb 2oz), there was nothing to him, he was small and newborn clothes were too big so my Mum had to go to town and buy me some tiny baby clothes for him. He soon outgrew these and was in what I had bought.
Over the years we have had many good and bad days and many ups and downs, he has turned from a tiny baby into a gorgeous son. He is very loud, crazy and mad, but these are his traits and make him special and he's my son and I wouldn't change him for the world.
Happy birthday Jay.
november 11th 2015 - on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.....
.....We will remember them!
Although the local parade was at the weekend today was remembrance day. I was at the school for family learning and had set my alarm for just b4 11am, I wasn't sure if everyone in the group was going to join me in the silence but I was certainly doing it. Well as it happened the group leader said that we would all do it and could I keep watch on the time for the end. Which I did.
I don't know why but the 2minute silence ith our small group of 9 people seemed to take forever, much longer than when you are in a big group like on parades. I have no idea why this is.
Although the local parade was at the weekend today was remembrance day. I was at the school for family learning and had set my alarm for just b4 11am, I wasn't sure if everyone in the group was going to join me in the silence but I was certainly doing it. Well as it happened the group leader said that we would all do it and could I keep watch on the time for the end. Which I did.
I don't know why but the 2minute silence ith our small group of 9 people seemed to take forever, much longer than when you are in a big group like on parades. I have no idea why this is.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
November 10th 2015 - Christmas cupboard
I wish I had a Christmas cupboard like this one:
BUT as my house is not big enough to have "spare cupboards" that I could turn into my own christmas cupboard/grotto I will have to make do with what I have!
I have spent a good 2-3hrs in my small storage cupboards sorting out what I have for christmas and for who and what I still need to get. I took everything out, sorted it into groups and put back. I will need re-take out to wrap and then mix up so not all of 1 persons ends up in 1 bag!
BUT as my house is not big enough to have "spare cupboards" that I could turn into my own christmas cupboard/grotto I will have to make do with what I have!
I have spent a good 2-3hrs in my small storage cupboards sorting out what I have for christmas and for who and what I still need to get. I took everything out, sorted it into groups and put back. I will need re-take out to wrap and then mix up so not all of 1 persons ends up in 1 bag!
November 9th 2015 - just because.....
Just because i'm used to the pain, doesnt mean it doesnt still hurt. And trust me it hurts alot! Some days are worse than others and today was 1 of those days. I have been sat in non-stop pain all day. No matter how I moved, where I sat or stood or what I did it wouldn't ease.
Monday, 9 November 2015
November 8th 2015 - Remembrance Parade
As part of a uniformed organisation we always take part in the annual Remembrance Parade through town.
However, this year the weather was absolutely horrid, it wasn't just raining but chucking it down and the wind was blowing in all directions. As the Youth Manager I made the decision that they did not have to parade if they didn't want to. I spoke to the youth members and their parents and gave them all a choice of staying and parading in the rain or going home. If they chose to go home I would not be cross but glad that they actually turned up.
6 of the Cadets stayed and paraded, I sent the 2 under 1oyr old Badgers home as it wasn't fair on them being small and 1 having health problems. I am very proud of the Cadets that did stay and parade and they should be proud of themselves as well.
I just hope that none of them end up ill from it. My son, who is a cadet paraded and when he came home he was soaked to the skin and shivering bless him.
However, this year the weather was absolutely horrid, it wasn't just raining but chucking it down and the wind was blowing in all directions. As the Youth Manager I made the decision that they did not have to parade if they didn't want to. I spoke to the youth members and their parents and gave them all a choice of staying and parading in the rain or going home. If they chose to go home I would not be cross but glad that they actually turned up.
6 of the Cadets stayed and paraded, I sent the 2 under 1oyr old Badgers home as it wasn't fair on them being small and 1 having health problems. I am very proud of the Cadets that did stay and parade and they should be proud of themselves as well.
I just hope that none of them end up ill from it. My son, who is a cadet paraded and when he came home he was soaked to the skin and shivering bless him.
Saturday, 7 November 2015
7th November 2015 - School shoes
I realised at 4pm today that my youngest son has been wearing his trainers for the past week at school as his school shoes had split before half term. I also realised at the same time that he cant wear his trainers tomorrow for Remembrance Parade with St John Ambulance!
This meant 1 thing we had to do a mad dash to Brantano (where I dont like buying from as usually have limited shoes for boys) to buy a pair of black school shoes. I'm hoping that these will last until christmas (or afterwards).
This meant 1 thing we had to do a mad dash to Brantano (where I dont like buying from as usually have limited shoes for boys) to buy a pair of black school shoes. I'm hoping that these will last until christmas (or afterwards).
6th November 2015 - absolutely nothing
Today I have done absolutely nothing but as the picture says this is still too much! I didn't get up until late as very tired and in pain and I stayed in my pjs and did nothing!
5th November 2015 - Buckingham Palace
My son was nominated to go to Buckingham Palace with St John Ambulance for a Young Achievers Reception with HRH Princess Royal, (Princess Anne).
This is a very great thing and I was very proud both as a parent and a St John Ambulance Officer. There was my son and another Cadet from my unit who were nominated and attended the Palace. My son was very nervous about going but he had a very good time whilst there.
The above picture shows my son (in the coat) and the other lad from my unit talking to Princess Anne at the Palace.
This is a very great thing and I was very proud both as a parent and a St John Ambulance Officer. There was my son and another Cadet from my unit who were nominated and attended the Palace. My son was very nervous about going but he had a very good time whilst there.
The above picture shows my son (in the coat) and the other lad from my unit talking to Princess Anne at the Palace.
4th November 2015 - St Johns Gate Museum
Having been a member of St John Ambulance for over 20years is something big. However in this time I have never been to the St Johns Gate Museum. That is until today.
As I was in London with 2 Cadets from St John Ambulance we paid a visit to the museum and went on a tour. It was very interesting to learn more about the history of the organisation I am part of.
As I was in London with 2 Cadets from St John Ambulance we paid a visit to the museum and went on a tour. It was very interesting to learn more about the history of the organisation I am part of.
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
November 3rd 2015 - Halloween is over.....
.....For another year. :(
This means that my poor hubby has been back in the loft to put away all of the decorations that we had taken to our friends as well as new bits we have bought in the sale.
Our loft is a combination of boxes of various party themes (pirate, glow in dark etc), christmas decorations (each colour has its own box) and halloween.
The halloween stuff is all in set boxes - i have a box of spiders and spider accessories like webbing, mummy wrapped skeletons (like wrapped in spiders web), spider tablecoth, spider nests etc. I have a box that has the plastes, serving bowls, trays, cups and glasses and such. There is a box of costumes, a box of witches, a box of "random bits" like bunting, safety tape, naff inflatables (that the kids love) and then boxes of bigger things like skulls, lights, pumpkins and anything else not mentioned. Everything has its own box and has to go back in it after halloween!
This means that my poor hubby has been back in the loft to put away all of the decorations that we had taken to our friends as well as new bits we have bought in the sale.
Our loft is a combination of boxes of various party themes (pirate, glow in dark etc), christmas decorations (each colour has its own box) and halloween.
The halloween stuff is all in set boxes - i have a box of spiders and spider accessories like webbing, mummy wrapped skeletons (like wrapped in spiders web), spider tablecoth, spider nests etc. I have a box that has the plastes, serving bowls, trays, cups and glasses and such. There is a box of costumes, a box of witches, a box of "random bits" like bunting, safety tape, naff inflatables (that the kids love) and then boxes of bigger things like skulls, lights, pumpkins and anything else not mentioned. Everything has its own box and has to go back in it after halloween!
Monday, 2 November 2015
November 2nd 2015 - New jeans
For the past few weeks i have had no jeans tow ear as my favourite pair that i have had for about 3years ripped beyond repair on the inner thighs and crutch area, i have patched them twice but had no threads that i could actually stitch to this time. :(
I also have not had the money to go and buy a new pair nor been to the big town that has the shop i buy them from.
Today I had to go for an appointment in the big town about my knee, so whilst i was there i went and bought myself a pair of jeans. I must have tried on about 6 different pairs varying in waist size and leg length and then asked the lady if they had a pair of style "A" with leg length "B" in size "C" and in colour "D" in stock. She went and looked and had the style, size and leg length i wanted but not the colour, but as they fitted i bought them.
I will keep an eye and see if i can get them in black at somepoint or see if i can get some in London.
I also have not had the money to go and buy a new pair nor been to the big town that has the shop i buy them from.
Today I had to go for an appointment in the big town about my knee, so whilst i was there i went and bought myself a pair of jeans. I must have tried on about 6 different pairs varying in waist size and leg length and then asked the lady if they had a pair of style "A" with leg length "B" in size "C" and in colour "D" in stock. She went and looked and had the style, size and leg length i wanted but not the colour, but as they fitted i bought them.
I will keep an eye and see if i can get them in black at somepoint or see if i can get some in London.
November 1st 2015 - Mums Vs sleep
Mums are proof you dont need sleep! Especially when you have not seen your friend or her family for a few months!
5 kids that are excited to see each other and think its fun to stay awake talking until 4am for 3nights, and also full of sugar from sweets from a party leads to a very tired mum who was glad to be home, put the kids to bed and have an early night herself in a comfy bed!
the thing was even though they had been up until stupid o'clock they were still up by 7am wanting breakfast and to start the day!!!
5 kids that are excited to see each other and think its fun to stay awake talking until 4am for 3nights, and also full of sugar from sweets from a party leads to a very tired mum who was glad to be home, put the kids to bed and have an early night herself in a comfy bed!
the thing was even though they had been up until stupid o'clock they were still up by 7am wanting breakfast and to start the day!!!
October 31st 2015 - HaPpY HaLlOwEeN!!!
On the last day of October we celebrate the pagan festival of Samhain. It is believed that this is when the veil between living and dead is at its thinest and is a day to celebrate those that have gone before us. The name is also known as all hallows eve, which over the years has become halloween.
I love halloween, and cant get enough of it. I have spent most of this year making various potion bottles for my friend and making my spell book ready for next years harry potter party. We have made halloween cakes and done loads of halloween crafts. And now is the time it all comes together. The halloween party is as much for the adults as it the children, we all dress up and have fun!
This year the party is being held at my friends house and she doesnt do themes or anything like that, it just gets decorated and every comes in what they like etc.
I decided after halloween 2014 that I was going to go as a nurse. I got an outfit in my size very cheap and i was able to alter it and make better with fake blood! Here is me:
Hubby's outfit didnt need altering, he went a skeleton master:
My eldest wanted to go as a mad chef. We found a really cool top that needed some work, so I attacked it with fake blood. I picked up a chef hat and plastic sword in £1 shop and a pair of checked trousers on ebay. all of which were made better.
My middle son didn't know what he wanted to go as and as a result his outfit didnt get bought until 2weeks ago! He went as a devil:
My youngest was adamant after halloween 2014 that he was going as a BLUE Wizard! I found a lovely purple and black outfit but no it wasnt blue so he didnt want it! I kept looking and found a blue wizard robe and hat, only snag was it was 2sizes 2 big for him (he's tiny!) But I bought it, it arrived and I wasnt happy with it, it was very plain and needed making better. I ordered some blue ribbon with silver moons and stars on and stitched it to various parts of the robe. I bought him a blue jumper and trousers and added the ribbon to theses as well and we made a wand:
And here we are all together:
We had a great night and i can now start working on next years harry potter party!
I love halloween, and cant get enough of it. I have spent most of this year making various potion bottles for my friend and making my spell book ready for next years harry potter party. We have made halloween cakes and done loads of halloween crafts. And now is the time it all comes together. The halloween party is as much for the adults as it the children, we all dress up and have fun!
This year the party is being held at my friends house and she doesnt do themes or anything like that, it just gets decorated and every comes in what they like etc.
I decided after halloween 2014 that I was going to go as a nurse. I got an outfit in my size very cheap and i was able to alter it and make better with fake blood! Here is me:
Hubby's outfit didnt need altering, he went a skeleton master:
My eldest wanted to go as a mad chef. We found a really cool top that needed some work, so I attacked it with fake blood. I picked up a chef hat and plastic sword in £1 shop and a pair of checked trousers on ebay. all of which were made better.
My middle son didn't know what he wanted to go as and as a result his outfit didnt get bought until 2weeks ago! He went as a devil:
My youngest was adamant after halloween 2014 that he was going as a BLUE Wizard! I found a lovely purple and black outfit but no it wasnt blue so he didnt want it! I kept looking and found a blue wizard robe and hat, only snag was it was 2sizes 2 big for him (he's tiny!) But I bought it, it arrived and I wasnt happy with it, it was very plain and needed making better. I ordered some blue ribbon with silver moons and stars on and stitched it to various parts of the robe. I bought him a blue jumper and trousers and added the ribbon to theses as well and we made a wand:
And here we are all together:
We had a great night and i can now start working on next years harry potter party!
October 30th 2015 - decorating for halloween
We eventually arrived at my best friends house yesterday, after a very long journey that took over an hour longer than usual and had the kids fighting more than usual in the car.
She had made a start on decorating for halloween but had left most of it for me to do as she didnt have the patience.
I raided the cupboard under the sink for bin bags and found both black and white (yes!) aand set up cutting them into strips, tying 2 together with a knot so that we could use them as a creepy door cover. Some went up really easily to door frames but we had to staple them to the arch in the kitchen wall as tape and blue tak wouldnt hold.
they looked better in the dark and they did feel creepy asyou walked through them as they stuck to your face.
We (I) also covered her hallway, stairs and landing in spiders web stuff. This was left to me to sort as she knew I had done my house with it last year and i managed to spread it thin and wispy.

My friend changed all her light bulbs to red or green, and we added a few other bits like fabric spider webs, spider nests that I made, mummy wrapped dolls and skeletons, and the kids allcarved pumpkins.
(this pic was from saturday night party when we put the fake candles in them).
I think at this point we were just about ready decoration wise.
She had made a start on decorating for halloween but had left most of it for me to do as she didnt have the patience.
I raided the cupboard under the sink for bin bags and found both black and white (yes!) aand set up cutting them into strips, tying 2 together with a knot so that we could use them as a creepy door cover. Some went up really easily to door frames but we had to staple them to the arch in the kitchen wall as tape and blue tak wouldnt hold.
they looked better in the dark and they did feel creepy asyou walked through them as they stuck to your face.
We (I) also covered her hallway, stairs and landing in spiders web stuff. This was left to me to sort as she knew I had done my house with it last year and i managed to spread it thin and wispy.
My friend changed all her light bulbs to red or green, and we added a few other bits like fabric spider webs, spider nests that I made, mummy wrapped dolls and skeletons, and the kids allcarved pumpkins.
(this pic was from saturday night party when we put the fake candles in them).
I think at this point we were just about ready decoration wise.
October 29th 2015 - a simple math sum.....
What do you get if you put 3 boys into a car, strap them in and set off on a 5hr journey??? The answer is simple fighting and arguing!
3 kids + a car journey = living nightmare
This is made even worse when the said 5hr journey has delays due to lots of traffic, road works and accidents and takes over 6hrs. Despite them having dvds to watch, toys and games, books to read, food to eat. it's not good enough for them and the "he took my toy" and "dont poke me" and "it wasnt me it was him" etc starts.
They cant do the simple thing of sit nicely and do own thing, no they have to fight and argue which winds me up and we are all stuck in this small metal tin on wheels that isnt going anywhere very fast, we're not even near a slip road so we cant get off and find a service station or park for 10mins! it drives me mad. sooooo glad i dont do it very often.
3 kids + a car journey = living nightmare
This is made even worse when the said 5hr journey has delays due to lots of traffic, road works and accidents and takes over 6hrs. Despite them having dvds to watch, toys and games, books to read, food to eat. it's not good enough for them and the "he took my toy" and "dont poke me" and "it wasnt me it was him" etc starts.
They cant do the simple thing of sit nicely and do own thing, no they have to fight and argue which winds me up and we are all stuck in this small metal tin on wheels that isnt going anywhere very fast, we're not even near a slip road so we cant get off and find a service station or park for 10mins! it drives me mad. sooooo glad i dont do it very often.
October 28th 2015 - paper pumpkin
today was the last of our halloween crafts before the party. We made paper pumpkins similar to these. ours were made with orange and yellow paper and we stapled them together as couldnt find any glue.
I havent been able to add a picture as i cant find where lil man put it. All i know is that it didnt go with us to the party.
I havent been able to add a picture as i cant find where lil man put it. All i know is that it didnt go with us to the party.
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