She had made a start on decorating for halloween but had left most of it for me to do as she didnt have the patience.
I raided the cupboard under the sink for bin bags and found both black and white (yes!) aand set up cutting them into strips, tying 2 together with a knot so that we could use them as a creepy door cover. Some went up really easily to door frames but we had to staple them to the arch in the kitchen wall as tape and blue tak wouldnt hold.
they looked better in the dark and they did feel creepy asyou walked through them as they stuck to your face.
We (I) also covered her hallway, stairs and landing in spiders web stuff. This was left to me to sort as she knew I had done my house with it last year and i managed to spread it thin and wispy.
My friend changed all her light bulbs to red or green, and we added a few other bits like fabric spider webs, spider nests that I made, mummy wrapped dolls and skeletons, and the kids allcarved pumpkins.
(this pic was from saturday night party when we put the fake candles in them).
I think at this point we were just about ready decoration wise.