5mins later, we are working on making pages to print out and collecting our supplies to make the toilet roll yule log. To make it you will need the following things:
toilet roll tube
double sided tape
pictures of holly (or plastic holly)
birchwood effect printed paper (if you do the whole of an A4 sheet it will cover 2 tubes)
fake snow (optional)
glue (optional but needed for snow)
paper plate

supplies and printed birchwood paper and holly.
Cut the paper in half so you have 2 pieces. place a line of tape from 1 end to the other on the tube. put 1 piece of the paper over the tape and wrap all the way round (you may need to cut it slightly smaller). Make sure both ends are fixed with tape on the tube, you shouldn't be able to see anyvof the brown tube now. If your paper is longer than the tube you can tuck the excess into the open ends of the tubes.
Take the stapler, the wrapped tube and the paper plate, fix the tube to the plate with the stapler on the middle of the tube so they are no visible from the top.
You next to cut to out the holly. we flipped our picture b4 printing so that we could double side it but you dont have to. As ours is double sided I taped them together before we cut them out so only cut once. Lil man folded our leaves slightly so they had shape rather than looking flat. We then putt a small piece of tape on the underside of the berries and stuck to the middle of the tube. This was then stapled as they kept falling off with tape.
Sadly this was as far as we got as we realised we didn't have any robins to fix into the middle and we cant add fake snow until we have the robbins in place. I have ordered some robins and they should be here in the next few days.