July 31st 2015 - Painting gnomes
I saw on facebook today that 1 of the churches a few miles from us had a free craft session for children, it was painting a gnome. I asked lil man if he would like to go to it. He said yes as 1. he likes crafts and painting and 2. he can put it in the garden with the fairies.
We got the bus there and were abit early so we went round the chairty shops first. In 1 of them we found a leprechaun salt & pepper shaker set, he thought they looked like gnomes and was upset when I said were leprechauns, but was quite happy when I said he could have them and I would make them a rainbow rock house that they could sit infront of.
We went off to the church and he made hisgnome, which he has called Gordon. He joined in the mini treasure hunt round the church and got sweets and then joined in with making music and using differrent instruments. (charity shops aside) it only cost me bus fare for an afternoon of fun for lil man.
They asked if we would be going over next tuesday for the viking afternoon, lil man wants to go, i'm not sure about the older 2 though.
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Friday, 31 July 2015
Thursday, 30 July 2015
July 30th 2015 - Kitten toy
July 30th 2015 - Kitten toy
When I first had sorted that we were getting a kitten I asked my friend if she could make me 1 of these kitten toys.
Lil miss starla has not been bothered by it since we got her but today she has played with it loads and batted it round the floor. So now she is a bit bigger shes happy to play with it.
I missed the photo of her playing with it and shes now asleep but will get 1 later.
When I first had sorted that we were getting a kitten I asked my friend if she could make me 1 of these kitten toys.
Lil miss starla has not been bothered by it since we got her but today she has played with it loads and batted it round the floor. So now she is a bit bigger shes happy to play with it.
I missed the photo of her playing with it and shes now asleep but will get 1 later.
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
July 29th 2015 - Library
July 29th 2015 - Library
Whilst going through lil mans book bag I found a letter about "the record breakers reading challenge" at the local library. For this he has to read 6 books over the summer and he gets stickers and things as he goes along. We got the bus to town and walked round to the library. We spoke to the lady at the desk and got him his own library card. We asked the lady about the reading challenge and she sent us to another desk to sort it.
The lady went through the paperwork and told us what he needs to do for it. We took the paperwork and went over to the children's book area and started to look for books. Lil man wasn't sure what he wanted so we headed to the learning to read section where we found a nice big pile that were suitable, we sat on 1 of the seats and went through them to see which ones he wanted to bring home.
He choose 3 learning to read and a bigger children's book from 1 of the boxes. He has the books for 3 weeks but has already read 2 of the 4 he brought home. The reading of 6 books isn't going to be a problem for him to do. We have said that we will take a picture of him with all the books he reads and print them out so he can show his teacher when he goes back to school in september.
Whilst going through lil mans book bag I found a letter about "the record breakers reading challenge" at the local library. For this he has to read 6 books over the summer and he gets stickers and things as he goes along. We got the bus to town and walked round to the library. We spoke to the lady at the desk and got him his own library card. We asked the lady about the reading challenge and she sent us to another desk to sort it.
The lady went through the paperwork and told us what he needs to do for it. We took the paperwork and went over to the children's book area and started to look for books. Lil man wasn't sure what he wanted so we headed to the learning to read section where we found a nice big pile that were suitable, we sat on 1 of the seats and went through them to see which ones he wanted to bring home.
He choose 3 learning to read and a bigger children's book from 1 of the boxes. He has the books for 3 weeks but has already read 2 of the 4 he brought home. The reading of 6 books isn't going to be a problem for him to do. We have said that we will take a picture of him with all the books he reads and print them out so he can show his teacher when he goes back to school in september.
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
July 28th 2015 - book hedgehog
july 28th 2015 - book hedgehog
today we went to the local community centre for their summer activities that they hold once a week during school holidays. Todays activity was to make book hedgehogs.
My youngest son started to make his book hedgehog by folding it how he had been told, but he got bored after about 8 pages, so asked me if I would finish it for him, which I did. I added the nose and eyes with glue when we got home instead of the double sided tape.
today we went to the local community centre for their summer activities that they hold once a week during school holidays. Todays activity was to make book hedgehogs.
My youngest son started to make his book hedgehog by folding it how he had been told, but he got bored after about 8 pages, so asked me if I would finish it for him, which I did. I added the nose and eyes with glue when we got home instead of the double sided tape.
Monday, 27 July 2015
July 27th 2015 - Campfire cakes
July 27th 2015 - Campfire cakes
As my middle sons birthday is the day of badger day camp, I decided that I would try and make some campfire cakes similar to this pin but small fairy cake size. I thought I had everything I needed to do a test run but found out I hadn't (luckily before I started) so me and lil man nipped to town.

We bought 2 packs of hard boiled sweets and sat and took out the red, orange and yellow ones:

We then used metal serving spoons to bash the sweets into small pieces/powder. Here's my son mid bashing!
Here are some of the bashed sweets both in their own bags and then the 3 colours mixed together.
We then sprinkled the mix onto a baking tray that had grease proof paper in it and stuck it in the oven for just over 5minutes so that the sweets all went back to being a soild mix, but a mix of 3 colours like flames. This was the results both on and off the paper:

Next was to make the cakes - it was cheaper to buy a plain cake mix than a chocolate one, so I added a couple of spoons of drinking chocolate powder so it turns into a chocolate mix.

I then put them into the oven to bake and this was after I took them out to cool down.

The next thing was to decorate them, I knew what I wanted to do but wasn't 100% sure on how to do it. This was what I was working with as well as the pieces of "flame" (coloured boiled sweets).
AND THIS is how they turned out. I'm actually really pleased with them and they do look good, however, for the actual day camp I am going to use chocolate "matchmakers" as they will be easier to break and not as bulky to try and stand as sticks on a fire.
As my middle sons birthday is the day of badger day camp, I decided that I would try and make some campfire cakes similar to this pin but small fairy cake size. I thought I had everything I needed to do a test run but found out I hadn't (luckily before I started) so me and lil man nipped to town.

We bought 2 packs of hard boiled sweets and sat and took out the red, orange and yellow ones:

We then used metal serving spoons to bash the sweets into small pieces/powder. Here's my son mid bashing!
Here are some of the bashed sweets both in their own bags and then the 3 colours mixed together.
We then sprinkled the mix onto a baking tray that had grease proof paper in it and stuck it in the oven for just over 5minutes so that the sweets all went back to being a soild mix, but a mix of 3 colours like flames. This was the results both on and off the paper:

Next was to make the cakes - it was cheaper to buy a plain cake mix than a chocolate one, so I added a couple of spoons of drinking chocolate powder so it turns into a chocolate mix.

I then put them into the oven to bake and this was after I took them out to cool down.

The next thing was to decorate them, I knew what I wanted to do but wasn't 100% sure on how to do it. This was what I was working with as well as the pieces of "flame" (coloured boiled sweets).
AND THIS is how they turned out. I'm actually really pleased with them and they do look good, however, for the actual day camp I am going to use chocolate "matchmakers" as they will be easier to break and not as bulky to try and stand as sticks on a fire.
Sunday, 26 July 2015
July 26th 2015 - rock pet
July 26th 2015 - rock pet
Yesterday when we went to the rock pool beach lil man picked up a rock and said was bringing it home to make a rock pet. We didn't get as far as doing it yesterday so we have made it this morning.
I have had to use UHU glue as pva wasn't strong enough. We have put googly eyes on it,

Then I glued a small feather to a piece of pipe cleaner and glued it into the crack in the stone as a tail.
Lil man then found a camo button and asked for that to be stuck to its back.
He then asked me to put on some diamantes and he has called his rock pet "Diamond".
We have talked about how he needs to look after his "pet" and come up with some "rules". Here they are:
* "pet rocks" are lazy and do no not need exercise and they don't like to be thrown at anyone or anything.
* "pet rocks" are not known to eat food and can survive without any. Nor do they need any water to drink.
* "pet rocks" are clean pets and don't need baths or to go swimming, infact they don't need to go anywhere near water as they will sink straight away.
* "pet rocks" are already trained they know how to "sit", "stay" and "play dead", they don't know how to come when called and wont answer to it's name.
* "pet rocks" don't need to be brushed as they have no fur or feathers.
* "pet rocks" can be left unattended for long times and will not cause problems or make a mess.
We hope you can find a relative of Diamond and make your own rock pet and have fun like we are.
Yesterday when we went to the rock pool beach lil man picked up a rock and said was bringing it home to make a rock pet. We didn't get as far as doing it yesterday so we have made it this morning.
I have had to use UHU glue as pva wasn't strong enough. We have put googly eyes on it,

Lil man then found a camo button and asked for that to be stuck to its back.
He then asked me to put on some diamantes and he has called his rock pet "Diamond".
We have talked about how he needs to look after his "pet" and come up with some "rules". Here they are:
* "pet rocks" are lazy and do no not need exercise and they don't like to be thrown at anyone or anything.
* "pet rocks" are not known to eat food and can survive without any. Nor do they need any water to drink.
* "pet rocks" are clean pets and don't need baths or to go swimming, infact they don't need to go anywhere near water as they will sink straight away.
* "pet rocks" are already trained they know how to "sit", "stay" and "play dead", they don't know how to come when called and wont answer to it's name.
* "pet rocks" don't need to be brushed as they have no fur or feathers.
* "pet rocks" can be left unattended for long times and will not cause problems or make a mess.
We hope you can find a relative of Diamond and make your own rock pet and have fun like we are.
Saturday, 25 July 2015
July 25th 2015 - Parton
July 25th 2015 - Parton
I was on a mission today, I needed 60 smooth, small pale coloured rocks for a kids craft activity linked to Badger Day Camp. They are going to make noughts & crosses games from lolly sticks and small stones of which they can decorate, they will then be going into a fabric pencil case that they can also decorate. There is no way I am paying for rocks!
10mins drive down the road is Parton Beach, it is 98% rocks and rock pools and 2% sand. Now you would think with this information that I would be able to find what I was looking for very easily - errrr no! There are rocks every where but trying to find those that matched my criteria was not easy.
Hubby and the 3 boys went off to the rock pools and the edge of the sea and were trying to see what they could find - a few dead crabs, a dead seagull (decomposing), a pair of mens trousers, some shrimps and a few fish! And they left me collecting rocks and shells.
Whilst I was looking for the smooth rocks I found some that had lots of shiny/sparkly bits in that seem to be a type of crystal, there was a lot of this as well, in various shapes, sizes and colours. I brought a few pieces home with me, the only 1 I can identify is the red cornelian.

My youngest son decided that he wanted to bring a rock home and turn it into a rock pet, we are going to glue eyes on it.
I was on a mission today, I needed 60 smooth, small pale coloured rocks for a kids craft activity linked to Badger Day Camp. They are going to make noughts & crosses games from lolly sticks and small stones of which they can decorate, they will then be going into a fabric pencil case that they can also decorate. There is no way I am paying for rocks!
10mins drive down the road is Parton Beach, it is 98% rocks and rock pools and 2% sand. Now you would think with this information that I would be able to find what I was looking for very easily - errrr no! There are rocks every where but trying to find those that matched my criteria was not easy.
Hubby and the 3 boys went off to the rock pools and the edge of the sea and were trying to see what they could find - a few dead crabs, a dead seagull (decomposing), a pair of mens trousers, some shrimps and a few fish! And they left me collecting rocks and shells.
Whilst I was looking for the smooth rocks I found some that had lots of shiny/sparkly bits in that seem to be a type of crystal, there was a lot of this as well, in various shapes, sizes and colours. I brought a few pieces home with me, the only 1 I can identify is the red cornelian.

Friday, 24 July 2015
July 24th 2015 - Bath time
July 24th 2015 - Bath time
Today is Bath time for Starla my kitten. I didn't want to bath her but had no choice as she has fleas and as only 7weeks old isn't big enough for flea collars or sprays.
She absolutely hated it! i'mnot sure who was most traumatised me or her - me for all the scratches I have received on both arms, my shoulders and chest or her for getting wet! Once I got her out I had her wrapped in a towel and placed a hand warmer under it to warm her back up, she seemed to like that.
At least she has forgiven me - she has laid on my chest and snuggled and nuzzled me and given kisses before going to sleep.
This is funny and pretty much the look I got from her.
Today is Bath time for Starla my kitten. I didn't want to bath her but had no choice as she has fleas and as only 7weeks old isn't big enough for flea collars or sprays.
She absolutely hated it! i'mnot sure who was most traumatised me or her - me for all the scratches I have received on both arms, my shoulders and chest or her for getting wet! Once I got her out I had her wrapped in a towel and placed a hand warmer under it to warm her back up, she seemed to like that.
At least she has forgiven me - she has laid on my chest and snuggled and nuzzled me and given kisses before going to sleep.
This is funny and pretty much the look I got from her.
Thursday, 23 July 2015
July 23rd 2015 - Lolly stick photo frames
July 23rd 2015 - Lolly stick photo frames
As part of the Badger Day camp we will be taking a photo of them near the "campsite", it will then be printed and laminated ready for use later in the day. That is when we will be making Lolly stick photo frames to fix the picture to. This has the image that gave me the idea.
They are very simple to make, but I have had to do some of the early work by sticking them together as PVA kids glue isn't strong enough and I have had to use all purpose glue to do them.
You need:
8 natural lolly sticks for each frame
wood or all purpose glue (uhu)
4 clothes pegs
pens to write on the sticks
brown crayons to make look like wood
string to hang (optional)
1. Take the 8 lolly sticks, the glue and the pegs
2. Glue the first 4 together as shown and hold together with the pegs, you may need to squeeze them between fingers as well. allow to dry (about 10mins) the move on to next step.
3. take 2 more sticks and glue in place, hold together with the pegs, squeeze if needed and allow to dry. If you have more than 4 pegs you can continue if not you need wait until dry. once dry remove all 4 pegs as they are needed for the last part.
4. Take the final 2 sticks and glue both ends off them and fix in place on the existing "frame" and hold in place with pegs. you now have your square "frame".
it doesn't matter if its not quite square as its meant to be like twigs.
Once its all dry you can decorate how you wish and add the photo to the back (stapler) and string to hang up.
As part of the Badger Day camp we will be taking a photo of them near the "campsite", it will then be printed and laminated ready for use later in the day. That is when we will be making Lolly stick photo frames to fix the picture to. This has the image that gave me the idea.
They are very simple to make, but I have had to do some of the early work by sticking them together as PVA kids glue isn't strong enough and I have had to use all purpose glue to do them.
You need:
8 natural lolly sticks for each frame
wood or all purpose glue (uhu)
4 clothes pegs
pens to write on the sticks
brown crayons to make look like wood
string to hang (optional)
1. Take the 8 lolly sticks, the glue and the pegs
2. Glue the first 4 together as shown and hold together with the pegs, you may need to squeeze them between fingers as well. allow to dry (about 10mins) the move on to next step.
3. take 2 more sticks and glue in place, hold together with the pegs, squeeze if needed and allow to dry. If you have more than 4 pegs you can continue if not you need wait until dry. once dry remove all 4 pegs as they are needed for the last part.
4. Take the final 2 sticks and glue both ends off them and fix in place on the existing "frame" and hold in place with pegs. you now have your square "frame".
it doesn't matter if its not quite square as its meant to be like twigs.
Once its all dry you can decorate how you wish and add the photo to the back (stapler) and string to hang up.
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
July 22nd 2015 - Wellington Farm
July 22nd 2015 - Wellington Farm
Today was the last day my friend was going to be here and still the weather was bad so no beach again! This meant we had to find something to do, preferably cheap or free.
A friend had said about a local farm she had been to a few weeks ago not far from where we live, it's free to go round the animals etc and it served food and ice cream etc (you had pay for these). I googled Wellington Farm in Cockermouth and found the location. It looked good and as free we decided this is what we would do as it was also the right way for my friend to get back on the road to go home to Scotland.
Although it was there it wasn't as big as the net seemed to hint it was. The boys all enjoyed looking at the animals, they wern't keen on the geese that were making A LOT of noise by the fence, and in fairness they did sound and look nasty! They liked playing in the small play area on the bikes and tractors. They couldn't go on the go-karts as we didn't have any cash on us as it was free place. We did buy ice-cream in the shop which was lovely. After wandering round the animals we went into the trail through the woods which was really good.
Today was the last day my friend was going to be here and still the weather was bad so no beach again! This meant we had to find something to do, preferably cheap or free.
A friend had said about a local farm she had been to a few weeks ago not far from where we live, it's free to go round the animals etc and it served food and ice cream etc (you had pay for these). I googled Wellington Farm in Cockermouth and found the location. It looked good and as free we decided this is what we would do as it was also the right way for my friend to get back on the road to go home to Scotland.
Although it was there it wasn't as big as the net seemed to hint it was. The boys all enjoyed looking at the animals, they wern't keen on the geese that were making A LOT of noise by the fence, and in fairness they did sound and look nasty! They liked playing in the small play area on the bikes and tractors. They couldn't go on the go-karts as we didn't have any cash on us as it was free place. We did buy ice-cream in the shop which was lovely. After wandering round the animals we went into the trail through the woods which was really good.
July 21st 2015 - Planet Play
July 21st 2015 - Planet Play
The weather still isn't great and my friend and her kids are still here, so we needed to do something to amuse them. So we went to Planet Play, 1of the local soft/indoor play areas.
All kids love going to soft play and being able to run about etc. My 3 sons and my friends 2 sons are no exception to this. They loved being able to go off on their own and play in safety, they knew where we were sat and came back when they wanted drinks etc.
Pics showing my 3 boys playing in various parts. There is a great pic of 4/5 of mine/mates kids all sat behind the netting and they look like caged monkeys! I won't put on here as not just my kids, but it is good.
Planet Play is really big and has a lot for them to do. There are a few slides, loads of climbing bits, a ball pit, a sports area with football goal and basketball net. The play area is over a few different heights that the kids have to climb to reach. The prices are good as well - £4.95 per child for 2hrs of play. They serve food and sweet snacks and drinks, although we didn't eat there the food looked nice and wasn't really expensive.
We had a lovely time except for 2 10/11yr old boys who thought they would push the 3yr old over (because he threw a play ball and it hit them), spit in the face of one of the 5yr olds because he stood up for his 3yr old brother and then start on the other 5yr old because he asked to have a go on the giant bouncy balls they were on. They wern't so big and brave when they met the 10 and 12yr old brothers and an angry mother! Sadly we wern't able to speak to their mother as they didn't leave the play area. However, when we left my son was reading "the rules of play" on the wall and 1 said about "no bullying" to which my son said shame that happens, loud enough for the manager to hear and asked what he was on about - so we explained and he said he would go and speak to them.
The weather still isn't great and my friend and her kids are still here, so we needed to do something to amuse them. So we went to Planet Play, 1of the local soft/indoor play areas.
All kids love going to soft play and being able to run about etc. My 3 sons and my friends 2 sons are no exception to this. They loved being able to go off on their own and play in safety, they knew where we were sat and came back when they wanted drinks etc.
Pics showing my 3 boys playing in various parts. There is a great pic of 4/5 of mine/mates kids all sat behind the netting and they look like caged monkeys! I won't put on here as not just my kids, but it is good.
Planet Play is really big and has a lot for them to do. There are a few slides, loads of climbing bits, a ball pit, a sports area with football goal and basketball net. The play area is over a few different heights that the kids have to climb to reach. The prices are good as well - £4.95 per child for 2hrs of play. They serve food and sweet snacks and drinks, although we didn't eat there the food looked nice and wasn't really expensive.
We had a lovely time except for 2 10/11yr old boys who thought they would push the 3yr old over (because he threw a play ball and it hit them), spit in the face of one of the 5yr olds because he stood up for his 3yr old brother and then start on the other 5yr old because he asked to have a go on the giant bouncy balls they were on. They wern't so big and brave when they met the 10 and 12yr old brothers and an angry mother! Sadly we wern't able to speak to their mother as they didn't leave the play area. However, when we left my son was reading "the rules of play" on the wall and 1 said about "no bullying" to which my son said shame that happens, loud enough for the manager to hear and asked what he was on about - so we explained and he said he would go and speak to them.
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
July 20th 2015 - Whinlatter Forest
July 20th 2015 - Whinlatter Forest
We have some friends coming to stay for a few days, and as the weather doesn't look too great we decided that we would meet at Whinlatter Forest. This was only 15mins from the roundabout where my friend would need to turn to come to my house anyway. It also meant that the kids could run around and make noise for a few hours.
We took our own picnic and sat in the car to eat it. We then headed off to the slides and and water play and everything else. The 5 boys all had a great couple of hours, all got wet and muddy and played really nicely together.
We have some friends coming to stay for a few days, and as the weather doesn't look too great we decided that we would meet at Whinlatter Forest. This was only 15mins from the roundabout where my friend would need to turn to come to my house anyway. It also meant that the kids could run around and make noise for a few hours.
We took our own picnic and sat in the car to eat it. We then headed off to the slides and and water play and everything else. The 5 boys all had a great couple of hours, all got wet and muddy and played really nicely together.
Sunday, 19 July 2015
July 19th 2015 - Cleaning
July 19th 2015 - Cleaning
One job I absolutely hate doing but it has to be done. Addmittidly not as much as it should (washing and washing up yes, general tidy no!)
However, I have a friend coming to stay tomorrow for a few days so the house has had its "spring clean". We have done top to bottom and every room (except my bedroom as no-one will be going in it). I made a list of jobs that needed doing in each room and asigned some of them to the kids to do. Most of the list has been completed but there are still some that need doing later, like cleaning bathroom but no point doing that until after baths and the toilet mat still needs to be washed after the clothes finish.
Today's pin is a quote that seems to fit really well with the cleaning -
I *think* I may try and keep todays cleaning list and get everyone to help on a saturday or sunday before they get computers etc.
One job I absolutely hate doing but it has to be done. Addmittidly not as much as it should (washing and washing up yes, general tidy no!)
However, I have a friend coming to stay tomorrow for a few days so the house has had its "spring clean". We have done top to bottom and every room (except my bedroom as no-one will be going in it). I made a list of jobs that needed doing in each room and asigned some of them to the kids to do. Most of the list has been completed but there are still some that need doing later, like cleaning bathroom but no point doing that until after baths and the toilet mat still needs to be washed after the clothes finish.
Today's pin is a quote that seems to fit really well with the cleaning -
I *think* I may try and keep todays cleaning list and get everyone to help on a saturday or sunday before they get computers etc.
Saturday, 18 July 2015
July 18th 2015 - Cat behaviour
July 18th 2015 - Cat behaviour
I have spent quite a lot of time today searching the net looking for answers on my kittens behaviour. I have had many cats during my life and most from small kittens, but my newest kitten Starla is something else. I have never known any of my cats/kittens do what she does. I will explain what she does and what my friend google (various sites visited) say it means. I've certainly learnt things from the net today.
Starla is not quite 7weeks old, she is eating food and litter trained but mummy cat had had enough of her 5 kittens and wasn't looking after them anymore, so I housed her 2 weeks earlier than planned. She is mainly a grey tabby but does have some ginger and white patches, including white socs. She is so loving and sweet. Meet starla:
Firstly i'm sure she thinks she is a parrot - she loves being up on my shoulder, whether sat looking around or asleep. This apparently is the behaviour of shoulder cats, when they start doing it as a kitten they will continue when an adult cat (i'm not sure I want a fully grown cat as a scarf!). It is linked to them wanting to be close, to see eye to eye and because they can feel the pulse in your neck which reminds them of the closeness of their mother.
She keeps putting her paw gently to my face when she is sat snuggling, usually when I am stroking her face/chin - I have NEVER had a kitten/cat do this to me and had no idea what it meant. Well apparently it is a sign of trust, affection and love and that they want attention from you.
Putting her "booty" in my face - this is the way that cats say hello to each other and she wants me to "sniff it" (I DON'T think so). It can also be linked to them seeing you as a "mother figure" and may indicate that they want it cleaned (ewwwww YUK!) They only do this to those that they have given their full trust to.
She likes to sleep against my head or face - This is linked to small/young animals not being able to regulate their body temperature properly and wanting warmth and a closeness that they would get from their mother.
She sleeps on her back with belly up and paws all over like a star fish - this behaviour surprised me as I always thought cats only went on their back to attack as they had their claws upwards, but again it comes down to trusting you and feeling safe not threatened to expose their belly.
Head butting me gently and rubbing cheeks - She loves to put her head to mine and look into my eyes (her eyes are so trusting), this is because of the scent glands in the head - cats and kittens only do this with those they trust in their circle and when they do it to human is an indication that I belong to her and her me, and she sees me as a big cat! This is the same for rubbing cheeks.
She licks my ears (most annoying!) - Apparently this is linked to her being so young and taken from her mum, it can be linked to wanting to feed or just a sign of affection.
Mewing before and after going to the litter try - this is really comical - she mews before she climbs in it and then after she has been. This is linked to her calling her mummy cat. She doesn't need help to go, she has done both wees and poos. I spoke to the lady I got her from and she did it there as well.
There are many other bits she does but nothing I had to search - she comes running to me if she wants peace and has had enough of playing etc. Its as though i'm her safety blanket. She mews at me when she sees me (not at anyone else in the house), and she loves to lay either on my chest or as close to me as she can get. Her tail is always pointed up when she sees me. Kitten kisses are given whenever she comes to me.
I have spent quite a lot of time today searching the net looking for answers on my kittens behaviour. I have had many cats during my life and most from small kittens, but my newest kitten Starla is something else. I have never known any of my cats/kittens do what she does. I will explain what she does and what my friend google (various sites visited) say it means. I've certainly learnt things from the net today.
Starla is not quite 7weeks old, she is eating food and litter trained but mummy cat had had enough of her 5 kittens and wasn't looking after them anymore, so I housed her 2 weeks earlier than planned. She is mainly a grey tabby but does have some ginger and white patches, including white socs. She is so loving and sweet. Meet starla:
Firstly i'm sure she thinks she is a parrot - she loves being up on my shoulder, whether sat looking around or asleep. This apparently is the behaviour of shoulder cats, when they start doing it as a kitten they will continue when an adult cat (i'm not sure I want a fully grown cat as a scarf!). It is linked to them wanting to be close, to see eye to eye and because they can feel the pulse in your neck which reminds them of the closeness of their mother.
She keeps putting her paw gently to my face when she is sat snuggling, usually when I am stroking her face/chin - I have NEVER had a kitten/cat do this to me and had no idea what it meant. Well apparently it is a sign of trust, affection and love and that they want attention from you.
Putting her "booty" in my face - this is the way that cats say hello to each other and she wants me to "sniff it" (I DON'T think so). It can also be linked to them seeing you as a "mother figure" and may indicate that they want it cleaned (ewwwww YUK!) They only do this to those that they have given their full trust to.
She likes to sleep against my head or face - This is linked to small/young animals not being able to regulate their body temperature properly and wanting warmth and a closeness that they would get from their mother.
She sleeps on her back with belly up and paws all over like a star fish - this behaviour surprised me as I always thought cats only went on their back to attack as they had their claws upwards, but again it comes down to trusting you and feeling safe not threatened to expose their belly.
Head butting me gently and rubbing cheeks - She loves to put her head to mine and look into my eyes (her eyes are so trusting), this is because of the scent glands in the head - cats and kittens only do this with those they trust in their circle and when they do it to human is an indication that I belong to her and her me, and she sees me as a big cat! This is the same for rubbing cheeks.
She licks my ears (most annoying!) - Apparently this is linked to her being so young and taken from her mum, it can be linked to wanting to feed or just a sign of affection.
Mewing before and after going to the litter try - this is really comical - she mews before she climbs in it and then after she has been. This is linked to her calling her mummy cat. She doesn't need help to go, she has done both wees and poos. I spoke to the lady I got her from and she did it there as well.
There are many other bits she does but nothing I had to search - she comes running to me if she wants peace and has had enough of playing etc. Its as though i'm her safety blanket. She mews at me when she sees me (not at anyone else in the house), and she loves to lay either on my chest or as close to me as she can get. Her tail is always pointed up when she sees me. Kitten kisses are given whenever she comes to me.
Friday, 17 July 2015
July 17tth 2015 - camp fire lantern
July 17th 2015 - Campfire lantern
I found a lovely battery LED campfire lantern in b&m today, so I bought it, it has various light settings on it and looks really pretty.
Plus today I have done a trial run on making a camp lantern as a craft for the Badgers day camp. I bought a plastic tub with lid from £1 shop, I already had red, yellow and orange tissue paper at home as well as battery tea lights and glow sticks.
I cut flame shapes out of the tissue paper and glued them to the plastic tub and covered over them with glue to seal them in place. I added a fake tea light to the inside of it and placed the lid back on.
I think it will work really well for the kids to make.
I found a lovely battery LED campfire lantern in b&m today, so I bought it, it has various light settings on it and looks really pretty.
Plus today I have done a trial run on making a camp lantern as a craft for the Badgers day camp. I bought a plastic tub with lid from £1 shop, I already had red, yellow and orange tissue paper at home as well as battery tea lights and glow sticks.
I cut flame shapes out of the tissue paper and glued them to the plastic tub and covered over them with glue to seal them in place. I added a fake tea light to the inside of it and placed the lid back on.
I think it will work really well for the kids to make.
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