I was on a mission today, I needed 60 smooth, small pale coloured rocks for a kids craft activity linked to Badger Day Camp. They are going to make noughts & crosses games from lolly sticks and small stones of which they can decorate, they will then be going into a fabric pencil case that they can also decorate. There is no way I am paying for rocks!
10mins drive down the road is Parton Beach, it is 98% rocks and rock pools and 2% sand. Now you would think with this information that I would be able to find what I was looking for very easily - errrr no! There are rocks every where but trying to find those that matched my criteria was not easy.
Hubby and the 3 boys went off to the rock pools and the edge of the sea and were trying to see what they could find - a few dead crabs, a dead seagull (decomposing), a pair of mens trousers, some shrimps and a few fish! And they left me collecting rocks and shells.
Whilst I was looking for the smooth rocks I found some that had lots of shiny/sparkly bits in that seem to be a type of crystal, there was a lot of this as well, in various shapes, sizes and colours. I brought a few pieces home with me, the only 1 I can identify is the red cornelian.

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