Lil man has 2 outfits for halloween this year - his monster for school and a lovely blue wizard outfit (that I made better by adding star ribbon to). The only thing the outfit was missing was a wand. I had saved this pin to my Harry Potter party board ready for next year as I planned to make them for the party.
Well this has been the trial run of it - lil man wanted a blue wand with silver bits on the handle! I didn't have any chopsticks like the pin says BUT I did have a huge hedge in the garden that has been cut down! This emans I have loads of branches so we went out and found 1 that he liked. We cut all the sticky out bits off, pealed the bark off it and allowed to dry for a few days.
Yesterday I started to make patterns on the handle end with UHU glue as I couldn't find my hot glue sticks (I think they will work better and dry quicker), I did 3 layers in total building up on the layer below so it was raised. Again the wand was left to dry over night. And today (after a trip to town to get the right colour blue sparkly nail varnish for it) I started to cover the wand in nail varnish. It had to have 2 coats as 1 went patchy and wasn't as dark as me or lil wanted. Once the blue was dry I had to go on a hunt for a thin paint brush, this was a task in itself as the kitten had knocked the tub of brushes off the windowsill and then batted them around as toys - I found 1 near the dvd shelves and cut some of the bristles so it was smaller still. I then used a silver sparkle nail varnish to go over the raised glue on the handle, this took 2 coats as well so it was really bright and shiny.
Lil man is really pleased with his 1-of-a-kind wand that goes with his outfit. I just hope it still fits him for Harry Potter next year. This was really easy to do and I will be doing 1 for all the kids for next year and maybe the adults (may not use my hedge but bamboo skewers or similar) and if I have enough time I will make and extra load and attach a small bag of sweets to for the trick or treaters.