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Friday, 20 November 2015

November 19th 2015 - Spayed

Today my poor lil kitten went on a trip to the vets to be spayed.  As much as I love kittens and as cute as she is I couldn't risk her getting pregnant (there are loads of tom cats around here) and many people with kittens who cant find homes for them.

This does mean that once her inscison site has healed and her fur has grown back she will finally be allowed to go outside, that is assuming we dont get too much bad weather/snow etc.

Everything went really well with her operation, she came home a few hours later and was begging for food.  She has been climbing and jumping like she normally would, she doesn't seem to realise she has had an operation.  I just hope she doesn't do herself any harm.

November 18th 2015 - Snowman card

As there is only a few weeks until Christmas we are doing Christmas crafts at St John Ambulance for all the youth members as part of their craft badges.

Tonight the Badgers made Snowman Christmas Cards like the link shows.  I had made them all scarves from plaited wool, cut out triangle noses from orange paper, added  googly eyes to the bag along with plain white card.  I showed them the card I had made and left them to do them how they wanted.

Some added christmas tape others added buttons etc.  They all looked really good and i'm sure whoever they were written to will love them.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

November 17th 2015 - Parents evening

Today was the younger 2 boys parents evening at school.  both are doing well but could do better.  they both need to work slower (it's not a race and they dont need finish first) and this also links in with them writing neater - when they slow down its not as messy and they need stop talking as much.

however both are polite and honest, they do their homework most of the time and get on well with others.

Well done boys. keep up the good work.

Monday, 16 November 2015

November 16th 2015 - personalised christmas sacks

As I live along way from my family they send me money to buy the kids christmas presents.  Over the years I have bought paper and plastic santa sacks and they don't last.  This year I have decided that I will make them personalised christmas sacks.

I have bought 3 packs of pillow cases and some christmas ribbon and I am going to make my own sacks.  My friend is going to make me some "labels" from material that I can attatch to the sacks so that we know who they are from.

above are the blue set before I start to make them.  Below are the red set which I have started:

November 15th 2015 - Rain

Rain, rain and even more rain!  We have had so much rain the pats few days that there is flooding everywhere!  Loads of areas  are on high flood alert and some are on caution of being evacuated.

I'm quite lucky my house is near the top of hillside, and is also up a flight of 13 stairs to do the front door, so we're not likely to flood.

Sadly though today we had planned to go to town for the Christmas light switch on but due to the rain I decided that we were not going to go and get wet.  It wouldn't have been fair on my middle son who has really bad asthma and would have ended up ill.  So we stayed at home in the warm instead.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

November 14th 2015 - Invisible

Chronic pain is invisible to all other people, however this doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  The person that is suffering with it knows its very real and sore all the time. most of the time people put on a bright face to try and hide it.

November 13th 2015 - cleaning

As per todays pin "I get more cleaning done b4 someone comes over than all week."  Due to my knee being very sore this week and us altering the kitchen the house was a mess.  however my eldest son had asked if he could have his friend round and stay over for his birthday.

I agreed but this meant non-stop sorting out.  We ordered take away for tea and sat and pigged out on the floor.  the lads then played with lego and on their tablets upstairs.  They were told they had to shut up by midnight or I would be yelling.  i'm not sure what time they shut up and went sleep but i didnt hear them so all was good.