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Showing posts with label mood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mood. Show all posts

Friday, 13 February 2015

February 13th 2015 - QUOTE

February13th 2015 - QUOTE

Todays pin is an inspirational quote that I found on pinterest.  I have added it to my board depression and moods.

I had a good day yesterday for the most part, I was at a meeting in the  evening which went on longer than I thought so I was hungry but never mind.  By the time I got home I had quite a few messages about something that I didn't know was happening and this turned my mood very quickly, however I wasn't feeling down about but very angry!

This event of yesterday that I knew nothing about made me realise that I need to get a grip of my moods and move upwards.  There is no point in moping about things that have happened or that I can't deal with, I need to sort out what I can deal with.  So I have spent today making phonecalls to try and sort yesterdays problem, although I don't have  answers yet and may not for a very long time I have started things in the right direction.

Monday, 9 February 2015

February 9th 2015 - Depression

February 9th 2015 - Depression

Today I had a telephone conversation with a counsellor I was referred to by my GP for Depression.  After going through the answers to the questionaire I was sent and answering her questions she conifrmed I am suffering from depression - well yes luv thats why I was referred to you!!!  Tell me something I don't know!

So this hasn't helped my mood much.  So for todays pin I don't have 1 pin but a whole new board linked to depression. 

There are many factors linked to my depression and low mood, and they stem back over 10years to when my Mum died, add to that 2 years later my Dad dying, move forward a few more years and my Hubby has a serious road accident of which had he been in a car wouldn't be alive today, filter into this lack of money, moving away from my friends and family (don't get me wrong I love where I live now, but I do miss my close friends), then there is the chronic knee pain resulting from twising it 2years ago and surgery almost 1 year ago, plus probably loads of other little things that on their own would be fine but altogether are a big problem.  I have tried to be strong and hide it for too long and it has just got to the point I can't do it any more.  I have spent the past 10years on and off anti-depressants.

I am fed up of not sleeping but being tired all the time, being hungry but not wanting to eat, being in constant pain, having no energy all the time.  The list goes on.

Anyway, hopefully the counsellor I see in person will be more use and come up with ideas to sort me out.

My Gp said I was a negative person as I came up with a reason why I couldn't do what he suggested - errrr no its genuine reasons.  He said "wrap up warm and go for a long walk" - I can't as recovering from knee surgery - some days just walking around the house hurts.  He said "go to the pub for dinner with your Hubby" - I can't as we can't afford to as on benefits.  He said "go to the pub for drinks" - just told you we can't afford to.  He said "go shopping with your lady friends during the day" - errr that involves money that I don't have and most are at work during the day.  He said "visit family" - I can't they are 5hrs down south in a car and I don't drive and can't do it in time for school, so he said "do it at a weekend" - can't afford to as nearly £100 return in fuel.  So yes they maybe negative answers but they are genuine ones and not made up excuses.

Onwards and upwards is the only way.