I have a small purse that is pocket size and great. But I wanted another couple and was struggling to find them online at a sensible price.
So I took out the material box and some old clothes that were going to charity shops with zips in and set about making a new purse.
I have never stitched in zips to things before, so the first of the purses I cheated and used the material that was already around the zip in the trousers and cut and stitched to the size I was after. I over stitched the end of the zip and then coated it in superglue so that it should hold. (green in pic).
For the 2nd purse I half cheated as had a pocket that had been cut from an old pair of jeans, it still had the outer part of the jeans as well as the denim lining so all I had to do was attach the zip. It took 2 attempts to get it in right but it worked.
Now you may be wondering why I would want multiple purses if I already have a good/nice one. Well as i'm off to London in a couple of weeks I don't want to keep all my money in 1 purse together incase it gets stolen. At least if I have a couple of purses I can split my money and where they are on my person = less likely to loose all of it.