Since we moved to our house nearly 2years ago and started working on the garden (which was a jungle) lil man has asked for a fairy garden in part of it. We fenced off a section after we had cleared it and we're looking at ideas to go in it etc. I found many on pinterest and made a whole board linked to it.
As we have seen things fairies, toadstools and such cheap we have bought them. I have also made some small rock houses to go in it. When lil man went on a school trip last year the shop had an ornament seagull that says welcome under it - it was reduced to 50p so lil man bought it with his money - his teacher even asked if he was sure that he wanted that and not a toy like his friends and he was adamant he wanted the seagull for his garden and bought a pencil as well. His teacher explained to us when we picked him up about it and we confirmed he was making a fairy garden.
We also have a statue of a big grey cat in it. This was named phoenix after our big grey cat that sadly got killed a few years ago, he was a lovely cat and very dosile. He was missed by us all so we got the statue.
We still need few more bits to go in it but we have plenty of time for that. I promised lil man that we would have it done by Easter this year, sadly Easter was last weekend BUT I have sorted it today for him.