This morning the weather was really bad, it was cold, wet and really dull and overcast. I thought this was going to stop us going on a family walk, however, after lunch it brightened up and stopped raining so we stuck shoes and coats on and we headed off in the car.
Yes I no I said family walk and we went in the car, but we were heading 10mins up the road to a nature reserve we had found on the net that looked really good. We found the turning in the road and went up it and parked the car in a lay by just down from Harrington Nature Reserve.
First impressions as you walk by the big fenced off area to where the gate is situated is "there's not much water here and it looks like waste land". Not a good start. Before we went through the gate we looked at the map and it looks like there is quite a lot here. We went down the path and onto a bridge and the kids played pooh sticks - they love this simple game!
We followed the path round to the right and the river just stops as it goes under the road, so we followed the very wet and muddy path round a piece of grassland and came back to the main "rezzer" which again had very little water in it, only a few ducks and lots of dead trees and plants and rubbish! I don't mean drink bottles and crisp packets but tires and road cones and broken things.
Sadly this walk was a big disappointment to us as the Harrington Nature Reserve website makes it look so much better than it actually is. I would like to think that it is in the process of being tidied up the fact trees have been cut etc, it is a great site and has the potential to be a very nice place to visit.
Here are a few pics that I did take there.
After we left here we headed 2mins up the road to the Salterbeck "rezzer" which again didn't have much so we took a short walk up to the sea - most of the cliff top didn't seem very safe and you could see where a lot of it had collapsed down to the beach. I'm not sure if it used to be a coal pit/mine or something else but it was definately buildings of some sort.
We nipped to Harrington Marina on the way home and some of the waves were huge, not as big as I have seen but big considering its not very strong winds.
The kids did enjoy being out of the house for a bit, just a shame the initial place we went wasn't as good as it looks on the net. But never mind.