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Showing posts with label i-pad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label i-pad. Show all posts

Monday, 23 February 2015

February 23rd 2015 - Hill Climb game

February 23rd 2015 - Hill Climb game

Back last August we got our youngest son a cheap tablet as his main present hadn't turned up, he loves it and plays on it most days and will tell anyone that asks (or listens) that he has an "i-pad".  He has a variety of games on it - some that he asked for and others that we thought he would like.  Hill Climb is one we thought he would like.

Upon reading the blurby bit on google play store it says QUOTE "Meet Newton Bill, the young aspiring uphill racer. He is about to embark on a journey that takes him to where no ride has ever been before. With little respect to the laws of physics, Newton Bill will not rest until he has conquered the highest hills up on the moon!  Face the challenges of unique hill climbing environments with many different cars. Gain bonuses from daring tricks and collect coins to upgrade your car and reach even higher distances. Watch out though - Bill's stout neck is not what it used to be when he was a kid!".  Sounds ok and the sort of thing a 5year old would enjoy playing.  And I was correct, he loves it.

It's a challenge for him to get to the next meter distance and collect as many coins as he can and he can upgrade the different vehicles and buy different scenes to try and complete.  A lovely game for him to play.  That was until the other day when he's sat by me playing it and declares "i've just broke his neck it went with a crack, did you hear it Mummy?"  ME - "errr no I didn't."  SON "i'll do it again listen!".  So he repeats the level and crashes the vehicle on purpose and yes there is a lovely crack as his head flops back and forth and the level ends.  NOTE HERE the line from above - "Bill's stout neck is not what it used to be when he was a kid!"   It doesn't say that you can hear it break, nice!!!

Well I downloaded the game to my laptop to see if it was every level or just a one off and it happens every time you crash the vehicle.  Plus if you have a bus full of people theirs all do the same!

Despite this lovely breaking of peoples necks complete with sound, the game is actually very adictive and fun.  As I put above you can get different vehicles and levels to race.  You need to collect coins from the levels in order to upgrade the vehicles and buy new levels.  My personal favourite is the quad bike in the cave and I have got a long distance with this combination.  My son loves santa's sleigh on any level.  The graphics are pretty cool but basic and change as you move along.  Each level is the same thing to get as far as you can without dying or running out of fuel (you pick this up along the way).  You can quite easily waste a good few hours playing this game once you get over the shock of the broken necks.

As long as your not bothered about the gruesome cracking and breaking of necks its a great game and suitable for all ages.  Me and my son were "racing" each other to see who could get the furthest, he was on his tablet and me on my laptop.  We also had played to see who could get the most money and buy a new level.   I would reccommend this game to my friends with children.