July 10th 2015 - Happy
Today has been a good day for a few reasons and this PIN (see below) fits really well.

1. The counsellor I have been seeing for a few months linked to my depression feels that it is time she discharged me, as she feels my depression levels have improved. This is good and I hope the feeling stays, but I do know that come November I will go down again as I am worse in the winter months and its Mum & Dads anniversary approaching.
2. I went to check my tesco vouchers online to see how many I had and enough it was enough to change up for a ticket to theme park - well I was shocked (in a good way) as I had over £20 in vouchers unused. So I changed some of them for a theme park ticket, ready for sons birthday in August. This has reduced the cost as now only need buy a family of 4 ticket in couple of weeks.
3. My tumble dryer is chucking out money! When I took the clothes out there was a £1 and 1p coin in the bottom of it. Not sure where they came from as I checked pockets before I put clothes in washing machine.
All in all a good day.