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Wednesday, 24 February 2016

February 24th 2016 - Harry Potter Party - Part 3 - games/activities

As per my previous post about Halloween preparation for the Harry Potter Party (HP) I am hosting this year for Halloween here is part three - games/activities for Harry Potter.  I shall add to this as and when I find new ideas/possiblilites for the night that are linked to Harry Potter, witches/Wizards etc.


*Make wands for the guests - this could be done before the party or as an activity for them to do (depending on their ages and the time you have).  There are many different ways to actually make them - paper rolled and glued, paper marche, chop sticks, bamboo squewers, tree sticks.  You can use hot glue to make patterns on them, glue beads to them, rice and pasta etc.  Then you can paint them (acrylic is best) or even use nail varnish/polish.

*Wand Sorting - In HP the wand selects its owner, therefore if you are not making at the party you can use this activity.  Place all the made wands on a table/chair/surface etc and blindfold the guests 1 at a time.  Let them run their hands over the wands and they pick the 1 they "like".  Then I would tie a small label to it so you know whose is whose. (HP)

*Sorting hat - Have a proper "sorting hat" and get guests to put it on.  Using a dice with the HP houses on and each guest rolls it and then get an ID badge for that house.  OR using the sorting hat and clips from the sorting process in HP films place hat on head, play a clip and thats their house.

*Colouring pages linked to Halloween/Harry Potter etc

* Potions class - find ways to make simple potions for them to make (outdoors be better). (HP)

*pinata with gifts inside

*Quiz - this could be on any theme but best  linked to the party.  You can make the questions age dependent.  (HP)

*Photo booth/props - linked to theme but could be used as an extra gift to take home.


*Pass the pumpkin/skull/hat etc - buy a cheap, small platic pumpkin, skull, hat and fill with sweets.  The game is played in the way of "pass the parcel" as in you pass the object round when the music plays and "do something" when it stops.  However, instead of unwrapping a parcel you take a sweet out of the object.  We go round at least once so that everyone gets at least one sweet.  Then once everyone has had a turn the last go the player who it stops on gets to take the whole object of sweets home.

*Pin the eyeball on the monster - pre-make or buy a monster image that's quite large and some eyeball stickers.  Each player has an eyeball with their name on and they get blindfolded, spun around and pointed towards the monster.  They need to place their eye on the image where they think it should be.  The winner is the person who gets closet to the eye.

*Pin the sock on dobby/scar on Harry - pre make or buy an image of dobby or Harry.  Depending on which you use you will need sock stickers for dobby or scars for Harry that have space to write names on.   They get blindfolded, spun around and pointed towards the image.  They need to place their sticker on the image where they think it should be.  The winner is the person who gets closet to the sock or scar. (HP)

*Bob for apples - using a big bucket filled with water place the apples in it and the guests must use only their mouth to retrieve an apple.

*Spider egg burst - Place sweets and confetti inside black balloons and inflate them and tie off.  Place on floor.  The guests need to burst the spider eggs to get the goodies, they can only do this by bouncing on them on their bottoms.

*Crystal Ball Fortunes - Using silver or white balloons place in sweets, confetti and a pre-written fortune, inflate and tie off the balloons.  In order to get their fortunes the guests need to burst the "crystals" y bouncing on them on their bottoms. (HP)

*Mummy Wrapping - working in pairs with a couple of toilet rolls (cheap ones).  On go they need to start wrapping their partner to look like a mummy.  Faces MUST be kept clear so that they can breathe.  The pair that get 1 of them wrapped the quickest wins.  You can make this harder by then saying they need to unwrap the mummy and using the same toilet roll the mummy then wraps their partner who wrapped them.  This is hard as the toilet roll usually gets ripped off the mummy.

*Guess the number of beans - Fill a jar with jelly beans an make a note of how many are in it.  Guests then write down their names and how many beans they think are in it.  The person with the correct guess (or closest if not exact) wins the jar of beans to take home.  (HP)

*Guess the flavour of the beans - You need a pre-printed sheet with numbers down 1 side and space to write their flavour.  You also need the same of amount of jelly beans in the same flavours for each guest (could be expensive if you have lots coming).  You also need to know what each flavour is so 1 = pineapple, 2 = vomit etc).  Pre-sort them into tubs rto make easier,  Give each guest 1 bean at a time and ask them to write down what they think its flavour is.  Repeat for all beans.  The person who gets the most flavours right wins a prize. (HP)

*Wingardium Leviosa - Give each guest a balloon and their wand and tell them on go they have to say "winguardium leviosa" and using only their wand keep the balloon afloat.  if they use anything else eg hand they are out and if it hits the floor they are out. Winner is last person with a balloon afloat. (HP)

*4 corners game - label each corner with a different halloween object or HP house.  Guests stand in the middle of the room and on go they choose a corner each.  A selected person then calls out one of the corner names and anyone in that corner is out.  The guests then choose another one and again one is called out and anyone there is out.  winner is last person in game.  (HP)

*Name the muggle - there are lots of muggles, squibs and half bloods in HP.  Print out pictures of them and the guests must write down who they think it is.  The winner is guest who got the most correct. (HP)

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