Today is another week of the family learning at the school. We were talking about stories and making them up and how you can come up with a story just from looking at 1 picture or from 1 line that is already written down.
We mad jigsaw pieces about ourselves to go on a display board on the wall, similar to this -
I forgot to take a picture of it but will do next week. My puzzle piece I covered it in purple tissue paper, I added my name down the side in black letters, a big pink pig in the middle as I collect pigs and have liked them since I was a toddler, a gold ring with a silver glitter diamond, a rose and some stars. I was going to put a green cross for first aid on it but you couldn't really tell what the cross was for.
When the children came to join us for their part they all headed for the biscuits staright away, I do wonder if this is why they are coming along to it! lol! Once I had managed to collect my 2 boys from the snacks I explained to them what they were going to be doing. There was 2 parts to their work - the first was to make a simple book from a piece of A4 paper by folding it and then cutting and re folding it (see the book link above to pinterest). The second part was to colour or stick things onto a paper person that will be the character in their mini book.
Blake decided that his person was going to be a zoo keeper called Blake and he gave him zebra print trousers, a giraffe print top and red hair (see below). And Kenzie made a boy with silver spiley hair and named him spike (see below). They were then laminated, had a hole put on the top and a piece of string threaded through and were selotaped to the middle of the book so that the character can visit every page in their mini books. They have got to finish them next week.

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