I want to tell you all about my brand new business venture that i have become involved with.

I asked many questions about the products before i ordered as i wanted to make sure that i wouldn't react and if i did what did i do. I was assured that all products are natural and not tested on animals, the company research the best things to go in the products. So far i haven't reacted to any of the products i have used.
The person i was buying from suggested that i take the plunge and become a partner myself. I was a bit hesitant about doing it, i went along to an online information event and the guy who was doing it i sort of know - i worked for his parents 20years ago, and that kind of gave me the shove i needed to start.

Oriflame sells many products and has something for everyone - fragrances for him and her, products
that can be used by anyone - the spot stuff is great
for teenagers and they do products upto anti-wrikle creams (i've not tried those). They sell suncream, bubble bath and shower gel, vitamins and minerals, make-up and accessories. There is a new catalogue every 4weeks, which have many offers inside (which change each month), and there are more products available online. My online store can be found here and my facebook group can be found here. I share posts and offers and stuff in the facenbook group and i am more than happy to answer questions relating to products or the company.
I'm really excited to be starting out on this journey and the best part of it is that it's work from home and i can sit in my pjs and post about the products and offers.